发布时间:2019-08-11 20:41:30 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

基地位于长江与吴淞江交汇处,东入东海。自明清以来就是中国东海的海防与江防要塞,如今成为国际邮轮客运的交通集散枢纽。根据对 2020年吴淞口国际邮轮码头的邮轮旅客吞吐量和邮轮靠泊艘次的预测,本项目在原有两个泊位的基础上再新建 两个大型邮轮泊位。完成后三座客运楼总建筑面积达到近8万平方米,基本可以满足四船3.8万人次/日旅客的出入境需求。

▼整体鸟瞰图,aerial view

The site is located in the Yangtze river and Wusong river interchange. Since Ming and qing dynasties, it has been the military fortress in the east China sea, but now it has become the transportation hub of international cruise passenger transport. Based on the prediction of the cruise passenger throughput and berthing times of wusong mouth international cruise terminal in 2020, this project builds two new large-scale cruise berths on the basis of the original two berths. After completion, the total construction area of the three passenger buildings will reach nearly 80,000㎡, which can basically meet the exit and entry requirements of the four ships with 38,000 passengers per day.

▼总平面图,master plan

▼平面图,site plan


▼场地原貌,the existing situation

Before our intervention in the project, the hydraulic platform and the position of the structural column have been determined, and the structural pile foundation has been basically completed. The width of the hydraulic platform is 80m and there are many irregular joints. The column network of the basic structure is 14m*11m. The limitations of column network, load and structural form pose great challenges to the functional organization and spatial construction of the project. We try to provide a pleasant cruise and sightseeing experience for tourists quietly through clever process, spatial organization and precise and reasonable construction under such harsh conditions.

▼既有基础与新建客运大楼关系,the relationship between the existing platform and the new building

▼生成策略,massing strategy


Under the condition that the width of the original hydraulic platform is limited, combined with the existing column network structure, the two ends of the vehicular passage is provided through the stagger movement of the bottom luggage space. The curling shape faces the city and shows the unique architectural image. The big transparent glass interface is adopted on the side facing the river, providing the internal passengers with an open view of the water landscape.

▼整体鸟瞰,project overview


Blue sky and clear water coexist with the cruise terminal. How to coexist with the original natural scenery and high industrial civilization has become the starting point of the design. We were trying to capture the connection between the two, to bring the new terminal building into the context of the place. It not only reflects the echo of the city, but also should be in awe of the surrounding nature. With this intention, the earliest image of “Mirage & Picture scroll on the sea” was put forward. “Mirage” :the building is an appropriate intervention that responds to the needs of the city and blends into the background of nature. ” Picture scroll on the sea”:through the light posture, permeating interface and quietly elegant tone to present this image, let the building become a part of Wusong scenery.

▼连桥上望向上游客运楼,view to the terminal building from the bridge

▼炮台湾公园望向邮轮港,view to the cruise port from the Fort Bay Park


▼客运楼与邮轮尺度对比,the contrastive scale of the terminal building and the cruise

The passenger terminal building of the cruise port, as a large transportation hub for connecting tourists, has a city function close to that of the airport. However, the scale of the building is quite different from that of the objects used. Take Ocean Quantum Cruise for example, it is 348 meters long and can accommodate 4,180 passengers, with 11 floors above the deck. There is a great visual contrast between the cruise and the building. In a way, the terminal is just a transitional space into one of the foyers of the cruise ship. Considering that under the suppression of such a large background, the terminal building itself should be presented with a concise gestalt, so as to avoid being suppressed by the grand background. Therefore, the architectural form takes the pure geometric prototype as the intention, and shapes the form through the curved torsion of the skin under the complete form. The overall shape of the building with a fruity sense of geometry and modernity, and the attitude of the old passenger terminal echoed.

▼客运楼简洁的姿态避免了宏大背景的压制,the concise gestalt of the terminal building avoids being suppressed by the grand background

▼鸟瞰上游客运楼,aerial view to the terminal building

▼渔船与邮轮港,fishing-boat and the cruise port


▼剖面透视图,sectional perspective

The main facade of the entrance and exit of the building and the facade facing the river are mainly made of glass curtain wall, which makes the overall vision of the building light and modern, and also provides the tourists with a good view of the sea.

▼客运楼主入口广场,entry square of the terminal building

▼主入口立面,main entrance facade


▼朝岸侧立面,facade facing the river

Construction materials are mainly aluminum and glass curtain wall. The building’s shoreward facade and roof are a combination of glass curtain walls and aluminum skin. The gradual change of the size of the triangle hole forms the pattern of “Shanshui picture scroll”.

▼“画卷”般的立面图案,the pattern of “Shanshui picture scroll”

▼幕墙细部,facade detailed view

▼幕墙构造生成,curtain wall production


The design combines the skin facing the shore with an atrium space on the second and third floors along the river surface, allowing visitors to gain a spatial feel and visual height release between waiting and inspection Spaces by different units. “Shanshui picture scroll” not only creates a unique architectural image. When the light from the south side passes through the holes of different sizes, the whole atrium space is also filled with dancing shadows. Through an open glass curtain wall on the ground floor, visitors can overlook the wetland park and urban landscape in the distance, which allows them to relax mentally and physically.

▼二楼共享边厅,the public hall on the second floor

▼边厅局部,interior detailed view

▼边厅结构秩序,an order of structure

▼港口景色,port landscape


▼二层平面图,second floor plan


项目名称:上海吴淞口国际邮轮母港客运楼 项目地点:上海市宝山区 建筑面积:5.54万平方米 建成时间:2018年 建筑团队:曾群、吴敏、康月、曾毅、方尔青、杨旭、陈磊、熊子超、杨洋、肖丽娜 结构团队:井泉、马昕、李冰 设备团队:谢骏、朱伟昌、谢文黎、黄志东、刘松、尤文捷 建筑摄影:邵峰

Project name: Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Port Passenger Building Location: Baoshan District, Shanghai Size: 55400 sqm Completion: 2018 Architecture Design Team: Zeng Qun, Wu Min, Kang Yue, Zeng Yi, Fang Erqing, Yang Xu, Chen Lei, Xiong Zicaho, Yang Yang, Xiao Lina Structural Design Team: Jing Quan, Ma Xin, Li Bin Electromechanical Design Team:Xie Jun, Zhu Weichang, Xie Wenli, Huang Zhidong, Liu Song, You Wenjie Photographer: Shao Feng


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