发布时间:2018-12-23 00:37:22 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

4of7 Architecture:小广场的建立是为了纪念20世纪初塞尔维亚社会主义运动的重要人物——迪米特里耶·图科维奇(Dimitrije Tucovic),它已成为贝尔格莱德市的一个新公共空间。广场是人行道的延伸部分,是一个能够举办诸如花市、图书跳蚤市场或摆放街头小吃摊的公共活动空间。

4of7 Architecture:The plateau is established to house a monument to Dimitrije Tucovic, an important figure in the Serbian socialist movement at the turn of the twentieth century, and to become a new public space in the city of Belgrade. It is designed as a sidewalk extension and a space capable to host events such as flower market, second-hand books sails or accommodate street food stands.

©Ana Kostic

©Ana Kostic


The plateau sits between the National Bank of Serbia building and a busy traffic roundabout at Slavija Square in Belgrade. Such ‘hard edges’, impermeable to pedestrian traffic, make this site highly visible but isolated segment of the urban fabric. This is further reinforced with implementation of the new traffic plan, meant to help traffic congestion by repositioning pedestrian crossings away from the existing roundabout and thus making all pedestrian movement only tangential to the site. As a result, of both the built context and traffic regime, the site has become an island sitting on one of the busiest traffic routes in the inner city. 

©Ana Kostic

©Ana Kostic


Prior to the realization of the project, a makeshift car park and empty sheds occupied the lot. The area was fenced off for decades and only improvised fast food stands were popping up through the fence to serve commuters. The architectural intervention focused on creating an accessible place, open and inviting to public. We aimed to find a spatial solution for indeterminate scenarios of use, presuming that events currently unfolding in nearby public spaces could spill over to this one. The design is driven by the premise that flower market, second hand books stalls or street food stands could be introduced here.

©Ana Kostic

项目的设计意图是创造一个新的地形和一个向内的开放空间。在类似圆形剧场的环境中,纪念碑位于中心位置和较低的基准面上,因此在小广场上的行走路径可以为观赏纪念碑提供不同的视角。新的地形由一系列倾斜度不同的平台组成,坡度在2 %到8 %之间的区域布置了主要的交通流线,而平坦的区域则布置了休憩座椅。平坦面和坡面之间的竖板用于引导活动路径和提供可坐场地。

The design intent was to create a new topography and an inward-oriented open space. In an amphitheater-like setting, the monument is positioned at the central and lower datum of the new terrain, so that movement across the plateau provides different views of it. The new topography consists of a series of platforms with differing inclinations of the floor surface. Zones with a slope, ranging from 2 to 8% inclination, define circulation routes while flat patches land themselves to seating areas. Risers, occurring between flat and sloping facets of the surface are used to direct movement and to create seating places. 

▼DT小广场夜景  Night view

©Ana Kostic


In situ cast polymer concrete is the material chosen for the finishing layer, for its long-term durability with respect to freeze and thaw cycles and low permeability to water, while seating areas are clad in timber. In addition to floor surface treatment, the design includes planting of approximately 30 trees, and positioning of 20 lampposts.

©Ana Kostic

▼总平面  Master Plan

项目名称: DT 小广场

概念设计: 4of7

开发设计: CIP交通研究所

完成年份: 2018年

建筑面积: 2950平方米

项目地点: 塞尔维亚 贝尔格莱德

摄影师: Ana Kostic

概念设计师: Djordje Stojanovic 和 Milan Katic (4of7 )

开发设计师: Jelena Milosevic ( CIP交通研究所 )

模型和视觉: Saran Antov, Jelena Markovic, Tamara Nesic, Milica Dukic

Project Name: DT Plateau

Concept Design: 4of7

Developed Design: Institute of Transportation CIP

Completion Year: 2018

Built Area: 2950m2

Project Location: Belgrade, Serbia

Photographer: Ana Kostic

Concept Design: Djordje Stojanovic and Milan Katic (4of7)

Developed Design: Jelena Milosevic (Institute of Transportation CIP)

Models and visuals: Saran Antov, Jelena Markovic, Tamara Nesic and Milica Dukic

Plese note that project followed Superseded Concept Design by Djordje Stojanovic, Milutin Cerovic (4of7), Grozdana Sisovic and Dejan Milanovic (re:a.c.t), and Competition Entry by Djordje Stojanovic, Milutin Cerovic, Andjela Karabasevic, Milica Tasic, Bogdan Obradovic (4of7).


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