发布时间:2024-02-12 02:26:02 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

文 / 石上纯也 中文译文 / Xmy Text by Junya Ishigami Chinese translation by Xmy


When contemplating architecture in China, that country’s vast, boundless landscapes can pose a daunting challenge.

▼项目概览,overall of the project © 存在建筑


To build with the diminutive beast that is architecture any kind of equal relationship with the immense environment that is China, is very difficult indeed. From the tiniest abode to the most monumental edifice, everything feels in some way defensive. There’s an air of resignation, of a forced severing from the environment, a compulsion to close off. There is something lonely about Chinese buildings that stand in isolation as if dropped into their limitless surroundings. One gets this impression both in towns, and environments away from built-up areas. All of which makes the obvious need to forge a favorable connection between architecture and surrounding environment, when it comes to China, very tricky indeed.

▼项目与周边环境概览,aerial view of the project and surrounding environment © 存在建筑

▼细长的建筑体量,long and thing volume © 存在建筑

▼建筑反射着天光,the building reflects the sky light © 存在建筑


So the question is, how to treat environment and architecture as equals in the Chinese context? How to bring environment and architecture as close as possible to each other, how to make the boundary between them as ambiguous as possible, how to make nature the gentlest presence possible for us humans? Such are the themes for this project.

▼鸟瞰,aerial views © 存在建筑

▼鸟瞰,aerial © 存在建筑


The project is a complex for a new development in the city of Rizhao in Shandong Province, serving also as an exhibition space, visitor center, and shopping center. The exhibition space currently displays chocolate and related artworks, but the plan is to be able to change the display content easily in future.

▼项目位于山东日照开发区,the project is located in Shandong Rizhao development zone © 存在建筑

▼建筑与环境的关系,relationship between architecture and environment © 存在建筑

▼建筑长约1千米,the building is about 1 km long © 存在建筑


The site is on an artificial lake near the entrance of the area under development, and people visiting will pass through this building on their way to the new development. The floor area is approximately 20,000m².

▼起伏的屋面,undulating roof © 存在建筑

▼端部入口,entrance © 存在建筑


Architecture and environment have been quietly extended, the building brushing the surface of the lake forming the site for a length of around 1km from end to end, about the same as the lake. The clear horizontal surface of the lake is drawn inside the building, with the floor, imagined as new land, extending to give a sense of skating on that lake surface, an environment on which humans cannot hope to walk. Rows of columns stand in the water; floating on top of them, a sash-like roof. A new boundary between water drawn inside here, and the ground. All these elements are contemplated simultaneously. Columns repeated at regular intervals define the new surface of the water, while the water’s edge created by that surface defines the new ground. A new exterior is born, in the structure’s interior.

▼建筑从湖的一端延伸到另一端,the building extends from one end of the lake to the other © 存在建筑

▼建筑轻轻与水面接触,the building gently touches the water © 存在建筑

▼建筑以一种新的方式与湖一同静静延伸,the building quietly extends with the lake in a new way © 存在建筑

▼建筑与水天一色,the building is in harmony with the water and sky © 存在建筑

▼立面,facade © 存在建筑


Thus a new nature, one able to sit gently alongside us, appears inside the architecture.

▼局部鸟瞰,aerial view © 存在建筑

▼列柱上方仿佛悬浮着的带状屋面,the ribbon roof that seems to levitate above the columns © 存在建筑

▼下部沉入水中的列柱,the columns that sink into the water below © 存在建筑

▼建筑与倒影,the building and it’s reflection © 存在建筑


Glass is fitted between the columns. In some sections it can be opened up when the weather is pleasant, giving the structure an airy quality as a gentle breeze is invited into the building to caress the skin. The lower sections of the glass panels, underwater, have gaps that naturally channel water from the lake indoors.

▼等间距重复的列柱,equally spaced repeated columns © 存在建筑

▼柱子之间嵌有玻璃,there is glass between the columns © 存在建筑

▼近景,closer view © junya.ishigami+associates

▼细部,details © junya.ishigami+associates


A long piece of architecture identical in scale to the vast landscape appears like a streak of wind passing over the lake. In some places the soft curve of the roof hangs low, contiguous with the lake surface and mountain slopes behind, and in others, it turns toward the sky, opening up generously and merging the interior of the building into the landscape outside.

▼细长的建筑仿佛湖面上吹过的一缕风,the slender building is like a breath of wind blowing across the lake © 存在建筑

▼屋顶柔和地起起伏伏,the roof rose and fell gently © 存在建筑

▼外廊,veranda © 存在建筑

▼廊下空间,space under eaves © 存在建筑

▼廊下空间,space under eaves  ©  junya.ishigami+associates


In this new natural environment created inside a piece of architecture, one senses a landscape in which the scene inside segues into that outside. Stroll at leisure inside, and one finds some places with exhibits on large areas of ground, and in others, the ground narrowing, surrounded by a large expanse of water. In some places the ceiling is high, allowing in plentiful light and the surrounding scenery; some places are low, ceiling is reflecting on the water, low light slipping, almost crawling across the water’s surface, reflecting on the ceiling. From the apertures opened up when the weather is mild, ripples from the lake outside are relayed into the building as rhythmically quivering water’s surface. In winter the lake outside freezes over. The liquid beneath the ice flows inside through the gaps at the bottom of the glass, pooling there in anticipation of spring.

▼建筑内部,interior © 存在建筑

▼内部环境渗入外部环境之中,the internal environment seeps into the external environment © 存在建筑

▼有的地方是宽敞的陆地,上面布置着展品,in some places, there are large landmasses on which exhibits are arranged © 存在建筑

▼光影,light and shadow © 存在建筑

▼室内细部,details of interior © 存在建筑


Key to addressing the problem of the landscape in China is to view the architecture as a “gentle giant” of an environment, and search for a totally new relationship between natural and manmade. An entity emerges in which architecture standing in isolation sits comfortably in the natural environment, the two interacting. One discovers a natural environment inside the building, and through its characteristics as a new outside that has sprung up within the building, forges an amiable connection with the surrounding nature. Thus a new relationship between nature and humans is born. Making this happen is the object of this project.

▼服务设施内部,interior of the service building © 存在建筑

▼平面图,Plan © junya.ishigami+associates

▼立面图,Elevations © junya.ishigami+associates

▼剖面图,Sections © junya.ishigami+associates

▼剖面细部,Detailed section © junya.ishigami+associates

Zaishui Art Museum information Project name:Zaishui Art museum Project type:Art Museum Design:Junya.ishigami+ associates Design year:Dec 2016 – July 2019 Completion Year:2023 Project location:Rizhao, Shandong, China Clients:Shandong Bailuwan Co.,Ltd Leader designer & Team: Architect:Junya.ishigami+ associates Design Leads:Junya Ishigami, Zenan Li Design team:Zhirui Lin, Sellua Di Ceglie, Rui Xu, Tong Zhang, Cing Lu, Yuxuan Zhou, Zhixuan Wei, Yunyi Zhang, Hanyang Zhou, Qinxuan Li, Jason Tan, Anping Song, Yichen Ji, Project team Structure:XinY structural consultants, Xin Yuan MEP:Environment-friendly solution to Building services Engineering, Xueqin Yin Lighting adviser:Environment-friendly solution to Building services Engineering, Xueqin Yin Furniture design:Junya.ishigami+ associates Junya Ishigami, Zenan Li, Rui Xu, Yuxuan Zhou, Jason Tan, Anping Song, Yichen Ji Stone material factory:Sichuan Yutong Stone Co., Ltd Supervision:Junya.ishigami+ associates Junya Ishigami, Zenan Li, Zhixuan Wei, Rui Xu, Cing Lu, hanyang Zhou, Qinxuan Li, Yunyi Zhang Construction (Reinforced concrete part):Beijing Yihuida Architectural Concrete Engineering Co.,Ltd Photos:arch-exist junya.ishigami+associates Site area:18417 m2 Building area:15810 m2 Total floor area:20220 m2 Floor-area ratio:85.8% Each floor area:B1/3469 m2, GF/15810 m2, Number of floors:GF, B1 Floor height/ceiling height:0-4.5 m Maximum eave height/maximum height:4.95m Number of parking spaces:500 Structure:Steel Reinforced Concrete Structure Design period:December 2016 ~ July 2019 Construction period:August 2019 ~ December 2023


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