发布时间:2018-08-09 23:17:25 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

AESTUS是德国建筑及木材研究专家Oliver David Krieg的首个设计作品系列。基于长达十年的、关于复杂木结构的数字化制造的研究,AESTUS致力于展现机器在构型方面的巨大能力,并探索人类、材料与机器之间的动态关系。

AESTUS is the first product design project from German architecture and wood researcher Oliver David Krieg. Building on almost ten years of experience in digital manufacturing of complex wood structures, AESTUS seeks to express the forces of formation in robotic fabrication, and to explore the dynamics of human, material and machine.

▼AESTUS花瓶系列,AESTUS series


Each vase is meant as both an expression of the aesthetics of a modern manufacturing process, as well as a statement for contemporary wood design. The series’ distinctive material and iconic shape blends modern and traditional design qualities. Displayed in tandem or as a conversation piece, each of the four vases in the series is functional and durable. A brushed stainless steel inset marks the lip of the vase and serves as a durable water repository, which ends at the bottom as a setback platform. A wax finish serves as a natural protection to the wood.

▼每个花瓶均展现了非凡的现代工艺美学和木制品的设计感,each vase is meant as both an expression of the aesthetics of a modern manufacturing process, as well as a statement for contemporary wood design

▼每件作品均是以预先切割好的山毛榉胶合板层压而成,形成独特的纹理和层积式的外观,each piece is re-constituted from layers of beech plywood that are pre-cut and assembled before milling, giving each vase its unique grain and stratified look


AESTUS is both a story of material exploration as it is of technical prowess. Each piece is re-constituted from layers of beech plywood that are pre-cut and assembled before milling, giving each vase its unique grain and stratified look. Each vase is then formed by the bespoke kinematics of a 7-axis industrial robot. Pushing the limits of 3D milling, in both tool path design and tooling complexity, each groove in the piece re-conciliates the destructive forces of the milling tool on the material with the precise movement of the robot. As the grooves follow the vase’s shape down in a spiral pattern, they expand and contract in waves, capturing a moment of movement on the differentiated wooden texture. Ultimately, digital design, simulation and fabrication techniques serve merely as steps to reveal the unique material and tactile qualities of each AESTUS piece.

▼花瓶细部,detailed view

AESTUS花瓶系列由德国木艺制造商Georg Ackermann GmbH生产,odk.design与之进行了密切的合作,旨在使从设计到制造的每个阶段都达到预期的效果。

The vases are produced by the German carpentry Georg Ackermann GmbH, who worked closely with odk.design to allow for a direct data transfer from design to production.

▼制造过程,manufacture phase


德国木艺制造商打造 AESTUS 花瓶系列,展现现代工艺美学
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