发布时间:2021-10-20 20:04:30 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Shanghai SVW Technical Center designed by HPP is officially open in August, pioneering the development of Anting International Automobile City in Jiading New Town into a global automobile manufacturing area. In 2018, HPP won the competition to design SVW Technical Center, one of the most significant projects in Anting International Automobile City. To match the image of SVW as one of the leading automobile companies in China, HPP uses the design concept of “Enterprise Gate” for SVW Technical Center. The architecture is comprised of two towers, connecting each other at the top and sitting on the south and north sides respectively. One side of each tower is rotated to maximize the view, embodying a sense of uniqueness to the shape of this office building.

▼晴空下的上汽大众技术中心,Aerial View of SVW Technical Center © 章勇


▼设计生成,Generation Diagram © HPP

The 12-floor office building rises to 60 meters with a total construction area of 41,900 square meters. The grand stairs on the east and west sides directly lead to the main entrance on the 2nd floor. The building integrates office, leisure, canteen, creative center, and other functions, where the canteen on the 1st floor has an independent entrance and the office area is set from 2nd floor to 11th floor. The top floor is VR Automobile Exhibition Room and Creative Center, overlooking the entire campus. The sides facing factories and rivers are more open, echoing landscapes nearby. The cable-net glass facade reveals a clear reflection on the water surface; the still architecture integrates into the surroundings with a gentle and delicate look.

▼与周边环境融为一体的建筑,Architecture Integrated into the Surroundings © 章勇

▼以“企业门户”形象为主体的办公大楼 © 章勇 Built with the Design Concept of “Enterprise Gate”

▼入口大台阶放置的木凳可供休憩 © 章勇 Grand Stairs with Wooden Benches


In the initial project plan, the space between the two towers is outdoor space, linked by four sky bridges, set on the 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th floor. It ensures smooth communications among different departments. To cater the client’s request for changing the outdoor space between the two towers into an enclosed space, two huge cable-net glass facades are added, forming a 9-floor high-rise atrium. After entering the building, the high-rise atrium brings a refreshing space experience to the visitors with a sense of formalness.

▼空中廊桥,Sky Bridges © 章勇

▼九层挑空中庭,9-Floor High-Rise Atrium © 章勇

该玻璃幕墙为横向主索和纵向辅索正交的索网体系, 1.500 x 1.125米的超白双夹胶中空钢化玻璃顺次嵌入网格抓点。两侧玻璃幕墙的设置,可遮蔽雨水与炙热的阳光,调节室内温度,降低建筑能耗,更为经济环保。相较框架式玻璃幕墙,索网玻璃幕墙更为细腻轻盈,此外,为了保证幕墙的安全性,亦在技术层面对设计公司提出了更高的要求。HPP还在幕墙上精心设计了金属排水系统,有别于传统向外散排的模式,设计反坡,向内收集雨水,再经窗台两侧落水管排至地面,从而最大限度减少雨污流挂,确保外立面干净明亮。

▼左:结构示意,右:玻璃幕墙排水系统,Left: Structure, Right: Metal Drainage Systems on the Glass Facades © HPP

The cable-net glass facade of the high-rise atrium space is supported by an orthogonal system, which consists of main horizontal cables and supplementary vertical cables. Super white double laminated armored glass with a size of 1.500 x 1.125M is embedded into the system, shielding the building from rainwater and sunlight. Being environmentally friendly and economically efficient, it can adjust the indoor temperature and reduce energy consumption. Moreover, the cable-net glass facade system is also lighter and more graceful than steel-supported glass facades. A higher technical standard is also required to ensure the safety level of the architecture. HPP also meticulously designs the metal drainage system on the glass facade, which differs from the decentralized traditional system by draining off the water outwards. Instead, rainwater is collected by an oblique plane inwards and drained to the ground through downpipes on both sides of windowsills. It minimizes the rainwater stains on the glass and ensures the brilliancy and cleanliness of the facades.

▼充满秩序感的外立面,Ordered and Scupturesque Facades © 章勇

▼索网玻璃幕墙,Cable-Net Glass Facades © 章勇

▼幕墙细部,Detail © 章勇


Designed from users’ perspectives, the internal spaces have free spatial compositions, multi-function combinations and natural colorations. The office building is divided into Concentration Area and Research Area. Based on the characteristics of different areas, a tea room and a creative space are added to respective spaces, enhancing domestic comforts of the office environment. Moreover, the color system used in the office area is light grey and brown with a sense of calmness. In the flexible working area, however, bright colors such as orange, green and blue are used to enrich the space, providing a lively spatial experience.

▼入口接待处,Reception at the Entrance © 章勇

▼多元的办公空间,Flexible Office Spaces © 章勇


HPP creates “Enterprise Gate” for SVW, which not only embodies the leading position of SVW in the Chinese automobile market but also promotes the development of Anting International Automobile City and the industrial upgrading of SVW automobile chains in the future.

▼傍晚远眺上汽大众技术中心,SVW Technical Center at Dusk © 章勇

▼总平面图,Masterplan © HPP

▼一层平面图,Plan F1 © HPP

▼二层平面图,Plan F2 © HPP

▼十二层平面图,Plan F12 © HPP

▼标准层平面图,Plan Standard Floor © HPP

▼东立面,Elevation East © HPP

▼南立面,Elevation South © HPP

▼剖面图AA,Section AA © HPP

▼剖面图BB,Section BB © HPP



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