发布时间:2022-01-24 21:21:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

▼项目视频,Project video ©UAD

01 引言 Background


▼项目外观,九宫格魔方,External view of the project with a 3×3 cube ©赵强

The project is one of the early built constructions in Hangzhou Xiaoshan Innovation Polis, which sits on the south bank of Qiantang River. It was built in the context that Xiaoshan Innovation Polis was identified asa key node for Hangzhou’s river-centered development strategy, Qianjiang Century City began to take shapeand theAirport Economic Demonstration Zone was just approved. The client urgently hoped to create an architectural landmark for Xiaoshan Innovation Polisand inject vitality into the wider new urban area, with high expectations for the theme, image and iconicity of the building. Meanwhile, as the Internet celebrity economy is rising, the main challenge for the projectwas how to create an iconic, lively and instagrammable building under the height limit.

▼萧山花边的地方文化植入到变幻的魔方体量,并结合通高中庭,打造活力、绿色的办公建筑 Local lacework handicraft elementsare added to the cubic volume, creating a dynamic, green office building together with the full-height atrium ©UAD

02 立意与形象 Theme & image


To cater to the needs of young innovators, researchers and entrepreneursin Xiaoshan Innovation Polis, the design adopts the concept “Cube”, which signifies the infinite possibilities of entrepreneurship and scientific research and the vitality of youths. With staggered elegant cubic volumes andartificial lighting at night, thebuildingpresents a futuristic, instagrammable image throughout the day at the side of the Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway, hence becoming aniconic landmarkthat representsXiaoshan Innovation Polis.

▼悬浮的魔方,城市主干道侧的网红,Floating cube, the iconic landmark beside urban trunk road ©赵强

▼标志性的九宫格,Iconic 3×3 grid ©赵强

▼建筑另一侧的立面,Facade of the building from another side ©赵强


The facades of the tower take design cues from the “3×3 grid”, and draws on local traditional “lacework” handicrafts to formunique exterior patterns, which embody the inheritance of local culture. Besides, the design also focuses on the integrity of the fifth facade to form a unifiedbuilding image.

▼考究的第五立面,The elaborately-crafted fifth facade ©赵强

▼丰富的沿街体量变化,Different volumes change along the street ©赵强

▼堆砌的盒子,Stacked boxes ©赵强

▼九宫格和玻璃幕墙立面的对比,Contrast between the 3×3 cube and the glass curtain wall ©赵强

▼吊顶立面一体化的魔方,Cube with integrated ceiling and facade ©赵强

▼精致的立面细节,Exquisite facade details ©赵强

03 意趣与实用 Playfulness & practicality


The spatial organization also takes”cube” as the motif. Main functions including scientific research, office, entrepreneurship and commercial services are well organized, thus achieving the unity of functionality and form. The commercial spaces of the podium consist of several “cubes”, and the gaps between those”cubes” turn into entrances and exits facing the urban roads.

▼景观与立面的一体化设计,Integrated design of landscape and façade ©赵强


The layout positively echoes with the traditionalspatial pattern of streets and alleys, and forms a straight internalcommercial circulation, making the commercial space organizationmore clear, efficient and coordinated. The staggered volumes of adjoining upper and lower podium volumes naturally form a series of rooftop terraces, open-air spacesandinner atriums, which greatly improve spatial experience, provide more expandedcommercial spaces and create a pleasant commercial atmosphere. The tower adopts a double-layer curtain wall system for playful facade image and great daylighting and ventilation. The curtain wall of the podium uses glass and colorful aluminum panels, and showsa strong futurist feeling and rhythm through the alteration of colors.

▼商业出入口与立面律动相结合,Integration of commercial space entrance and rhythmic facade ©赵强

▼宜人的沿街尺度,Appropriate scaleof street-facing area ©赵强

▼灰黑白的立面肌理,Facade palette of gray, black and white ©赵强

▼商业出入口与立面律动相结合,Integration of commercial space entrance and rhythmic facade ©赵强

▼大气的主入口,The magnificentmain entrance ©赵强

04 自然与节能 Nature and energysaving


The design widely employs energy-saving techniques to create a good interior environment. The workspace of the tower draws inspiration from traditional Hui-style architecture that features an open-air courtyard enclosed by rooms on four sides, hence shaping a full-height atrium with aheight of 80m. Based on the reasonable depth, both workspaceand the core tube embrace good daylighting and ventilation. The operableglass skylight above the entrance foyer enhances the fluidity of air, thereby greatly improving the internal micro environment.

▼中央内庭,Central atrium ©赵强

▼室内中庭,Interior atrium ©赵强

05 结语 Conclusion


Since completion, the “Cube” has gained wide praisefor the excellent combination of theme and form, playfulness and practicality, nature and energysaving, and meanwhile received attention and hits onmany video media platforms such as Yangshipin.It will grow together with Xiaoshan Innovation Polis,and witness the glorious chapter of urban construction on the south bank of Qiantang River in the Asian Games era.

▼夜幕降临下的变幻魔方,Varying cube at dusk ©赵强

▼夜景,Night view ©赵强

▼项目总平面图,Master plan ©UAD

▼平面图,以方为母题,由内而外,形成设计逻辑 Plan, taking “cube” as the motif as well ©UAD

▼剖面图,80米通高中庭,改善办公内环境 Section, full-height atrium (80m) enhances interior working environment ©UAD


萧山科技城创业谷,杭州 / 浙江大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
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