发布时间:2023-01-30 11:25:33 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

从彼得·贝伦斯(Peter Behrens)设计的德国通用电气涡轮机厂开始,工业建筑中清晰的建造逻辑和空间秩序,成为现代主义建筑师价值追求的原点。新建筑(Neues Bauen)和现代工业的形式语言相伴发展,功能性和客观性由此成为建筑和城市规划的设计手法和表现方式[1]。


Since the German General Electric turbine factory designed by Peter Behrens, clear construction logic and spatial order embedded within industrial architecture has become the one of the core values of modern architecture.  With the development of Neues Bauen (New Architecture) and modern industry, functionality and objectivity have become a design methodology in the realm of architecture and urban planning.  The aesthetics represented by factories has been repeatedly discussed by architectural historians after the industrial revolution.  Architects were eager to respond to the development of new processes, equipment, technologies and materials associated with industrial revolution.

▼项目概览,overall view of the project

▼园区道路,circulation in the industrial park


Industrial architecture, as an architectural prototype, possess unique qualities – the production process often become the driving design principal in terms of site planning and plan generation of factories, and spaces are usually designed according to the scale of equipment and machines.  However, with the emergence of more and more industrial campuses in recent years, the functions of contemporary industrial architecture have become more diverse – offices, R&D centers, laboratories and transportation docks are integrated into the larger scope of industrial architecture, which makes it no longer a single architectural prototype, but also a collection of different types of architecture. In 2022, Interval Architects completed the Carpoly Industrial Complex project in which the architects attempted to re-examine and understand the design of industrial buildings from the perspective of the industrial landscape and everydayness.

▼总体厂区效果图,rendering of the industrial park


Three Scales


▼三种尺度,three scales

Located in Mingguang City, Anhui Province, the Carpoly Industrial Complex will be the eighth production base of the Carpoly Group which is one of the leading paint manufacturer in China.  The whole master planning strategy of the factory complex follows the production and logistics order.  The complex is divided into two parts with the front-end being R&D center and the back-end being factories.  The R&D center consists of laboratories and offices, supplemented by exhibition showroom, cafeteria, and public spaces while the factory consists of a large production shop, two warehouses and two loading docks.  The design of the project evolved across three scales which are the urban, the equipment and the human scale.  In an attempt to break through the traditional forms and stereotypes of industrial buildings, especially those of petrochemical factories, the project aims to create a spatial order and ambience that is unique, friendly and has local specificity.

▼工厂区域,the factory park


Scale of Urban: Industrial Landscape

1960年法国哲学家居伊·德波(Guy Debord)通过《景观社会(La Société du spectacle)》提出了“景观(spectacle)”的概念,断言“在现代生产条件无所不在的社会,生活本身展现为景观(spectacles)的庞大堆聚。”



In 1960, French philosopher Guy Debord introduced the concept of “spectacle” in his writing “La Société du spectacle”, asserting that “in the modern society where the conditions of production are ubiquitous, life itself appears as the spectacle is a huge accumulation of landscapes.”  The main qualities of landscape are “being seen” and “displaying”.  When it comes to the discourse of industrial landscape, the interface between the industrial complex and the city must be carefully examined.

▼工业景观的塑造,the industrial landscape


To the west of the site is the main city avenue and it naturally makes the west façade of the whole complex the main urban façade and the key interface between the complex and the city.  The R&D center on the south of the complex is composed of several cantilevering volumes that present a positive gesture towards the city and forms a main frontality for the complex.  The huge scale of the warehouses on the west form a dialogue with the R&D center and exhibits the production process to the city.

▼北侧超大体量厂房和南侧的研发中心形成对话关系,the huge scale of the warehouses on the west form a dialogue with the R&D center


The main entrance of the factory complex together with the entrance plaza and lobby of the R&D center formed a spatial sequence that put the manufacture processes as part of the exhibition experience.  The double-height glass façade of the R&D center lobby allows view towards the production shops – putting the daily routineness of the everyday industrial activity into a landscape that blends with the material landscape of the courtyard. As Carpoly is a well-known and leading paint manufacturer in China, colors become an important agent in the design as they represent the company’s product and also corporate identity.  They’ve become another layer of interface that communicates with the city.  The production shop is painted in blue, which is one of their logo color, to imply it has a different functionality from the two adjacent warehouses in grey.  The R&D center, which is mainly in white, uses red and blue as the secondary color to differentiate and imply the two main functions of the building – offices and laboratories.  For instances, the cantilevering office volume on the southwest corner which has a red ceiling and interior walls particularly presents a theatrical effect that extends into the city.

▼嘉宝莉的红蓝色logo和灰色、白色作为主要色调,the production shop is painted in blue, grey and with


Scale of Machine: Production Order


The large and over-scale towering pipes are exposed and placed on the south façade of the production shop.  Their obvious presence allows people to have a view on the production process and creates a particular industrial landscape stating that machines are the crucial occupiers of the production shop.  The machine order presented by these over-scale equipment and pipes created another kind of tectonic order in the complex.

▼巨大、高耸的管道与生产工厂的南侧山墙,Huge, towering pipes and the south gable of the production plant


▼厂区分析图,diagram of the factory

For logistic and efficiency reason, the production areas and the R&D center are separated by a two-lane internal road.  Hovering on top the road is a bridge gallery that perform both as a circulation space connecting the R&D center and the factory, and as an exhibition space that displays the relevant products manufactured by the company.  The bridge gallery is a buffer space that mediates between the scale of human and the scale of machines.  The west-facing solid metal façade faces towards the city and become an interface that exhibit corporate identity while the east-facing wire mesh translucent façade facing the exposed machines allow people to experience and observe the daily operation and production activities of the industrial complex.  The elevated bridge gallery added to the industrial complex an urban form that organically integrates the three scales and various functional zones.

▼货运出入口和停车区域,the west and north façade of the warehouses are the loading docks painted in red


To the west and north façade of the warehouses are the loading docks painted in red which is one of the enterprise’s logo color.  The use of red as color on the interior finishes and flooring of the loading dock contrast with the regular backdrop color (grey) of the warehouse and emphasize its unique functionality.  The loading dock on the west façade particularly formed a strong visual impact and become an essential medium for the display of corporate identity and culture.

▼红色的金属漆涂装室内立面和结构,the interior finishes and flooring of the loading dock is painted in red

▼红色强化了工业建筑常用的金属结构和材料带来的美感,red enhances the beauty of metal structures and materials commonly used in industrial buildings


Scale of Human: Equivocal Spaces


▼研发中心分析图,diagram of the R&D center

In the design of the R&D center, Interval Architects continued the discussion of the concept of equivocal space which they have brought up in their other projects.  In addition to responding to the urban, the R&D center building also responds to pragmatic issues such as work and research, culture, and the daily work routines.  The plan of the building is in a longitudinal spinal form in which a central corridor forms the main public space and connects with five space-volumes that houses office, gallery, laboratories and etc.  In between each space-volume are the spaces for informal communication.  The central corridor is not only a circulation space that connects with other spaces, but also a multi-functional space with various kinds of program scenarios.

▼研发中心外观,exterior view of the R&D center

▼研发中心采用了大面积的玻璃幕墙,the R&D center has a large area of glass facade


Among the five space-volumes, the two on the west side of R&D center are the office areas and galleries.  Office spaces have an exposed concrete interior with red partition walls that form the main urban façade facing towards the city.  The public corridor near the main entrance of the building is widened and form a two-level gallery space together with the lobby.  The first level of the gallery exhibits the enterprise’s corporate culture and product through the display of corporate history, materials used in production, and technology employed while on the 2nd level exhibition space are blended with work space and make daily work routine part of the exhibition.

▼西侧两个体量为办公区,在混凝土灰色和白色的基础上以红色为主色调,the two on the west side of R&D center are the office areas and galleries


the hollowed-out brick wall enclosed the ground floor

▼研发中心庭院,the courtyard


Laboratories occupy the three space-volumes on the west of R&D center.  Interior of laboratories have an exposed concrete finish which intends to perform as a backdrop and make research activities focus of the space.  The laboratories operate at a scale between the human and the machines.  For instance, the public corridor is around 2.7-3m for the efficient transportation of samples and equipment.  The net height of lab is around 5.4m to allow enough clearance for various kind of industrial pipings.

▼入口大厅,entrance hall

▼休息区,leisure area

▼会议室,meeting room


The interior of the labs centered on the concept of “research island”.  On top of each experiment desk is a space-box that integrates lighting, dust clearing, and smoke removal equipment.  The floating service-box together with the experiment desk form an independent “island” where research activities happen around it.  The architectural expression of the functionality of machine and service is meant to form a spatial focus in the lab.  Corporate colors are again used as a design tool to visualize the functionality of piping system – the dust clearing pipes, which is the biggest in scale, are painted in blue to imply its importance and visual existence in space.

▼实验室以“岛”的概念呈现,the labs centered on the concept of “research island”



Beyond Everydayness of Industrial Architecture




We believe that good industrial building is not only about object but also about people.  In the design of the Carpoly Industrial Complex, in contrast to the rationality and order embedded with industrial architecture, we attempt to add to the architecture a humanistic touch and variation. The facade of the 1st level of R&D center is cladded with local grey bricks with different stacking patterns and openings.  The brick wall offers a humanistic touch and scale in contrast to the metallic texture and huge scale of the factories.  The translucent brick skin also formed nine different courtyards in between the five space-volumes.  These courtyards provide outdoor spaces for people to take a break and offer better natural lighting and ventilation for the laboratories.  The courtyards bring to the entire industrial complex a more intimate and humanistic environment and perform as an ambiguous space between the interiors and the public plaza outside the wall.

▼园区夜景,night view of the project

▼研发中心夜景,night view of the R&D center




These courtyards were designed to possess different qualities and thus bring people different atmospheres.  For instance, the brick walls of the west courtyard adjacent to the canteen have a translucent effect that filters the city scenery beyond and create a sense of community and increase the level of comfort while having meals in the canteen.  For the small courts next to the laboratories, the scale is much smaller and together with the plantation they provide a more poetic and tranquil space for lab users to stay and relax. In an effort to redefine what industrial architecture could be, apart from seeing industrial architecture as a series of landscape that depicts the regular and routine manufacture activities, we intend to enrich this layer of landscape and add to the Carpoly Industrial Complex project a sense of humanity and aesthetics.

▼货运仓库夜景,night view of the loading docks

▼总平面图,master plan

▼一层平面图,level 1 plan

▼二层平面图,level 2 plan




[1] 曼哈德·冯·格康. 序言(一)聚焦工业和产业建筑//都市语境下的工业建筑. gmp公共关系和新闻传播部译. 上海: 同济大学出版社, 2017.

[2] 居依·德波:《景观社会》,南京大学出版社2006,3

[3] 张利.工业建筑:一种关于生产效率的美学[J].世界建筑,2020(09):8-9.

[4] 孙兆杰.工业建筑创作中建筑、规划、景观的牵引与支撑[J].世界建筑,2020(09):26-31+133.

















Project data and credits:

Project name: Carpoly Industrial Complex

Project location: Carpoly Industrial Complex, Mingguang City, Anhui Province, CHINA

Project year: 2019-2022

Size: 94005 sqm.

Height: 21.8m

Function: R&D center, Office, Production shop, Warehouse

Structure: Reinforced concrete and Steel structure

Client: Carpoly Chemical Co., Ltd.

Architects (R&D Center): Interval Architects

Architects (Factory façade): Interval Architects

Principal-in-charge (Interval Architects): Oscar KO, Yunduan GU

Project team (Interval Architects):Oscar KO, Yunduan GU, LUO Xun, LI Kairui, WANG Xingyue, GAO Jieli, LIAO Chenyang, YANG Yang, SUN Junxue, YE Changqing, GAO Ziqi, WANG Yixing

Associate design institutes (Construction Documentation for R&D Center): Guangdong Zhenghe Engineering Co. Ltd.

Associate design institutes (Construction Documentation for Factories): Guangdong Zhenghe Engineering Co. Ltd.

Photography: JIN Weiqi, Interval Architects


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