发布时间:2022-06-20 18:36:42 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Sports hall: an important social function




▼建筑西侧外观,external view of the building from the west

Community sports halls are a somewhat marginalised building type, even though they provide programmes central to local communities and have a specific, rather noble social function. They belong to buildings with largest interiors fit for public gatherings such as fairs, concerts, and, of course, sporting events. They often make part of school building complexes and become functional and symbolic centres of small communities with limited public architecture. Designing a sports hall is therefore an important urban challenge, as it has to resolve the basic contrast between a simple hall and an important public building. This contrast is a common pitfall for investors and designers alike. While the functional requirements for a sports hall can be met with a basic, even prosaic design, such design may miss the opportunity for a large investment such as this to also make a cultural contribution. Besides the urban and symbolic function, sports halls also accommodate important social processes, not only for the youth, for whom they are primarily intended, but also for everyone else. Parents who bring their children and watch them train, for example, often end up meeting and hanging out there. School halls can also provide alternative learning space during breaks with rules different from those children are accustomed to in classrooms or in everyday urban or rural communities.

external view of the building from the east

Zlatar Bistrica体育馆面临着上述所有挑战。Zlatar Bistrica是一座位于克罗地亚西北部Hrvatsko Zagorje山区的小城镇,坐落在该地少有的平原地区之中。城镇拥有一些明显的城市特征,如沿两条主要道路Vladimir Nazor和Zagorska分布的学校、教堂和社区健康中心。由于学校和教堂离主路有一定距离,二者并没有成为街道的景观,使得道路依旧富有乡村气息。学校综合体与周边的乡村环境共生。整洁的、相对中性的现代建筑两侧形成入口广场,剩下的两边则是典型的乡村地块,建有附属的外屋。这样的布局与学校后院完美融合,后者曾用来种植植物,向学生传授自然和农业相关的知识。

The sports hall project for Zlatar Bistrica had to face all these challenges. Zlatar Bistrica is a small town located in one of the few plains of otherwise hilly Hrvatsko Zagorje in northwest Croatia, a town with but a few distinct urban features, such as the school, church, and community health centre scattered along the two main roads, Vladimir Nazor and Zagorska. Withdrawn further away from the main roads, the school and the church do not define the street view leaving it mainly rural. The school complex is in symbiosis with its rural environment; its neat, relatively neutral modern architecture defines the access square on two sides, while the remaining two sides border with a typical rural property with outbuildings. This arrangement fits nicely with the school yard, which is used to grow plants and teach children about nature and agriculture.

总平面图,体育馆与校园的关系,site plan, layout of the sports hall and the campus


Micro-urban response to land configuration


The western perimeter of the school square used to border with a sports hall that had been destroyed by fire, and the new hall project inherited its former orientation as an important parameter to be integrated with the building’s new external and internal configuration. The hall has been placed on a lot sloping toward the west and configured to respond to the given urban and topographic determinants.


view to the sports hall from the road


The perimeter around the hall is designed to establish connection between the school square and the lower plateau with open court and school Parking lot for the school bus and vehicles bringing children from neighbouring villages. From there runs the main pedestrian access configured as a system of a stairway and a ramp. The interior reflects this sloping exterior pedestrian configuration. The façade that opens to the school square with glazed ground level and entrance allows the public square space to enter the interior and then cascade down the grandstand staircase to the lower sporting level, which is why the square has a clear view of what happens in the hall and vice versa. The square and the hall interior complement each other and exchange views in an almost seamless and direct shift between what goes on in the hall and outside. The outer layer of the hall is made of translucent polycarbonate, which at night turns the entire volume of the building into a lantern illuminating the school square and the surrounding area.


ramp in front of the east facade


Deconstruction of the conventional volume

灯笼意向带来了如何塑造大体育馆形状的问题。建筑师考虑了一系列形式上的变量,兼顾了经验与创新。设计十分关注在项目中引入定制的预制元素,这种建造方式近期才在克罗地亚开始试行。比起使用通常的预制板,建筑师与专门制造混凝土预制板的Beton Lučko公司合作开发了一种独特的板材,其内外层由黑色混凝土组成,中部填充隔热材料。确定好板件的截面标准后,设计还在生产技术方面进行了数项研究。板件的安装方式也是创新的。建筑师决定放弃传统的下侧矮墙、上侧开窗设计,代之以与垂直方向呈一定角度的水平板件,如百叶窗一帮让阳光散射入室内。板件安装在固定于预制混凝土柱的钢结构上,其低处的间隙以聚碳酸酯板填补。最低的一排板件与垂直方向所成的角度最大,向上逐层减小。这样的外形为室内提供了充足的散射光照,防止了眩光,同时可以保护空间在温暖季节不受西晒影响。另一方面,倾斜的板件让外立面呈现出灵活而富有韵律的纹理。覆板由含白云石的辉绿岩组成,在绿色调的基础上混入黑色色素,形成并非全黑的“黑色”光滑混凝土。由于每排板件反射天空的角度不同,进一步为立面增添了新的色彩。在多云的正午,建筑呈现出由灰色到深绿色的颜色过渡;而在晴朗的黄昏,立面甚至会变成暖色。夜晚,室内灯光从体育场地面上方的条带中透出,使得建筑的西立面清晰可辨。

▼结构分析,structure analysis

This lantern motif points to the problem of shaping the volume of the hall. The author considered several variations that would be both pragmatic and innovative in form. Much attention has been given to incorporating customised prefab elements that have only recently been introduced to construction and tried out in Croatia. Instead of using generic prefab panels, the author has worked with the Beton Lučko company specialised for concrete prefabs to develop a unique type of panels with the outer and inner layer made of pigmented black concrete and thermal isolation in between. While their cross-section is standard, their design took some research into production technology. The way the panels are mounted is also innovative. The author decided to give up conventional design with completely walled lower section and light openings in the upper section and to replace it with horizontal panels placed at an angle from the vertical like shutters to let in diffuse light. The panels are mounted on a steel structure fixed to prefabricated concrete pillars, and their lower, gaping end is closed with polycarbonate. The lowest row of panels gapes at the greatest angle from the vertical, which gradually diminishes with each new row going upwards. Such a configuration provides enough diffuse light to the interior, prevents glare, and provides better protection from the western sun and heat in the warm season. The exterior, in turn, has a dynamic, rhythmical texture thanks to the slanted panels. These panels are made of a dolomitic aggregate diabase of an original green hue mixed with a black pigment added in production, which is why the smooth “black” concrete is never entirely black. Additional hues and even colours are obtained with different slanting of the panel rows as they reflect the colour of the sky differently. On an average overcast noon these hues and colours span from lead grey to matte dark green, while on a clear sunset the colours can even become warm. At night, the western façade is distinguished by horizontal stripes of light emitting from the interior on the pavement running along the sports court.

▼西立面朝向室外运动场,west facade facing the outdoor sports field

▼立面外挂倾斜角度不同的板材,slanted panels in different angles covering the facade


closer view to the facade, subtle color changes of the prefab panels


Panels on the gable walls are not as polished as the west façade and yield a greenish texture of the aggregate diabase bearing reference to greenstone slates from the nearby Medvednica mountain, which used to be a popular local construction material, now completely exhausted. The matte colour palette is completed with black iron plates and sheets of which fences and screening window panels are made.

▼北立面覆盖更加粗糙的板材,north facade covered by rougher panels

▼南侧立面与围在建筑外侧的铁网,south facade the iron fence


Interior as a well-coordinated system


Interior space and surfaces, including the ceiling, are configured to reflect the precise geometry of the bearing prefab elements. Load-bearing verticals and horizontal beams are made of concrete prefabs, also in black. They carry the grid-like structure of the roof made of laminated wood supports, whose light material contrasts the heavy concrete skeleton. Along the western roof area extend light domes that provide additional natural lighting. The author has given much attention to modular configuration of building and infrastructural elements, having neatly integrated artificial lighting and air conditioning and ventilation elements into the geometry of the whole.

▼体育馆室内空间概览,overall view of the interior space of the sports hall

与近年克罗地亚大部分看台不同,Zlatar Bistrica的看台由固定的木板制成,连接广场和入口以及位于较低位置的运动场。它带来了一种庄严的公共空间氛围,类似纪念性的城市阶梯,引导人们聚集在一起。休闲时间内的社交正是建筑师在空间连续性上强调的概念。对他来说,这座看台是一片特殊的室内景观,儿童和其他人可以根据需求发挥自身的创造力,自由地使用这个空间。

看台连接室内运动场和学校广场,grandstand connecting the school square and the sports hall

Unlike most grandstands done in recent times in Croatia, this one in Zlatar Bistrica is a fixed, wood-panelled cascade descending from the square and entrance on one side to the sports courts on the other. It gives an air of a dignified and representative public space comparable to monumental urban staircases that invite people to gather there and socialise. This concept of socialisation during leisure time is exactly what the author had in mind by insisting on spatial continuity. For him, this grandstand is a specific interior landscape that gives children and others the liberty to use it as creatively as they see fit.

▼看台,一侧为广场,一侧为运动场,grandstand with square on the one side and sports hall on the other

▼从看台看向运动场,view to the sports hall from the grandstand

▼阳光从西立面散射入室内,diffused light pouring into the space through the west facade


Secondary facilities such as changing rooms, toilets, and corridors showcase some skilful design with the simplest of materials and equipment. They all share colour yellow that sparks the energy of sporting events. Toilets are visually playful and rather distinct as they combine black grout lines with yellow and white tiles, whereas elements such as lockers, benches, and partitions follow the same consistent modular configuration as the rest of the sports hall.

▼黄色的走廊,corridor painted in yellow

卫生间和更衣室,toilet and changing room


New architecture culture and empathic interpretation of everyday life

Zlatar Bistrica体育馆体现了建筑师将当代建筑文化植入小城镇的设计愿望。设计中的方方面面都得到了同等的重视,使得室内外发生的一切事情——从当地社区全体参与的大型活动到非正式的私人聚会——均可以适应于合适的建筑框架。项目的设计具有清晰的城市思路,西立面有趣的“解构”形式和精确的整体解构赋予学校综合体乃至整座城镇独特的特征。体育馆作为一次重要的社区投资,成功地处理并融合了不同功能;建筑高品质的外观对日常生活做出了深情诠释。

The Zlatar Bistrica sports hall showcases an ambitious design that imparts the sense of contemporary architectural culture to a small town. All aspects of design have been treated with equal attention, which is why everything that goes on inside and around – from big events involving the entire local community to intimate, informal gatherings – has been fitted into an appropriate architectural framework. Its clear urbanistic reasoning, the interesting, “deconstructed” form of the western façade and structural precision of the ensemble give distinct identity not only to the school complex but to the entire town. This project has succeeded in addressing and harmonising varying functions of such an important investment for the community, and the formal quality of the building reflects an empathic interpretation of everyday life.

▼夜景,光从面板下方的空隙中透出,night view, light permeating through the gap under the panels


closer view in the night

一层平面图,first floor plan

▼二层平面图,second floor plan

立面图与剖面图,elevations and sections

▼体育馆剖透视,sectional perspective of the sports hall

Location: Zlatar Bistrica, Croatia

Year: 2021.Area: 2019 mBudget:€3.200.000INVESTOR

Zlatar Bistrica Elementary School

Ul. Vladimira Nazora 10

Zlatar Bistrica, Croatia


Studio: NOP Studio d.o.o.

Author: Ivan Galić, M.Arch, licensed architect

Project design team: Rea Vidović, M.Arch;Robert Bodiš, M.Arch

Website:Email: igalic@nops.hr

Engineering collaboration

Krešimir Tarnik (Construction Project)Mateo Biluš, M.Arch, AKFZ Studio d.o.o. (Building Phisics)Goran Tomek, TT inženjering d.o.o. (Mechanical Design)Branimir Cindori, APIN projekt d.o.o. (Sprinkler Project)Alen Farago, ETS-Farago d.o.o. (Electrical Project)Željko Mužević, Flamit d.o.o. (Fire Protection And Occupational Safety)ContractorsZagorjegradnja d.o.o. (Main contractor)Beton Lučko d.o.o. (Prefabricated concrete elements)Drvene konstrukcije d.o.o. (Load-bearing timber structures)Photo:Bosnić+Dorotić,Archive NOP Studio

Aerial Photo:Krznarić


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