X Museum is designed to become a new cultural place for the younger generation in the city of Beijing. Contemporary art is constantly evolving in our time of endless information and their complex intersections. How should one shape our cultural spaces in response to such times of uncertainty?
▼美术馆外观,exterior view ©金伟琦
▼展厅概览,exhibition area overall view ©金伟琦
▼墙面系统示意,brick wall system ©TEMP
▼借助定制的赤陶砖构件,金属材质的夹子得以被置入墙壁的缝隙 ©金伟琦 Custom made terracotta bricks are extruded with horizontal slots to which metal clips can be installed to hang artworks
▼墙面系统细节,wall system details ©金伟琦
▼展厅,exhibition hall ©金伟琦
TEMP aims to rethink how art spaces could be imagined first by asking the most basic questions as in how a painting should be hung on a wall. Custom made terracotta bricks are extruded with horizontal slots to which metal clips can be installed to hang artworks. Paintings, installations, projectors, and even white walls could be hung onto this wall system. There is an overflow of white and concrete box museums. X Museum offers a newer way of installing and showing artworks.
▼大堂,lobby ©金伟琦
The letter X is used as the main symbol of the museum at the entrance as an intersection of two H-beams supporting each other structurally. The crossed-braced structure holds the large curving roof that is perforated to filter patterns of light into the entrance space. The diagram of the X composed of two lines is signified as the most basic form of interaction. The museum also dedicates itself to being multidisciplinary show not only artists, but also architects, scientists, engineers, musicians, and designers.
▼美术馆入口,entrance to the museum ©金伟琦
▼X字母在入口处呈现为两根相交的H形结构柱 ©金伟琦 the letter X is used at the entrance as an intersection of two H-beams supporting each other structurally
▼檐下空间,space under the roof ©金伟琦
▼弧形屋顶表面上的穿孔在入口空间投下光影,the roof is perforated to filter patterns of light into the entrance space ©金伟琦
The South Façade is covered with a matrix of 54 steel light boxes. These protruded rectilinear structures cast an array of shadows onto the grey stucco wall. The angle and the lengths of the shadows constantly change throughout the day according to the solar position. Downlights are also embedded into the box to light up the façade creating another kind of pattern during the nighttime. These structures can also be used to hang large posters or displays that may be required by the museum for different events.
▼美术馆南立面,the south facade ©金伟琦
▼54个灯箱内部置入了射灯,down lights are embedded in the 54 steel light boxes ©金伟琦
▼夜间,墙面被灯光照亮,the facade is lit up during the nighttime ©金伟琦
X Museum is an art space that encourages innovation and stimulates unknown possibilities. The design of the museum is a statement showing how a contemporary museum could be re-imagined. It is a one-of-a-kind center for creatives of all disciplines based in the heart of Beijing.
▼一个鼓励创新和激发未知可能性的艺术空间,an art space that encourages innovation and stimulates unknown possibilities ©金伟琦
▼展厅细节,details ©金伟琦
▼模型,model ©TEMP
▼一层平面图,ground floor plan ©TEMP
▼二层平面图,second floor plan ©TEMP
TEMP, Beijing http://te-mp.org office@te-mp.org Design Team: Howard Jiho Kim, Vince Qianyi Xie, Zhenkun Cai, Xiaojing Guo Lighting Consultant: RDesign International Lighting Photography by Jin Weiqi