This is a reconstruction project for TEDA NO.1 Secondary School. As the only municipal key school in Teda, TEDA NO.1 Secondary School accomo-dates seven grades, from Grade 6 to Grade 12. Along with the continual development, an enlarged accommodation is required: the number of the classes in the school will be increased from 46 to 62.
▼学校入口,the entrance
The school’s layout was messy and each function space was isolated. Children had to walk a long way to reach the canteen, gymnasium and library, etc. We believe that public space is the spirit for educational architecture. So we try to use a unified design approach to integrate all those functional spaces, strengthening the connection among different spaces as well as creating an active public space which could serve all the teachers and students.
using a unified design approach to integrate all those functional spaces
颠覆传统的校园公共空间——“麻花辫”Anti-traditional campus’s public space – “braids”如果用人体来比喻一所学校的话,那么“学生”或者说是“学生活动的空间”将是泰达一中的“脊柱”。脊柱是是人体最重要的承重结构,同时具有优美的体态和组合方式。我们用一条高效率的公共走廊串联不同的功能空间,创造了各区域之间的最短路线。这条连廊就像是建筑的脊柱,成为泰达一中最核心的交通空间。
If a school is likened to a person, the “students” or the “space for the students” will be the “spine”, which is not only the most important structure in the body but also shows a graceful posture as well as methods of combination. By using an efficient public corridor, we create shortcuts that linking various functional spaces of the building. Corridor is like the building’s “spine”, becoming the centered traffic space in the building.
▼建筑主入口,the main entrance
Through studying the 3 dimensional space, we’d like layers of dislocated open spaces rather than traditional 3m-wide corridors and making the corridors in 5 different levels intervolve like ‘Braids’. The flexible form breaks the boring traditional structure of wall and staircase system, and the marked red line activates the atmosphere, creating strong spatial orientation. This corridor runs through the schoolyard, creating a series of open and flexible public spaces. Here, children could obtain ways of walking experience, which are fundamentally different from the ordinary school experiences.
▼交通空间层层错动,the layered circulation spaces
▼醒目的红色线条活跃了空间氛围,the marked red line activates the atmosphere
▼风雨操场,the playground
颠覆传统的校园立面造型——幕墙系统Anti-traditional facade style of teaching buildings – “curtain wall sys-tem”在外檐设计上,我们摒弃了传统校园常见的红砖建筑,采用暖黄色石材构件搭配玻璃幕墙,在外观上形成了充满现代感的立面语言,创造了更符合泰达一中国际化建校目标的现代建筑风格。
For the elevations design, we choose warm yellow stone with glass curtain wall, rather than red bricks for traditional school facade, trying to creating a distinctive modern facade appearance for the children.
▼充满现代感的立面语言,a distinctive modern facade appearance
For the regions of the classroom building where lighting is required, vertical stone strips are used; for the art building that has harsh requirements for the lighting environment, decorated horizontal stone strips and stone curtain walls are used. Vertical and horizontal decorative lines comprise a clear and rhythmic facade, corresponding to different architectural features, makes this project an iconic example in the new era.
▼在对于光环境有苛刻要求的艺体楼部分采用了横向石材装饰线条,for the art building that has harsh requirements for the lighting environment, decorated horizontal stone strips and stone curtain walls are used
▼石材幕墙细部,stone curtain walls
▼在更需要采光的教学楼部分采用了均匀划分的竖向石材装饰线条,for the regions of the classroom building where lighting is required, vertical stone strips are used
▼鲜明而有韵律感的立面形式,a clear and rhythmic facade
▼水平构件细部/垂直构件细部,horizental line detail/vertical line detail
▼楼梯剖面,section of the stairs
▼总平面图,master plan
▼一层平面图,the first floor plan
二层平面图,the second floor plan
三层平面图,the third floor plan
Project name: Tianjin Teda School
Architect’ Firm: schneider+schumacher
Lead Architects: Michael Schumacher
Collaborators: Tianjin Architecture Design Institute
Project location: Tianjin, China
Completion Year: 2017
总建筑面积:62500 m2
Gross Built Area : 62500m2
Photo credits: arch-exist