发布时间:2022-01-09 21:16:48 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}



Pond House |

LeBlanc Jones


Project Statement


A subtly updated landscape design for a notable mid-century modern home in Wellfleet, Mass. results in genuinely simple but striking sophistication at this summer retreat. Elemental gestures and everyday materials highlight and build on the evanescent quality of the original design, deferring to the dramatic geology of the natural landscape it was meant to celebrate. Making the most of what was already there, the landscape design adds new spaces for contemporary living, while clarifying and focusing the spirit of the original. A carefully edited handful of straightforward materials and a varied selection of native plants create an effective continuum of manmade and natural, historic and new, dwelling and landscape. Architecture and the environment coexist in a quietly convincing equilibrium.

▲场地现状和环境。最初的设计采用了极不常见的角度,在景观中创造出了一些令人难忘的时刻,但这并不利于实现连贯性。原先的房屋被建造在科德角国家海岸的池塘边上。Existing Conditions and Context. The original design was defined by odd angles which created surprising moments in the landscape, but to the detriment of continuity. The original house was built within the kettle ponds of the Cape Cod National Seashore.











▲场地条件。这处被忽视的地块缺乏一个连续的层次和中心焦点。房屋下方被砍伐和易受侵蚀的河岸经历了一场重要的修复,以恢复地面层级、清除入侵植物并重新种植有助于稳固土壤的本地物种。Existing Conditions. The neglected property was lacking a consistent hierarchy and central focus. The denuded and erosion-prone bank beneath the house underwent a major rehabilitation to restore grades, remove invasive plants, and revegetate with native species.

▲科德角的现代风格。闲置的廉价房屋是战后科德角现代主义的典型产物,通常由简单的框架结构和来自木材堆置场的材料组成。在这张旧照片中,可以看到房屋原来的户外平台。Cape Cod Modern. The spare, inexpensively built original house was typical of post-war Cape Cod Modernism, an ad-hoc school of simple framed structures covered in almost ephemeral materials. The original deck is shown here in this vintage photo.

▲项目平面图。主要的设计目标是利用既有建筑来凸显周围的景观。与景观的视觉和物理联系将永久存在。Design Plan. The main design goal was to utilize the existing architecture to celebrate the surrounding landscape. A connection to the landscape, visual and physical, is ever-present.

▲入口车道。重新规划的入口车道提供了对房屋的诱人一瞥,揭示了建筑和池塘的轮廓。新的树木和原生林下植被增强了驾车穿越林地的体验。Approach Drive. The realigned approach drive provides an enticing first glimpse of the architecture and pond beyond. New trees and native understory plantings amplify the experience of driving through the woodland.

▲直线性。嵌入地面的青石带与建筑的线性轮廓形成呼应,为车道和停车场赋予了节奏感。黑胶树的垂直身姿打破了这一格局,为有顶走廊提供了一种具有韵律感的品质。Linearity. Inset bands of bluestone echo the linearity of the architecture as they lend rhythm to the drive and parking court. Black Gum trees break up the pattern and provide a rhythmic quality as you descend to the breezeway.

▲步道。通过将房屋“埋入”成片的蕨类植物和藜芦花丛,建筑得以与地被植物共同生长。Passage. We accentuated the siting of the house by tucking it into swaths of ferns and hellebores, giving the impression that the architecture grew alongside the groundcover.

▲带顶走廊:穿过房屋的楼梯开启了引人入胜的新空间序列,人们首先向下穿越有顶走廊,随后进入住宅,最终收获到优美的池塘视野。Breezeway. A sweeping new staircase initiates a striking sequence that descends to the breezeway and welcomes the visitor into the embrace of the residence with the promise of the pond beyond.

▲渗透:由海滩卵石铺设的小路能够收集来自场地和屋顶的径流,并将人们引向一处幽静的露台。Infiltration. A beach pebble pathway, which captures site and roof runoff, leads to an intimate terrace.

▲户外平台周围种植了精心挑选的本地植物,以实现露台漂浮在树木和灌木丛之间的感觉。Deck. Native plantings surrounding the deck were carefully selected to achieve the feeling that the deck was floating amongst the trees and shrubs.

▲水岸。池塘岸边的原生植物得到了恢复,如今已铺满了露台和木板路。Bank. The bank down to the pond was restored with native plantings that now engulf the deck and boardwalk.

▲地形:穿过原生植物的粗石台阶提供了从房屋到池塘的连接。Topography. Fieldstone stairs through the native plantings provides a connection from the house to the pond.

▲娱乐:池塘经常被用于家庭娱乐活动。Recreation. The pond is utilized frequently for family recreation activities.

▲修复后的堤岸:房屋下方被砍伐和易受侵蚀的河岸经历了一场重要的修复,以恢复地面层级、清除入侵植物并重新种植有助于稳固土壤的本地物种。Restored Bank. The denuded and erosion-prone bank beneath the house underwent a major rehabilitation to restore grades, remove invasive plants, and revegetate with native species that stabilize the soil.

▲景观:修复后的平台增加了现代的玻璃护栏,消除了生活空间与下方池塘间的阻隔感。View. The restored deck was updated with a contemporary glass railing, eliminating the perception of a barrier between the living spaces and the pond below.

Project Narrative

The spare, inexpensively built original house was typical of post-war Cape Cod Modernism, an ad-hoc school of simple framed structures covered in almost ephemeral materials, concocted from stock lumberyard elements and melding Bauhaus ideals with the Cape’s vernacular traditions. Built in 1960, the summer residence juxtaposed a low-slung, flat-roofed bar to an existing gable-roofed fisherman’s cottage. The site is likewise pure Cape Cod, overlooking a “kettle pond,” one of the deep puddles that formed around lingering chunks of ice at the end of the last Ice Age as the moraine that made the Cape retreated and new land formed. Despite the drama of its siting, the design otherwise deferred to this geologically fascinating landscape.

Our design process strove to respect the simplicity of the property’s architecture, whose palpable beauty shone through a state of neglect. With restrained gestures and materials, we were able to underscore the original design’s intent and extend its spirit to several new outdoor spaces that the client requested for entertaining and relaxation. Our goal was to enhance and refine the almost humble qualities of the original design, not overshadow it. In doing so we were able to subtly emphasize numerous natural features of the very landscape that the house had been designed to enjoy.

The odd angles that characterized the original site design created some surprising moments, but at the cost of legibility and continuity. Outdoor spaces were seemingly at odds with one another, as the property lacked a focused, consistent hierarchy. Our desire was to achieve a sustained and coherent dialogue between the architecture and the landscape. This conversation begins with the realigned graveled entry drive, whose configuration now adds suspense to the approach, first denying and then offering up glimpses of the pond behind the residence. The breezeway that bifurcates the structure, while retaining its original configuration, now perfectly frames that key view and becomes the centering element of the ensemble. In an echo of the residence, the shed that delimits the parking court is sequestered behind panels of common wood siding, an example of the power of basic materials and elementary shapes to insert structures into the setting with a simplicity that feels self-evident.

Nearing the house, inset bands of bluestone echo the linearity of the architecture as they lend rhythm to the drive and parking court. In contrast, the verticals of black gum trees lead the eye from the sky overhead down past the roof plane. The final bluestone band becomes the threshold of a sweeping new staircase, initiating a striking sequence that descends to the breezeway and welcomes the visitor into the embrace of the residence with the promise of the pond beyond. Beds of ferns and hellebores flank the broad bluestone steps, the whole tapering slightly so as to accentuate the excitement of arrival and the full reveal of the pond. By tucking the house into swaths of native plants we sought to give the impression that it grew alongside the ferns, turning to advantage its position below the surrounding ground plane, which relates it so effectively to the surface of the water.

At the front of the house and enjoying these planting areas are new terraces for entertaining and relaxation, essentially blurring the lines between the interior and exterior spaces. Beach pebble was chosen to connect the zones surrounding the home. It provides a pleasant tactile and auditory difference, setting off the stone and wood. A short path along the front of the house captures site and roof runoff and leads to the grilling terrace. Sheltered beyond the projecting wing of the original cottage, the master bedroom terrace consists of a simple bluestone pad shaping a private dell surrounded by lush plantings. Ferns, fothergilla, oakleaf hydrangea and climbing hydrangea engulf this peaceful corner, obscuring any contrast between new plantings and existing woodland.

Simple adjustments and minor alterations at the rear of the house became further opportunities to play up the beauty of the natural environment. Regrading brought spot elevations high enough that portions of the preexisting rear deck could remain unprotected, while the balance of its length was updated with a contemporary glass railing, eliminating the perception of a barrier between the living spaces and the pond below. A new sequence of fieldstone steps leading down to the existing dock is positioned slightly off-center relative to the breezeway, likewise preserving a limpid visual connection to the water. Carefully selected plantings around the deck convey a feeling of floating above the pond and among the trees and shrubs. The entire deck zone echoes the dock which appears to float on the pond surface, heightening the weightless quality of both structures, perched serenely on land and water alike.

The denuded and erosion-prone bank beneath the house underwent a major rehabilitation to restore grades, remove invasive plants, and revegetate with native species that stabilize the soil. The rustic fieldstone chosen for the steps integrates deftly into the slope, both the material and its irregular placement speaking to the landscape rather than the right-angled architecture of the house above. Sweetfern, clethra and winterberry surround the steps as they descend to the pond. The restored bank becomes an ideal zone of transition between the sensory environment of the residence, light and orthogonal in its tectonics and palette, and the organic form of the primeval kettle pond, dark, still, and aqueous.

From entry drive to dock, Pond House and its grounds exist on a continuum that unobtrusively integrates dwelling and nature, connecting the manmade to the natural landscape’s geologic features and vegetation. The result is beautifully simple, but far from simplistic.


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