发布时间:2021-12-16 03:24:27 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

【可以无限公司】试图让咖啡更好地融入进日常,以铝制罐装咖啡的形式,让咖啡变得“随时随地,唾手可得”。当咖啡成为一种生活方式,“CAN COFFEE”更是成为上海街头巷尾的日常。

In order to make coffee available at anytime and anywhere, Indefinite Company is trying to integrate coffee into daily life in the form of aluminum cans. When COFFEE has become a way of life, “CAN COFFEE” has become a daily occurrence in the streets and lanes of Shanghai.

▼正面门头, Facade © MAS


Commissioned by Indefinite Company, MAS is ready to do space design at No.247 Yanping Road, Shanghai. As we defined the space as “expressing in a convenient, inclusive, familiar and futuristic way”, the concept of the future convenience store in the community began to be born at the right moment.

▼店&街区, Shop & Street © MAS


In the old blocks of Yanping Road, there are some old Shanghai-lander who have lived for decades, as well as many young people. In such a fashionable and inclusive area, people come to realize the resonance of their lives. Aiming to build a pet-friendly public space as well as a social space for neighborhood, we opened the shop entrance to blend with the street. By virtue of blurring the boundary between inside and outside, we build a connection between coffee and the community.

▼门头近景,closer view of the storefront © MAS


Under the current focus on the reuse and sustainability, we have a dialogue between new language and old language, which means that we embrace cold metal as well as accept time’s pass. The combination between the old and the new represents a friendly meeting of the present and the future.

▼外开公共空间, Exterior Public Space © MAS

▼门头细部, detail of the door ornaments © MAS

室内空间的处理,运用宏观的体块堆叠分析,区分出三大功能区域。快节奏是城市的代名词,而CAN COFFEE挖掘出年轻人的“即刻感”。罐装咖啡让来往顾客,像在便利店快速选购一罐可乐一般省略过多思考。入口右侧,我们将咖啡制作吧台对外展开,方便外带顾客与外卖骑手快速取餐,与店内客户做区分,互不干扰。

▼体块分析图解,Analysis Diagram of Blocks © MAS

As for the design of the interior space, macro volume stack analysis is used to distinguish three functional areas. Nowadays, fast pace is synonymous with cities, and CAN COFFEE can tap into the immediacy of young people. Further, CAN COFFEE provides customers convenience to pick up a coffee without too much thinking, just like choosing a can of Coke at a convenience store. On the right side of the entrance, we spread out the coffee-making bar to facilitate take-out customers and take-out riders to quickly pick up their meals on the one hand, and distinguish them from customers in the store without interfering with each other on the other.

▼入口第一视角,First View Of The Entrance © MAS

▼吧台,Bar © MAS


The corridors between the front and back areas naturally transit the squeeze between the space blocks, forming a “lane” form between the community buildings. Material collision in this space has achieved intimate state. In such a “city lane”, customers can feel familiar with the sense of market. Taking inspiration from the ticket machine at the convenience store, the designer makes the taking-order machine the focus of the overall space design, and disassembles and reassembles the old bill printer to expose the internal working structure of the machine to return to the original state of the machine. Therefore, the trap of consumerism occurs. People shuttling in the city return to their most natural living state.

▼过道“弄堂”, Corridor © MAS

▼点单装置, Ordering Device © MAS


Inspired by the convex mirror in the convenience store, we decorate the space with mirrors to present the psychedelic romantic atmosphere while providing customers with props to take photos.

▼后场与装置圆镜,the convex mirror in the convenience store © MAS


We deconstructed the vending machine in our daily life and turned it into an installation design in the space, which directly exposes the internal box structure and expresses the most original functional unit of the selling cargo plane. Inside the box, a new material is tried. The folding aluminum alloy sheet is illuminated with light and shadow, which bring out the best in each other.In order to provide customers an environment to explore more at their coffee journey, the designer customizes the steel tables and chairs according to the unified atmosphere.

▼静态装置, Static Device © MAS

▼定制不锈钢座椅细节, Details Of Custom Stainless Steel Seats © MAS

▼材质对比, Material Comparison © MAS

▼灌装咖啡产品, Canned Coffee Products © MAS

▼平面图, Plan © MAS

▼剖面图,section © MAS

▼剖面轴测图,Section Axonometric Drawing © MAS

项目名称:上海CAN COMPANY Coffee 项目地址:中国上海 空间及装置设计:MAS芒果建筑设计 主创设计:樊想 设计师:王佳鹏、赵紫薇 竣工日期:2021年11月 建筑面积:36㎡ 施工制作:黑巢装饰 标识制作:长道广告 灯光设计:荣熙照明 摄影:郭靖 主要材料:不锈钢、涂料、水洗石

Project Name: CAN COFFEE Coffee.SHANGHAI Project Address: shanghai, China Interior Installation Design: MAS Chief Designer: Jason Fan Designer: Pink Wang、VIVI Zhao Project Schedule: 2021.11 Project Area: 36㎡ Key materials: Stainless Steel,Stone materials,Terrazzo Construction Team: Black Nest Space Design,Aomei Metal Lighting: Rongxi Lighting Photography: Jing Guo



上海CAN COMPANY Coffee / MAS芒果建筑设计
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