We are pleased to announce the upcoming solo exhibition of the Irish designer Joseph Walsh, presenting new works in the Formations & Layering concept. This will be the first occasion for the public to see together a large body of recent work in the Enignum, Erosion and Equinox series, created in the past year.
The pieces are mainly functional, but some of them are sculptural works, all exploring different forms of layering. The show will include two large dining tables, over three meters long each, a number of Enignum sculptural chairs, smaller Erosion tables and wall mounted Equinox panels. The pieces combine ash with other materials such as copper, glass, copper leaf, silk and a woven copper textile.
The particularity of the Enignum series lies in the material and the making process. While furniture design in its classical sense means designing and then proceeding to make, the pieces of Joseph Walsh follow a different path. He creates free form compositions using the properties and elasticity of the material, resulting in radical but very fluid and essential works, that one could qualify not only as a piece of furniture but sculpture, artwork at the same time. The title ‘Enignum’, deriving from the Latin words Enigma (mystery) and Lignum (wood), sums up the series: the mystery of the composition lies in the material. “Enignum – and other stories brings together a collection of works whose inception began two
years ago. Using free form design allows the material to dictate the composition. Combined with an expert understanding of his subject, the results are wondrous. Tables, chairs, entire walls that don’t just straddle the universes of art, architecture and function but unify them into a beautiful equation.The principal material is ash, its properties combine both strength and flexibility. Interwoven plates of copper, fine meshes of coated wire and carbon fibre are also integrated into several works. To see these objects is like seeing something for the very first time. A new design language has been constructed and Joseph Walsh is the author.” Oliver Sears, Founder of the Oliver Sears Gallery, Dublin.
Formations & Layering
The natural world around us consists of layers and these layers record time. In this concept I want to explore layering in the natural world around us, how these layers have recorded time and how time has shaped them.
爱尔兰的设计师Joseph Walsh将在最近举行他的个展,主要展出他三大创作系列Enignum, Erosion和 Equinox在最近一年中的成果。
这一系列的特殊性就在于其方向性与物质性。Joseph Walsh走了一条与传统家具制作完全截然不同的道路,他创造自由,富有张力和弹性,流线感的设计,不仅仅是家具,更是雕塑,艺术。“Enignum和其它两个系列始于两年前,挑战了材料所塑造的最自由形式。结合不同的主题,得到别开生面的结果,这些桌椅隔断不仅仅跨越艺术,结构,功能的限制,还以统一的美感呈现。主材是强度与韧性兼具的白蜡木,几件作品包含了交织的铜板,碳纤维等其他材料。这些作品无疑是前所未有的,Joseph Walsh创造了一个新的设计语言。” Oliver Sears 都柏林的奥利弗西尔斯展廊创始人
ENIGNUM – and other stories
A solo exhibition
17 November 2011 – 27 January 2012
Oliver Sears Gallery, Molesworth st, Dublin
Joseph Walsh Studio