发布时间:2018-05-25 22:17:26 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Yaniv Pardo Architects:2010年12月,一场肆虐卡梅尔森林的大火,共造成了44人死亡,其中有37名以色列监狱服务人员、三名警察、两名消防员、一名志愿加入消防队的高中生和一名民用巴士司机。这座纪念碑将纪念这些为以色列牺牲生命的警察、消防员和勇敢的平民。

Yaniv Pardo Architects: In December 2010, a major fire raged through the Carmel Forests. 44 people were killed in the catastrophe: 37 Israel Prison Services personnel, three Police officers, two Firefighters, one high school student who volunteered in the fire brigade and a civilian bus driver. The monument will commemorate the policemen, the firemen and the courageous civilians who sacrificed their lives for the State of Israel.


The monument that will be erected on the ridge above the bend of the road, on which the Israel Prison Services bus was burnt, will be an architectural/artistic project that will involve minimal ecological intervention and will be made of natural durable materials that hold for generations. The unique site, which will be visible from a distance, will combine natural landscapes and dramatic topography, drawing visitors throughout the year.


The purpose of the project is to turn the site into a place of mourning and contemplation for the victims’ families, survivors and visitors. The idea was to use native stones and steel walls to create a gathering area for visitors – individuals, families and groups – providing space for contemplation and reconciliation with the past and the future.


1. 当人们穿过烧焦的树木和重新生长的绿色植被,看到蜿蜒的壕沟横贯山脊,走在这条道路上也能看到被树木和后面小山隐约遮挡的纪念碑。 2. 耐候钢墙挡墙连接着聚集区。随着森林的生长以及景观的恢复,其颜色也会随着时间的推移逐渐变成红色。 3. 游客在聚集区域回头能够看山,向前能够看到前方的大海和灾难地点。这也是一个非常适合举行追悼会的区域。 4. 聚集区边将有一个由弯曲的耐候钢铁制成的垂直屏雕塑,象征着燃烧的森林(这需要花一代人的时间来恢复)和死者的灵魂。

The suggested plan – “The Red Steel Walls” – will assist families and friends to commemorate the victims while walking through the paths. The trail will consist of four scenes that will turn the site into a place of observation and reflection:

1. The zigzagged moat that cuts the ridge will be seen through the burnt trees and the green re-growth. It will be a part of the path which will allow a view of the monument which will be sheltered by the trees and the hill behind it. 2. The corten steel walls will support the ground and lead to the gathering area. The steel will turn red and its tints will change over time as the forest grows and the landscape revives. 3. The gathering area will enable the visitors to look back at the hill and ahead at the sea and the site of the disaster. The area will be suitable for memorial services. 4. At the edge of the gathering area there will be a vertical screen made of bended corten steel, symbolizing the burn forest (which will require a generation to be restored) and the souls of the deceased.

▼方案手绘图 Sketches


The memorial site will be organized around a bending moat – the broken steel wall will symbolize the natural disaster and the vertical steel leafs will mark the human tragedy. The entrance into the dug-out space will simulate the entry into the fire trap with geometry and materials that reveal a unique, rough and unfamiliar landscape. The moat that will support the rock bottom will emphasize the material’s mass and features. The monument will be a part of a promenade which will enable visitors to discover various spaces and will include bending lines, in the cut as well as in the plan, which change their dimensions. The moat’s interior will be unusual due to its spatial and material geometry – steel and stone – and will embrace the visitors in an underground, isolated world, allowing them to experience a different time and sphere.

▼方案平面图 Master Plan


The expressive moat will create an intimate and secluded space. The “Red Torch” will be divided into fine modules. The vertical screen is finely balanced between the Carmel’s landscape and the trauma it has suffered. The steel walls will sink into the ground and their height will change until they almost vanish at the end of the trail. The corten steel shines by day and night and changes with the seasons. The monument will be charged with the rusty iron of the burnt bus, containing the memory of the destruction and the fire. The monument will constitute a search for the landscape and its re-discovery – the terraces and the greenery – generating a place of commemoration and hope.

▼剖面图 Section


设计:Yaniv Pardo Architects




图像:Studio Bonsai

Program Name: The Carmel Forests Monument

Design: Yaniv Pardo Architects

Client: department of defense

Size: 1000 sqm

Program: Memorial Site

Computer Images: Studio Bonsai


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