We climb a gentle path to get there.
▼项目整体鸟瞰,aerial view of the project ©Fernando Guerra
▼建筑的顶部隆起一个低矮的圆顶,A low dome rises from the centre of the building’s roof ©Fernando Guerra
▼由东北侧鸟瞰建筑,viewing the project from the northeast side ©Fernando Guerra
We are absorbed by silence as we contemplate this endless and ethereal space.
▼项目概览,overall of the project ©Fernando Guerra
Again, here function determines the space. Open and endless.
▼平缓的室外坡道,Gentle outdoor ramp ©Fernando Guerra
▼建筑尺度与人体尺度形成戏剧性的对比,The architectural scale contrasts dramatically with the human scale ©Fernando Guerra
At the centre, the family gathers around the memory of their loved ones.
▼墓园中心,the centre of the building ©Fernando Guerra
▼悼念逝者的纪念性场所,A place of remembrance for the dead ©Fernando Guerra
▼开放的建筑形式使空间无限延伸,The open form of the building allows the space to extend indefinitely ©Fernando Guerra
The space is formed by a ceiling that hangs from columns on which a low dome sits, asserting hierarchy and tradition.
▼由室外看建筑,viewing the project from outside ©Fernando Guerra
▼供人休憩的石制座椅,stone bench for resting ©Fernando Guerra
Timeless, in the contemporary reading of a place of respect, memory and gratitude.
▼震撼人心的混凝土结构,Stunning concrete structure ©Fernando Guerra
▼暴露的混凝土与石材创造出空间,The massiveness of the exposed concrete and the stone create space ©Fernando Guerra
▼建筑细部,detail of the structure ©Fernando Guerra
The massiveness of the exposed concrete and the stone create space and function and open these to the landscape and to infinity.
▼通往后山陵园的楼梯,Stairs leading to the mausoleum on the back hill ©Fernando Guerra
▼楼梯、混凝土墙体与金属门细部,Details of stairs, concrete walls and metal door ©Fernando Guerra
Silence tells stories and evokes Life as it advances through the finiteness of time and space.
▼鸟瞰,bird’s-eye view ©Fernando Guerra
Everything else is intimacy.
▼手绘图,hand-drawing sketches ©Álvaro Siza + Carlos Castanheira
▼总平面图,site plan ©Álvaro Siza + Carlos Castanheira
▼平面图,plan ©Álvaro Siza + Carlos Castanheira
▼剖面图,sections ©Álvaro Siza + Carlos Castanheira
▼构造详图,construction details ©Álvaro Siza + Carlos Castanheira