发布时间:2019-03-26 02:14:51 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

麦稞文化创意:阿飞森林儿童游乐园位于四川省天府新区眉山市,属于眉山中法农业科技园启动区左岸芳园的一部分,占地约为 7000 平方米。开发者希望这是一个以农业和自然为主题的,特别有活力、深受儿童和有孩家庭喜爱的游乐公园。

Atelier MIC: La Forêt AFI Children’s Amusement Park is located in Meishan City, Tianfu New District, Sichuan Province. It is part of the Fragrance Jardin, which is the Startup Zone of Sino French Agricultural Science and Technology Park, covering an area of about 7,000 square meters. The developers hope it will be an especially dynamic and popular amusement park for children and their families with agriculture and nature themes.



In order to fit the concept of “Earth Symbiosis”, the design team chose “seed” as the theme of the park — Seed is the beginning of the Life Circle of agriculture and even all things. Plus it is common, easy to understand, easy to obtain for children, and has a strong extension of education and science popularization.

Under the theme of seed, in order to realize the significance of learning through playing, the design team implanted the “Growth cycle tour” of seed including Sprouting, growth, flowering, dispersal and decline as popular science, which is combined with the way of playing to form a unique immersive play experience.

种子的生命循环 Life cycle of seeds

萌芽,蚯蚓虫洞松土忙 SproutingBusyloosingthesoilinwormholes


While the seeds are still sleeping in the soil hotbed, the earthworms keep digging around, the soil becomes loose, air and water come to the seeds, and the seeds break through the soil and show little buds.

蚯蚓虫洞取材自蚯蚓在地下挖出的不规则洞穴,利用场地下沉部分放大 200 倍设计而成。孩子们可以在这个不规则的半覆土空间中体验蚯蚓松土的路线;在洞穴的放大节点科普墙上,了解到生活在地底的蚯蚓、蚂蚁等生物的小知识;在种子深渊展示装置观察种子;在种子兑换处领取种子到乐园中的“种子实验田”自己动手播种,留下专属的新希望。

Wormholes are made from irregular burrows dug by earthworms in the sunken part of the site, which magnified 200 times. Children can experience earthworm trails in this irregular, half-covered space; and learn the popular science knowledge of earthworms and ants living in the underground at the magnification node; they can also observe the seeds in the seed pit device, and get seeds alive at the seeds exchange, sow them by themselves in the “seed experiment field” of the park, leaving exclusive new hope behind.

生长,微缩水利来灌溉 Growth Irrigating with Micro-Water project


微缩水利,是利用场地高差形成的长达 150 米的水渠缓流,它既是对大自然水循环的再现,又是对农事的微缩模拟,还是绵延大半个乐园的游玩性景观。

Hearing thunder as soon as the seeds come out of the ground, rain falls down and gathers into a stream. Later on, the Moon Bay (reservoir) collects all the swarmed streams. When it doesn’t rain, the water project can still provide good irrigation for seeds.

Micro-Water project is a 150-meter-long slow-flow canal formed by the elevation difference of the site. It is not only the reproduction of the water circulation of nature, but also the miniature simulation of farming, and it is the playable landscape of the park as well.


The kids can paddle around in whirlpools, generating curiosity about where the water comes from; then walk upstream, experiencing the small DAMS that control the flow’s speed and direction; after leaving the dam, they can go to The Moon Bay Reservoir to observe the full moon and new moon replacement at different water levels caused by water discharge. Along the way, the kids can experience water pumping Wells; While they finally reach the waterfalls which are half-buried in the ground, the children can feel the water closely and find the final answer – Ah! The waterfalls from the sky.


Considering the extreme heat of Chengdu in summer, the cooling spray has been set up along the way to provide cool air for the summer outing, at the same time it contributes a lot for improving the atmosphere of the landscape.


繁茂,竹林迷宫生长快 Flourishment A maze of fast-growing bamboo forests

With the nourishment of earth, sunlight, air, water the seeds grow up, forming luxuriant branches and leaves.

法国艺术家 Etienne Favre 手绘草图 Hand-painted sketch of French artist Etienne Favre


The fastest-growing, the most vigorous in the world, plant the bamboo is also a local specialty in Meishan, which is used as a material for Bamboo Maze, expressing the image of exuberance.

基于项目的中法合作背景,设计团队邀请了法国艺术家 Etienne Favre,以竹子为元素进行设计建造的联合。在 400 根竹子搭建而成的主体上,艺术家将竹子切成不同规格的小段进行串联,并添加葫芦、勺子、金属碗等元件,形成一组组互动装置帘幕。


Based on the Sino-French cooperation background of the project, the design team invited French artist Etienne Favre to design and build the Bamboo Maze together with bamboo elements. On the main body formed of 400 bamboo sticks, the artist cut the bamboos into small sections and connected them in series. Besides, gourds, spoons, metal bowls and other components were added to form a group of interactive installation curtains.

When the kids move through the maze and lift the “curtain”, they can experience the ding-dong sound in the flow of light and shadow. Moreover, they can find all kinds of magical music devices: rubber and aluminum pipe harp, pinching gloves to play the clarinet, roller filled with seeds inside, wheels rustling when turning…Playing their own bamboo concert to create a rich sensory experience.

开花,旋转花园绚烂开 Blooming Gorgeous Revolving Garden


In luxuriant foliage, the seeds metamorphose into a variety of gorgeous flowers, attracting different kinds of insects. The garden becomes very lively.

▼旋转花园手绘插画动图 Hand-painted illustrations of Revolving Garden


The Fuchsia Carousel is the well-deserved core of the Revolving Garden area and takes on a level of appearance. Its ceiling is based on plants fuchsia’s hanging-upside-down shape. The game is played on the popular carousel for children, while the mounts are designed as various honeysuckle insects.


The rotation of the Fuchsia Carousel needs to be powered by the mushroom bicycles trodden by the parents. Designers hope to promote parent-child interaction through such collaboration. When the flowers are rotating in the Revolving Garden, the children on the insect mounts turn into spirits of honey and dance among the flowers.

▼旋转花园立面图 The Revolving Garden Elevation


The Jingle Swing around the Fuchsia Carousel is composed of a row of metal pendants shaped like lilies of the valley flowers with varying heights and sizes. The flowers fluttered in the wind and made jingling sounds. The shorter ones can be used as a single point of the swing, while the taller ones can be used by parents to assist children in the swing ride.

In addition, Calla Lily Tube, Tiger Lily Leaf, big Ladybug Climbing Hill and other play facilities provide game functions while creating the landscape atmosphere in the Revolving Garden area.

传播,大喷瓜与风滚草的奇幻旅程 Dispersal The fantastic journey of Squirting Cucumber and Tumbleweed.


After a feast of flowers, fruits and new seeds are gradually formed, the new seeds are spread in all sorts of interesting ways: jet, rolling, with the help of wind, water and animal transportation, etc. They set off on new journeys with hopes.

Hand-painted illustrations of Squirting Cucumber


The game play design of the Giant Squirting Cucumber stems from the way of how fruit squirting cucumber, which is the most powerful fruit, dispersing their seeds over a distance of ten meters.


In order to enhance the interaction between peers and parents in the game, the Giant Squirting Cucumber is designed to be a multi-player game. After the four steps of “filling and transporting seed shells, aiming and pulling the ring to fire”, the seed shells are fired to the hole with the corresponding score, making a hit drum sound, and then rolling back to the launching area again along the gentle slope pipe in the hole.

▼大喷瓜立面图 The Giant Squirting Cucumber Elevation


The family members can always cooperate and have a scoring competition with another family here. The children can also observe the physical movement rules of the ball, hear the sound feedback, get science popularization and play fun in the multi-dimensional experience at the same time.


The idea for the Tumbleweed Farm comes from the way tumbleweeds spread their seeds by rolling them in the wind. The area is composed of tumbleweeds track, mountain path, big slide, climbing column, mechanical marble launcher and other play facilities with various ways for games.

▼风滚草农场手绘插画动图 Hand-painted illustrations of tumbleweed farm

结合原始场地 10 米高差的斜坡地形,小朋友们可以扮演大自然中“风”的角色,推动竹编“风滚草”在坡道上下翻滚传播,比赛谁传播得更快。

Combined with the sloped topography of the original site with a level difference of 10 meters, children can play the role of “wind” in nature with pushing the bamboo-made tumbleweeds ball to roll up and down the ramp, compete for who can spread faster.

斜坡场地的局部被打造成放大 50 倍的弹珠(pinball)游戏场。拉动底部的发射杆,便可将风滚草球弹射而出,随机撞击柱子再回到原地。

Parts of the ramp area were designed as a pinball playground at 50 times magnification. The tumbleweeds ball can be catapulted while pulling the lever at the bottom of the playground. After hitting the column randomly, the tumbleweeds ball returns to its original position.

凋敝,枯木乐园待逢春 Withering Look forward to the rebirth of Deadwood Paradise


When the new seeds leave, the original plants lose their vitality and look like dead trees. But the next spring, there may be a nursery for new buds growing. Life will be reborn again and multiply endlessly.

▼枯木乐园剖面图 The Deadwood ParadiseSection

枯木乐园设计讲述的便是种子生命循环中的枯萎这一环节。它由高低两座枯木塔组成,设计师在这个由枯木搭建而成的 500 平米立体场地中浓缩了诸多综合性的玩法:高高的螺旋滑梯、开敞滑梯、二层的短滑索、两塔之间衔接的荡桥、从地面攀爬到塔楼的曲折网桥……

The design of Deadwood Paradise is about the withering part of the seed’s life cycle. It is composed of two dead wood towers with different heights. The designer concentrated a lot of comprehensive gameplay in the 500 square meters three-dimensional site built by dead wood: the high spiral slide, the open slide, the short slide on the second floor, the swing bridge connecting the two towers, and the winding net bridge climbing from the ground to the tower…


After the climbing, the children will find themselves on top of the park, overlooking the whole site and all the play scenes. It looks like a review of a life journey.

构建生生不息的完整 IP Build a continuous full IP of Life Circle

作为一个自然和农业主题的无动力儿童乐园,阿飞森林在确定种子主题之后,雕琢游玩体验的同时,设计团队精心打造了阿飞(AFI)和它的朋友们一系列富有童趣的种子 IP 形象,并提升出“生生不息”的总体价值观。

As a natural and agricultural-themed unpowered an amusement park for children, La Forêt AFI was designed by the seed theme. While sculpting the experience of playing, the designers create a series of childlike seed IP images of AFI and its friends, and enhance the overall value of “Circle of Life”.

▼IP 形象设定 The IP Images

在此基础上,经过持续两年的不断打磨,一套完整的,覆盖了场地游玩、景观、游玩设备、氛围营造、VI、导视系统、视觉系统、IP 形象、IP 衍生商品开发、动画宣传、运营模式等方面的立体化 IP 输出体系最终得到完整的呈现。

氛围营造 Atmosphere creation

▼IP 衍生商品 IP derivative product


As a gift to all children and families, we hope that La Forêt AFI will be born as: If a seed Awoke From the Illusion.

▼主题乐园总平面设计 Master Plan



项目设计:2018 年 8 月

完成年份:2020 年 6 月


设计团队:朱敏贤、马箐、刘堃、黄宁、梁琳鸿、胡鑫、赵俊、赵慧敏、赵煜、杨云帆、忻恺、任潇宇、程可馨、Etienne Favre、Simon Drouin、颜杨、刘文章

项目面积:7000 平方米




Project Name: La Forêt AFI

Design: Atelier MIC

Design year: August 2018

Completion year: June 2020

Lead designer: Wu Jiyu, Wei Wu, Dong Wanlu

Design team: Zhu Minxian, Ma Qing, Liu Kun, Huang Ning, Liang Linhong, Hu Xin, Zhao Jun, Zhao Huimin, Zhao Yu, Yang Yunfan, Xin Kai, Ren Xiaoyu, Cheng Kexin, Etienne Favre, Simon Drouin, Yan Yang, Liu Wenzhang

Site area: 7000 ㎡

Photo Credits: Atelier MIC

Partner: WISTO Design

Client: Overseas Chinese Town (Parc Agricole technologique Sino Francis)


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