发布时间:2023-07-05 16:54:41 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

如东县友谊路小学新建工程位于江苏省如东县掘港镇主城南部友谊西路26号,该小学的选址建设将着力解决县城城南片区学生的入学需求。本案用地面积 38698.00 平方米,办学规模为 6 轨 36 班,同时考虑预留 12 个备用教室,总建筑面积 37148.77 平方米。主要功能包含:普通教室、专用教室、行政办公、食堂、风雨操场、600 人报告厅、文化长廊、室外运动场地、屋顶活动平台等。

The construction project of Youyi Road Primary School in Rudong County is located at No. 26 Youyi West Road, Juegang Town, the southern part of the main city in Rudong County, Jiangsu Province. The selection and construction of this primary school will focus on addressing the enrollment needs of students in the southern area of the county. The total land area for this project is 38,698.00 square meters, with a school capacity of 6 tracks and 36 classes. Additionally, 12 spare classrooms have been reserved. The total constructed area is 37,148.77 square meters. The main facilities include regular classrooms, specialized classrooms, administrative offices, a cafeteria, an indoor gymnasium, a 600-person auditorium, a cultural corridor, outdoor sports fields, and a rooftop activity platform.

▼友谊路小学,Youyi Road Primary School © 胡义杰

▼项目与周边环境鸟瞰,Aerial view of the project and surrounding environment © 胡义杰


▼功能分区,Function division © 南京长江都市建筑设计股份有限公司

▼场地流线,Site circulation © 南京长江都市建筑设计股份有限公司

The site is divided into two entrances, with the main entrance located on the south side, which includes a front plaza and a surface parking area to alleviate the pressure on the surrounding municipal traffic. The secondary entrance on the north side serves as a logistics entrance and a fire exit, with unloading areas and non-motorized vehicle parking nearby. The 300-meter running track and playground are situated on the east side of the site, while the basketball courts are concentrated within a protruding plot on the north side of the site. The area north of the south gate is an open sequence plaza within the campus, from which the circulation within the campus gradually unfolds. On the west side of the site, regular classrooms and specialized classrooms are arranged from south to north, connected by a spacious cultural corridor, forming three courtyard spaces with a sense of enclosure and semi-enclosure.

▼项目与周边环境鸟瞰,Aerial view of the project and surrounding environment © 胡义杰

▼校园大门视角,Perspective of the campus gate © 胡义杰

▼建筑主入口, Main entrance of the building © 胡义杰


The section near the playground is designated as the spectator seating area. On the northern side, facing the south plaza, there is an administrative building and a visually open grand staircase. Adjacent to the staircase on the northern side, courtyards are arranged for the library and the faculty and student cafeteria. Above the cafeteria, the open-air gymnasium serves as a visual focal point for the second-floor platform area.

▼从操场看向建筑,Viewing the building from the playground © 胡义杰

▼从操场看向建筑,Viewing the building from the playground © 胡义杰


The overall design of the building emphasizes horizontal division, allowing it to sit in the site with a relaxed posture. The corridors of the regular classrooms and specialized classrooms on the west side of the site have been partially widened without altering the horizontal line texture, creating interactive and communal spaces for students in a green and humanistic manner.

▼停车场视角,Perspective of the parking lot © 胡义杰


On the east side of the site, the concept of a “micro-city” is conveyed through courtyards, rooftop activity platforms, and vertically oriented volumes, providing a multi-level spatial environment for the activities of teachers and students. The spectator seating area is seamlessly integrated with the administrative building, enhancing the visual effect of both elements. The solid walls are adorned with vibrant colors, adding a touch of liveliness and reflecting the playful nature of children.

▼共享空间,Shared Spaces © 南京长江都市建筑设计股份有限公司

▼庭院视角,Perspective of the courtyard © 胡义杰


In the vertical dimension, the concentrated activity platforms are arranged on certain sections of the roof, while the library is positioned with ample natural lighting from the large open spaces. The transparent corridors accommodate cultural corridors with different themes, allowing spaces to interpenetrate and enhancing the three-dimensional effect of the entire campus.

▼交流空间,Communication Spaces © 南京长江都市建筑设计股份有限公司

▼屋顶平台视角,Perspective of the roof platform © 胡义杰

▼屋顶平台鸟瞰,Perspective of the roof platform © 胡义杰

▼图书馆室内空间,Interior space of the library © 胡义杰

▼风雨操场室内空间,Interior space of the playground © 胡义杰

▼总平面图,General layout © 南京长江都市建筑设计股份有限公司

▼教学楼一层平面图,First floor plan of the teaching building© 南京长江都市建筑设计股份有限公司

▼教学楼二层平面图,Second floor plan of the teaching building© 南京长江都市建筑设计股份有限公司

▼行政楼、食堂及风雨操场一层平面图,First floor plan of the administrative Building © 南京长江都市建筑设计股份有限公司

▼行政楼、食堂及风雨操场二层平面图,Second floor plan of the administrative Building © 南京长江都市建筑设计股份有限公司

▼教学楼立面图,Elevation of the teaching building © 南京长江都市建筑设计股份有限公司

▼教学楼剖面图,Section of the teaching building © 南京长江都市建筑设计股份有限公司

▼行政楼、食堂及风雨操场立面图,Elevation of the administrative Building © 南京长江都市建筑设计股份有限公司

▼行政楼、食堂及风雨操场剖面图,Section of the administrative Building © 南京长江都市建筑设计股份有限公司


如东县友谊路小学新建工程,江苏 / 南京长江都市建筑设计股份有限公司
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