发布时间:2021-09-07 00:39:50 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

点击链接查看花火计划的其他项目,Click the links to see other projects of Program SPARK: Raise Me Up (2017);嗨梯 Hi Ladders High (2018);白日梦蓝(2019)建筑师带领大凉山的孩子们,将回收自城市的二手共享单车改造为独特又梦幻的“旋转木马”,盛放在大凉山中。

The architect together with the children in Daliang Mountain transformed the second-hand shared bicycles recovered from the city into a unique and dreamy “carousel” blooming in the Daliang Mountain.

▼项目概览,general view© 李可欣

盛放(Blooming Time)是 2021 年公益建造项目“花火计划”为四川大凉山彝族自治州西昌市普格县特尔果中心校的留守儿童们带来的空间装置课程。

Blooming Time is a space installation curriculum designed for left-behind children at the Terguo Central School in Puge County, Xichang City, Sichuan Province.



▼大凉山环境,the context of Daliang Mountain©南雪倩

十二辆 ofo 单车首尾相连,形成类似旋转木马的形态;中间以顶棚完成庇护的功能,成为一个靠骑车的人驱动的“旋转木马”。大家亲切地称它为 ofofofo,循环的 o 和 f 两个字母,回应了装置的形态。词与物之间紧密咬合的形式与节律所传达的情感,仿佛是格特鲁德·斯坦因(Gertrude Stein)诗中的金句“玫瑰就是玫瑰就是玫瑰就是玫瑰(Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose)。

▼设计示意,Diagrams© 一本造工作室

This installation built by the children will be kept in the school after the camp ended, and become the “carousel” in the Daliang Mountain-nature “playground”.

The second-hand shared bikes recycled from the city have become children’s big toys.

Connected end to end, twelve ofo bicycles together formed a shape similar to a carousel; in the centre, the roof functions as a shelter and becomes a human-driven ” carousel “.

People affectionately call it ofofofo, and the rounded letters ‘o’ and ‘f’ echo the form of the installation.

The emotion expressed by the form and rhythm of the close interlock, which is from the word (‘ofofofo’) and the object (the ‘carouse’) is like the golden sentence in Gertrude Stein’s poem, “Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose”.

▼十二辆 ofo 单车首尾相连,形成类似旋转木马的形态© 南雪倩 Connected end to end, twelve ofo bicycles together formed a shape similar to a carousel

▼装置外观,exterior view© 南雪倩

▼操场鸟瞰,aerial view© 南雪倩


This is a unique and fantastic installation. It seems a bit dangerous-the process of learning bicycles could be quite difficult for many children; while it is also very safe-biting each other, twelve bicycles formed a stable structure that could rotate without falling over. But if someone slacked off, it could be difficult to spin smoothly and quickly. Under the safe structure, children explore and develop their senses and motor nerves, exercise the balance and coordination system of their body, and try to collaborate and take risks.

▼相互咬合的自行车,the bicycles connect with each other© 南雪倩

▼从装置内部望向天空,view towards the sky from internal space© 南雪倩

装置顶篷,the roof of the installation© 南雪倩


"The happiest thing is that we together assemble the bicycles in the morning. Bicycles are so interesting! When I was a kid, I got injured while riding bicycle. Since then, my parents no longer allow me to ride bicycle anymore. So I am always looking forward to have a chance to ride a bike one more time."

"Our bikes will never fall down!"


The campaign coincided with the Yi people’s Torch Festival. The state-level Torch Festival were cancelled because of the Coronavirus pandemic. Kids inevitably feel disappointing. In this year camp, kids created the “blooming time” together by themselves and share this gorgeous object with more than 70 kids who in the camp. The unique gift in Torch festival turned the playground into a fun carnival with full of laugh.

▼操场成为了欢声笑语的游乐嘉年华©李可欣 The playground was turnedinto a fun carnival with full of laugh


Playing is one of the few things in children’s lives that they can control by themselves. They wrote in their diaries:“Today is the best day ever, because we do a great job on assembling bicycles!”“I have a special happiness today; the teachers said these bikes will be kept in our campus!”What real exists is just this moment. The ofo that “disappeared” in the city has become a “big toy” for children. After being “defamiliarized”, those daily products then have a new form telling allegory of things.子们自己制作“大玩具”,the children are making the“big toy”by themselves© 南雪倩

城市和大凉山哪里不一样?” “大凉山比较大!

What are the differences between the city and Daliang Mountain? Daliang Mountain is much bigger!




The tarp of the installation with Yi characters written by the children, is decorated by spray painting of plants and rocks collected in the Daliang Mountain

▼篷布细节,detailed view© 南雪倩

In the “bigger” Daliang mountain, there are various plants and all different shapes of rocks hiding in the mountain, as well as the Yi language which has been passed on through the vicissitudes of life.

Yi language originated from ideographic language. And gradually transformed into phonetic characters in a slow evolution, forming a unique language text structure: similar to the simplified Chinese seal script, most of which are independent characters. Although it is a unique script of the Yi people in Daliang Mountain, nowadays, there are fewer and fewer people who can write in this language.

After communicating with the Yi language teacher on the campus, we jointly brought a Yi language lesson to the children in the camp. The characters written by the children were attached to the tarp of the installation with paper tape, decorated by spray painting of plants and rocks collected in the Daliang Mountain. With the silhouette of plants and rocks, Yi language formed an image with a strong sense of composition. All of these together built an installation that just belongs to Daliang Mountain.


:“你觉得建筑师是做什么的?” “建筑师,会发明各种东西!”

What do you think architects do? Architects can create all kinds of things!



▼轴测分解图,axon exploded© 一本造工作室

In recent years “bike-sharing market battle”, tens of millions of ofo bikes appeared and disappeared suddenly from the streets of the city. Can these “disappeared” ofo be “invented” as “big toys” in the camp?

In several deductions of the plan, combined with the structure of the ofo, the flexibility of the overall installation and cost budget, we final selected and perfected the Blooming Time plan. We have carried out simple transformation to the Ofo in advance to make it became a “folding bike”; re-assembled the skirting and other parts to make a support structure- roof, making these twelve ofo a “raw material” in the hands of children, which could transform into a big toy for them after simple processing.

▼顶篷结构细节,roof detailed view© 南雪倩


Due to the needs of the installation production and operation, the mudguards, baskets, wheels and other parts of the bicycle need to be removed. However, we did not want to waste these parts. So we designed a series of art and sculpture courses based around the shared bicycles: the front and rear fenders are enclosed to form “eyes”, in which children were invited to draw the Daliang Mountain; the wheels became the structural basis and territory of the knit class”Spider-Man”; the baskets became the “Memory boxes” that carries the memories of the seven-day camp.

▼孩子们的营地记忆,thememories in the camp © 李可欣

“盛放”,Blooming Time© 南雪倩



项目名称:盛放项目地址:四川大凉山彝族自治州西昌市普格县特尔果中心校完成时间:2021.7.23 建筑面积:15㎡营地设计:武汉种太阳社会发展与创新中心装置设计:一本造工作室主持建筑师:李豪项目建筑师:陈星光团队:李豪,陈星光,周雪儿,南雪倩,王晓阳,张珍妮,吴琳倩志愿者:张雨涵 王秀 向伟静 王子豪 郭旭仪 雷应宝 李可欣小建筑师:吉各医生 吉木么日各 吉各阿牛 吉木么日呷 吉各么常英 吉木阿牛 吉木子呷 林源 丰杰 马海日木 吉比军杰 土比尔日 杨川 阿则子拉 吉木尔达 吉各日阿木 阿子么子合 吉木尔阿木 久么友轰 丰小明 吉各么子呷 毛成方 吉木么尔歪 各永聪 俄洛日呷 陈军 俄洛么子咱 丰龙英 吉木子呷 阿皮么王里摄影:李可欣,南雪倩主要材料:自行车,帆布,tpu 等

Installation: Blooming time

Address: Terguo Central School in Puge County, Xichang City, Sichuan Province

Area: 15 m²Time: 2021.7.23

Architects: One Take Architects

Camp: Sunners

Lead Architects: Hao Li

Program Architects: Xingguang Chen

Design Team: Hao Li, Xingguang Chen, Xueer Zhou, Xueqian Nan, Xiaoyang Wang, Jenny Zhang, Linqian Wu

Volunteers: Zhang Yuhan, Wang Xiu, Xiang Weijing, Wang Zihao, Guo Xuyi, Lei Yingbao, Li Kexin

Little Architects: Jigeyisheng, Jimumerige, Jigeaniu, Jimumerijia, Jigemechangying, Jimuaniu, Jimuzijia, Lin Yuan, Feng Jie, Mahairimu, Jibijunjie, Tubierri, Yang Chuan, Azezila, Jimuerda, Jigeriamu, Azimezihe, Jimueramu, Jiumeyouhong, Feng Xiaoming, Jigemezijia, Mao Chengfang, Jimumeerwai, Ge Yongcong, Eluorijia, Chen Jun, Eluomezizan, Feng Longying, Jimuzijia, Apimewangli

Photo Credit: Li Kexin, Nan Xueqian

Materials: Bike, TPU, sailcloth

点击链接查看花火计划的其他项目,Click the links to see other projects of Program SPARK: Raise Me Up (2017);嗨梯 Hi Ladders High (2018);白日梦蓝(2019)


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