正如种植树木需要良好的土壤,文化发展亦需要城市集体回忆作其稳固的基础。Growing Up引用香港各种日常元素,把它们培植成为属于西九文化区的一部份。
Just as the process of growing trees requires good soil, the process of growing culture requires a strong foundation of collective memories of the city. Growing Up captures everyday elements fundamental to Hong Kong, embedding and cultivating them within the fabric of a soon-to-be major arts and cultural centre.
▼鸟瞰图,aerial view
A large sloped roof is supported by a series of timber columns that, like the seedlings in the adjacent nursery park, grow from an intimate human scale to the harbour scale. A stepped landscape below, reminiscent of the city’s hilly topography, provides both seating and stage for different activities.
▼展亭外观,exterior view
New Office Works事务所联合创始人丁慧中女士表示:“设计的过程就像是在练习如何近距离地观察我们周围的事物,以及如何为构成城市的不同元素赋予意义——台阶、人行道、屋顶阻挡雨水的方式,抑或是一棵棕榈树。”
“The design process was really an exercise in close observation of things around us, and how to lend significance to various elements that comprise the city – steps, walkways, the way different roofs shed rainwater, palm trees,” said Ms Evelyn Ting, Co-founder of New Office Works.
▼模型剖面,model section
▼挡雨屋顶,way of shedding rainwater
Despite its simple volume, each angle of the pavilion reveals a different sense of porosity, materiality, and scale. The north and south elevations are characterized by transparency, the surrounding trees a seamless backdrop between the pavilion’s slender columns. However, as one moves around and the columns overlap in perspective, the pavilion edge becomes more solid and frames the waterfront view.
▼幼细的木柱子和周围的树木浑然一体,the surrounding trees a seamless backdrop between the pavilion’s slender columns
▼楼梯和走廊,the steps and the corridor
▼两侧透明的立面,the transparent facades
▼另一面,重叠的柱子将海景框起,seen from the other side, the columns overlap in perspective which frames the waterfront view
▼屋顶细部,roof detail
The pavilion appears the most dense from the east, the structure of the steps forming an intricate screen to accentuate the transition from park to waterfront. In contrast, an open gathering space and distinct profile emerges from the harbour.
▼台阶下面的结构形成了一面精巧屏风,the structure of the steps forming an intricate screen to accentuate the transition from park to waterfront
▼屏风与水景元素,screen and water elements
▼结构细部,detailed view of the structure
▼夜景,night view
▼建造过程,construction phase
▼设计示意,design analysis
▼场地平面图,site plan
▼平面图,floor plan