发布时间:2023-06-07 02:43:21 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


▼项目概览,Overall view

The Huazhong Power Plant is located in the northern part of the Overseas Chinese Town area in Nanshan District, Shenzhen. In 1989, during the rapid economic development of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, the power supply in the Overseas Chinese Town area faced a shortage, leading to a situation of power supply for three days and blackout for four days. To alleviate this situation, the Huazhong Power Plant provided electricity to the entire Overseas Chinese Town area through heavy oil power generation. In 2006, it was officially retired due to urban development and environmental protection requirements. As an industrial relic and a testament to the rapid development of Shenzhen’s history, the Huazhong Power Plant holds the memories of many old residents of the Overseas Chinese Town and embodies the collective spirit of the era.

▼改造前的电厂鸟瞰图,Aerial view of the power plant before renovation

▼电厂厂房原貌及工业遗存,The original state and industrial heritage of the power plant


The process of the Huazhong Power Plant renovation project differs from previous renovation projects. At the beginning of the project, the theme and color scheme of the park’s landscape had already been determined. Therefore, throughout the entire redesign process, the focus was on how to excavate and recreate the spirit of the place on the existing foundation, how to balance the constraints of the site’s environment with the practical functional requirements, and how to coordinate and integrate with the landscape elements.

▼改造后鸟瞰图,Aerial view after renovation


Connection between City, Nature and Community


The project is located between the interface of the city, nature, and the community, serving as an important northern gateway and a connecting bridge within the entire Overseas Chinese Town area. Based on the historical and future development value of this project, the design defines it as a future cultural leader in the art community of the Overseas Chinese Town area. It aims to create an urban living room and a creative humanistic hub that integrates culture, art, and community, allowing the former energy center to return to the city and become a source of community spirit. From an old power plant to a community space, it aims to construct positive community public spaces for the surrounding residents and activate the artistic and cultural ecosystem of the urban area.

▼区位总图,Site plan

▼北侧鸟瞰图,North aerial view


Retention and Intervention


Starting from the site elements, the entire plot is divided into a dynamic and static zone along the north-south axis. The southern zone is a recreational interactive area focused on outdoor sports, child-friendly facilities, and leisure experiences. The northern zone is a performing arts and cultural creative area centered on multifunctional theaters, concerts, and community cultural activities. The original power plant possesses five unique industrial relics, but due to the rigid boundaries and chaotic layout of each building, it fails to form a complete spatial narrative. The design takes public space creation and architectural openness as the starting point, based on the original spatial layout and volume of the building complex. By softening the architectural boundaries, releasing the bottom space, incorporating transparent glass circular areas, external staircases, and gray spaces, it creates a vibrant “micro-urban structure” within the park.

▼改造策略,Renovation strategies

▼香山中街沿街夜景,Night view along Xiangshan Middle Street


The O•POWER Culture and Art Center (#1) was originally a generator plant. The ground floor has been transformed by incorporating a fully glass circular area to create a new shared space. It gracefully accommodates the surrounding trees, creating a community atmosphere along the street and enhancing the integration of indoor and outdoor spaces, as well as providing transparency for sightlines. Due to insufficient natural light inside the original plant, the design opens up the solid wall on the southern facade, replacing it with transparent glass and steel grilles. This allows more natural light to enter the interior and serves as a display window showcasing the spirit of the place. The renovated building maintains a similar volume and proportion to the original structure while preserving the primary concrete structure of the old power plant to the maximum extent. This renovation project is a tribute to the memory of the old power plant while extending its legacy.

▼O·POWER文化艺术中心南立面,O • POWER Culture and Art Center south elevation


Looking towards the culture and art center in the oil tank zone

▼园区入口,Park entrance

▼O·POWER文化艺术中心南立面局部,Partial south elevation

▼首层内缩形成架空公共空间,The first floor shrinks inward to form an elevated public space

▼西立面局部,Partial west elevation


The western second-floor rooftop platform of the O•POWER Culture and Art Center (#1) was originally an abandoned platform. Due to years of neglect, the design involves repairing and reshaping the rooftop platform, and incorporating a stainless steel canopy around the existing chimney form to create a unique industrial experiential space. The preserved traces of industrial heritage and the newly constructed elements form a continuous and organic entity, connecting the past, present, and future of the power plant. This allows the old and new structures to iteratively merge within the same order.

▼不锈钢雨棚与工业遗存痕迹-烟囱,Stainless steel canopy and industrial relics traces – chimney

▼碎片化立面状态表达改造建筑的兼容性及真实感,Fragmented facade states express the compatibility and authenticity of the renovated building


Isomorphism and Symbiosis


▼ 概念草图,Concept sketch

Inspired by the oil tank forms found in the southern area of the power plant, a cylindrical structure (O space) has been incorporated into the main building as a new spiritual and core guiding space, engaging in a “dialogue” with the outdoor oil tanks. The facade of the cylinder is made of UHPC (Ultra-High-Performance Concrete), reducing the thickness of the cylinder walls and mitigating the impact of additional structures on the interior space. The insertion of the cylindrical structure divides the original high-ceiling space of the plant into the multifunctional O space and the POWER Theater, capable of hosting immersive performances, art exhibitions, and various other functions in the future. This creates a cutting-edge theater cluster centered on the integration of performance and exhibition.

▼ O·POWER文化艺术中心爆炸轴测图,Explosion axonometric diagram

▼O空间,O Space

▼泡沫铝墙面与保留主体结构框架,Foam aluminum wall and reserved main structure frame


Set up viewing steps on both sides of the O space

▼O空间内部,Inside the O Space

▼光线透过圆筒天窗的斜向杆件投射而成的光影效果,The effect of light and shadow created by the oblique members of the circular skylight

▼二层剧场入口与O空间,Entrance and O space of the second floor


To meet the requirements of absolute purity and physical properties for the exhibition space, the walls on both sides of the foyer are covered with sound-absorbing material – foam aluminum. By using this new material with a “light” attachment method on the old walls, it minimizes damage to the original structure and the old walls while enhancing the multifunctionality of the cylindrical foyer space. The presence of the original factory crane beams and exposed primary structural elements creates an intriguing juxtaposition of old and new, providing a vivid representation of the power plant’s memory within the overall space.

▼O•POWER文化艺术中心剖透视,Section perspective

▼多义使用的O空间,Polysemous space

▼多义使用的O空间,Polysemous space

▼吊车梁与裸露的原始主体结构,Crane beams and exposed original main structure


The POWER Theater draws inspiration from the core physical attribute of “electricity” in the old power plant, representing the transition from the past’s “physical power” to the present’s “artistic power” centered on performing arts content. The theater is a closed-box space that breaks away from traditional proscenium stage design, allowing any area within the theater to become a performance stage. It is equipped with flexible seating arrangements that can accommodate approximately 200 seats or around 400 standing audience members. Serving as the core engine of free and innovative experimental theater, it collaborates with the O space and outdoor spaces to radiate to the surrounding community and even the urban area.

▼POWER剧场内景(活动座椅展开),POWER Theater Interior

▼座椅收起后,可作为沉浸式音乐会空间,After the seat is folded up, it can serve as an immersive concert space


As a transitional space between the urban interface and the park, the Cultural and Creative Backstreet (#4) undergoes a transformation from a single, narrow spatial form. There is a 3-meter height difference between the original building and Qiaoxiang Road on the north side. To prevent children from climbing, the design incorporates a solid wall on the sidewalk side, forming an under-eave gray space along with the newly added stainless steel structures. Additionally, seven small-scale water-washed stones and cast-in-place concrete boxes are introduced, increasing the depth of the original building while creating multiple interpretations of gray space through twisting and shifting between paired boxes. The preservation of trees on the north side and the Cultural and Creative Backstreet collectively form an organic enclosure, enveloping the park and creating an open and integrated spatial relationship between the backstreet community and the city.

▼文创后街(#4)局部街景,Street view of #4


The zigzag ramp connects the sidewalk on Qiaoxiang Road to the Cultural and Art Center (#1), providing visitors to the POWER Theater with a more convenient access route. The meandering shape of the ramp also creates a sense of place for visitors to wander through the woods and enjoy a unique perspective of the park’s scenery from an elevated vantage point.

▼文创后街(#4)与文化艺术中心(#1)通过坡道相连,#4 is connected to #1 through a ramp

▼后街社区活动,Community activity

▼文创后街(#4)折线坡道,Zigzag ramp


Continuation and Evolution


Buildings #2, #3, and #5 were originally the power plant’s oil pump house, fire pump house, and circular water reservoir, respectively. After being renovated and transformed, they now form an enclosure with the “Water Tower” (formerly the cooling tower) to create the Cool Playground.

▼#2、#3和#5轴侧图,Isometric view

▼#2、#3和#5局部鸟瞰图,Partial aerial view


The renovated Theater Bar (#2) features exposed main beam-column structures and crane equipment, showcasing the strength and weathered charm of the original industrial heritage. The structural elements define the perception of the original space, while allowing for a modest retreat to create an outdoor gray space that draws people into the “Cool Playground.” The facade incorporates “hollow” and “modern” water ripple glass bricks, as well as old building materials such as water-washed stones, showcasing a symbiotic relationship between preservation and intervention, where they support and accommodate each other.

▼园区中轴看向戏剧酒吧(#2),View from the central axis of the park towards #2

▼裸露的梁柱结构,Exposed beam column structure

▼戏剧酒吧(#2)与冷却塔,Theater Bar (#2) and Cooling Tower


The Brick Workshop (#5) is located at the core of the Northern Area Cool Playground and was originally a circular brick water reservoir. By adding a curved entrance wall and an external circular staircase made of rusted steel plates, the ground floor, outdoor area, and roof have been reconfigured into an organic continuous space, creating a unique sense of place experience. The exterior facade uses porous red ceramic bricks to restore the original architectural form, tracing back to the “new” and awakening the spirit of the place. The Artist Studio (#3), designed with “light” as the main theme, incorporates two slanted walls, one on the south and one on the north, into the existing structure. The south side features recesses and tall side windows to bring in beams of light while ensuring the privacy of the studio.


Red brick workshop (#5) and artist studio (#3)

▼红砖工坊(#5)与艺术家工作室(#3),Red brick workshop (#5) and artist studio (#3)


External circular staircase and red brick arc wall

▼艺术家工作室(#3)与文创后街(#4),Artist studio (#3) and creative back street (#4)

▼艺术家工作室(#3)局部立面,Artist studio (#3) partial elevation

▼红砖弧墙与木模混凝土细节,Red brick arc wall and wooden formwork concrete details


Mental Field


From Huazhong Power Plant to O•POWER Culture and Art Center, it has been a transformational journey from a “physical power plant” to a “spiritual electric field. “By designing the space, we empower the place. Through the renovation of the old power plant, we aim to transform industrial heritage buildings from observers and witnesses of urban development into active participants and leaders.

▼周末市集,Weekend market


▼施工过程记录,Construction process records

▼总平面图,Master plan

▼O·POWER文化艺术中心(#1)首层平面图,1st Floor Plan

▼O·POWER文化艺术中心(#1)二层平面图,2nd Floor Plan


▼文创后街(#4)轴测图,Cultural and Creative Backstreet – Isometric drawing

▼艺术家工作室(#3)光影剖面示意图,Artist studio – Sections

▼艺术家工作室(#3)及文创后街(#4)墙身大样图,Artist studio – Wall sections


Location: Xiangshan East St., Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China


Client: OCT South China Group


Construction Contractor: Shenzhen OCT Cultural Property Investment Co., Ltd.

建筑设计:深圳华汇设计 X+ STUDIO

Architectural Design: Shenzhen Huahui Design X+ STUDIO


Principal Architect: Xiao Cheng


Project Architect: Mai Ziyun


Architectural Design Team: Fu Yiling, Dai Jiajia

Structural Design Team: Xu Mu, Zhao Tingting, Li Changfa

景观设计:Lab D+H SH

Landscape Design: Lab D+H SH

室内方案设计:深圳华汇设计 X+ STUDIO

Interior Schematic Design: Shenzhen Huahui Design X+ STUDIO


Interior Construction Design: Wenge Space Design (Shenzhen)


Structural & MEP & Construction Documents Design: Shenzhen ZongJian Architecture Design


Lighting Consultant: zdp (z design & planning)


Curtain wall Consultant: PAG Facades


Signage Design: Benzhi Design


Structure: Hybrid Structure System of Steel Braced Frame and Concrete Frame, Frame Structure, Shear Wall Structure


Material: Corrugated aluminum profile, Wood Formwork Concrete, Aluminum, Arc glass, Pebbledash, Ceramic Brick, Stainless Steel, UHPC, Aluminum Foam


Site Area: 10785 m²


Floor Area: 3670m²


Design Period: 2021.04-2021.11


Construction Period:2021.08-2022.06

摄影:张超建筑摄影工作室,深圳华汇设计 X+ STUDIO,深圳华侨城创意文化园

Photograph: ZC Architectural Photography Studio, Shenzhen Huahui Design X+ STUDIO, OCT


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