维多利亚港中西合璧、新旧交融的面貌和其独特的夜景,长久以来都是香港的地标。我们期望通过一个地标性的艺术装置 「香港之光」,进一步吸引大批游客到此观赏,并且能作为一个多元化活动的场所,供给本地居民使用,借此促进社会和谐。
Victoria Harbour, with a mixture of beautiful buildings, mountain ridges and waterfront, forms the most unforgettable icon in Hong Kong. Like Victoria Harbour itself, “The Beacon of Hong Kong” is an interactive, multi-cultural and multi-functional playground where the locals could have fun and the foreigners would visit. It is not only a new landmark but also a place that connects people and builds social harmony.
▼香港炮台山东岸公园主题区整体鸟瞰,aerial view of the East Coast Park Precinct ©Kris Provoost
▼由东岸公园主题区看维多利亚港,viewing the Victoria Harbour from the East Coast Park Precinct ©Kris Provoost
This installation art embraces diversity and individuality, the hollow letters design and up-to-date AR technology allow people become part of the art. People from all age groups and cultural backgrounds can have their own way to interact with the letter, for instance, sit on it, lean on it, dance, perform or simply take a photo with their friends and family.
▼空心字型艺术装置,the hollow letters design of the installation ©Kris Provoost
▼群众走入艺术之中,并成为艺术的一部分, children interacting with the installation ©Kris Provoost & 吴启枫
Bold fonts with bright colours reflect the beautiful Victoria Harbour night view and imprint a strong image to visitors. Mesh design is incorporated to re-interpret traditional Chinese ‘screen’ craftsmanship and traditional Chinese window frames in a contemporary way. Chinese characters of different districts along the Victoria Harbour are scattered all over the letters, boosting the sense of belonging and forming another angle of appreciation at the same time.
▼装置与园区夜景鸟瞰,night view of the installation and the park ©Kris Provoost
▼发光的彩色粗体字型,反映了维港夜景标志性的灯光, Bold fonts with bright colours reflect the beautiful Victoria Harbour night view ©Kris Provoost
▼装置细部,detail of the installation ©Kris Provoost
通过在可建设性,可用性和可持续性的设计考虑后 ,「香港之光」 将被建成世界级城市,香港的新地标。
With all the design, functional, buildable and safety elements carefully incorporated, “The Beacon of Light”, a new landmark is made for everyone to celebrate the vibrant life of our world-class city.
▼立面示意图, elevation diagram ©凝态建筑设计有限公司
▼构造详图,construction details ©凝态建筑设计有限公司