发布时间:2019-09-28 03:55:38 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


MAT 超级建筑事务所

Appreciation towards MAT Office for providing the following description:


▼项目概览,overview ©张沛之

▼一个活力共享的青年居住社区,a sharing living community for young people ©张沛之

Yantai Chunhui road is located in Laishan District, a place originally surrounded by educational institutions and former light-industries, there are some universities around such as Yantai University, Shandong Technology and Business University. The recent urbanization has made this area gradually become the heart of Laishan District, with most of factories moving away, leaving many vacant industrial buildings and warehouses. This project is right at the regenerating former industrial area, there were three buildings originally on the site, and the design mission was to transform the industrial space into a sharing living community for young people.Yantai is a typical costal city of northern China, with its continuous mountains and ample sunshine. We hope to find the unique architectural feature by the perspective of city spirit, and bring the excellent quality of shared-living conditions for today’s young people.

场地位于更新中的前工业区域,located at the regenerating former industrial area ©张沛之

▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view ©张沛之


▼体量生成分析图,design processdiagram

On the north side of the site, two rows of lush sideway trees almost obscure the entire building façade alongside the road, however, the east side of the site is facing an open green space. So we boldly adjust the relationship of the façade and the surrounding environment: we make the east side as the main elevation of the apartment; the ground level lobby is also opened to the east, using as the sharing space for public activities; the east façade of the three buildings are integrated into a formative square language, as the main external character of the youth apartment.The original three-story building was limited in depth, in order to get a larger inside space; we add a new corridor as spinal transportation to connect each part of the apartment. The exterior wall of the corridor is made of artistic glass brick, and it forms a quiet courtyard together with the added lobby. On the roof of the original two-story storehouse, there are also some communal spaces for the youth apartment, such as dining, kitchen, laundry and fitness. The terrace is also faced to the open green space on the east, and it is the most popular outdoor space for social and leisure.

▼建筑主立面,main façade ©唐康硕

三栋建筑的东侧山墙面也采用统一、连续的方格子形式语言,the east façade of the three buildings are integrated into a formative square language ©唐康硕

▼北侧三层高的建筑加建了一条外走廊来串联各部分的公共交通,a new corridor as spinal transportation to connect each part of the apartment ©唐康硕

▼走廊的外墙面为极具文艺气质的玻璃砖,半透明的玻璃砖墙和新增的入口门厅一起形成了一个内向的静谧庭院,the corridor is made of artistic glass brick, and it forms a quiet courtyard together with the added lobby ©唐康硕

▼不同灰度的铺地像是沿建筑一圈的裙边,hard paving with different level of gray colors as the background of the building ©唐康硕


▼通过格子内墙面倾角的变化带来了对整个东立面的艺术化处理,the artistic design by the angle changes of the inner wall within each square ©唐康硕

The frontality of the east elevation is consisted of simple square façade language. We make the artistic design by the angle changes of the inner wall within each square. The orange and yellow painting simulates the shadow projected on the inner walls under different angle. And on a sunny morning, there will be a rich and interesting light and shadow changes at different time. The contrast between this large-area of white and orange wall also coordinate the coastal city spirit under the blue sky.

▼内墙面的深浅橙黄色模拟不同倾角下阴影的投射,he orange and yellow painting simulates the shadow projected on the inner walls under different angle ©唐康硕

大面积白墙和橙黄色的倾斜墙面的对比,呼应了碧海蓝天下文艺范儿的城市气质,he contrast between this large-area of white and orange wall also coordinate the coastal city spirit under the blue sky ©唐康硕


▼轴测图,Yantai Port Apartment axon

The added corridor faces to the quiet inner courtyard, and the façade material is mainly a translucent 200mm-wide square glass brick. During the daytime, the soft light shines into the corridor through the glass bricks, and refracting the shadows of people moving; at night, the orange walls on the corridor and other public space are illuminated by artificial lighting, and the faint goose-yellow permeates into the outside, like overflowing orange juice, bringing young people a home-like warm feeling.

▼内庭院,courtyard ©唐康硕

▼内院连接入口门厅,是进入公寓内部的第一印象,the inner courtyard connected to the lobby, it is the first impression when entering the apartment ©唐康硕

夜晚,淡淡的鹅黄透过玻璃砖渗透出来,the faint goose-yellow permeates into the outside at night ©张沛之


▼内庭院鸟瞰图,aerial view of the courtyard ©张沛之

屋顶平台鸟瞰图,aerial view of the roof terrace ©张沛之

Landscape intervention is mainly on the treatment of the two courtyards and the terrace. The inner courtyard connected to the lobby, it is the first impression when entering the apartment, so we use white gravel and plants to create a quiet and comfort courtyard. The exterior landscape is mainly on hard paving, with different level of gray colors as the background of the building. Both courtyards and terrace are divided in island-shape patterns, attempting to bring a free and flexible landscape to the right-angled building footprint.

▼半透明的200mm见方的玻璃砖,translucent 200mm-wide square glass brick ©唐康硕

立面与蓝天相呼应,the façade echos withthe blue sky ©唐康硕

▼内院铺设白色砾石,white gravel in the courtyard ©唐康硕


▼单元户型图平面及轴测图,plans and axons of the units

▼单元一点透视图,units in one point perspective

There are 102 rooms in total in this apartment, with 5 room types, depth from 5.6 meters to 7.6 meters. Each unit is divided into 3 or 4 modular partitions, which are entrance and bathroom, living area, sleeping area and extended workspace in sequence, each part is distinguished by different painting colors. We also introduce a LOFT type duo to the perfect height on the second floor of the original storehouse, and to separate the living area and the sleeping space. This typological and systematic arrangement enlarges the interior space in each unit, and could also increase the living condition by a clear functional zoning.

▼入口门厅,lobby ©唐康硕

▼公共休息区,public lounge ©唐康硕

▼光线透过玻璃砖照进建筑走廊和楼梯间,the soft light shines into the corridor through the glass bricks ©唐康硕

▼公寓单元室内,unites interior ©唐康硕


In The Origin of Works of Art, Heidegger mentions: “The work is to be a work, only because the field the work opens up…to be a work means to set up a world”. For architectural works, to set up a world could also be understood as the establishment of a place. The renovation design for Yantai Chunhui Road youth apartment is no doubt experimental: it is not only a functional rearrangement to the original industrial building, but also an effort to find out the spiritual correspondence of the coastal city and the youth apartment. We adjust the relationship of the building and its surrounding city by manipulating the frontality on different directions; we create an unique and recognizable place for the youth apartment through the implantation of the artistic use of color and shadow on the façade; and we also trying to bring a sharing lifestyle and living experience for young people by the spatial design inside and outside.

夜景,night view ©唐康硕


▼一层轴测图,exploded axon 1F

▼二、三层轴测图,exploded axon 2F & 3F

▼总平面图,master plan

一层平面图,1F plan

▼1-1剖面图,1-1 section

▼2-2剖面图,2-2 section

▼3-3剖面图,3-3 section

▼西立面图,west elevation













Project: Yantai Chunhui Road Port Apartment

Architecture/Interior/Landscape Design: MAT Office

Lead Architect: TANG Kangshuo, ZHANG Miao

Design Team: LOU Yunbin, WU Mingyu, ZHANG Shuang, LIU Huixian

Design Period: 2018.07-2018.11Completion: 2019.04

Project Client: Yantai Port Apartment Co.,Ltd.

Built Area:3220 m2

Structure: reinforced concrete, steel structure

Material:steel panel, glass brick, fiber cement board, wood fiber board, self-leveling epoxy

Photographer(except mark): TANG Kangshuo

Aerial Photographer: ZHANG Peizhi


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