发布时间:2019-12-08 04:51:48 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

LDG 兰斯凯普:济宁儿童公园位于济宁市太白湖新区的北部,基地西至车站南路,东接火炬路,北靠工联路,南临诗圣路,总占地约 50 公顷。一期开园面积约 25 公顷,该区域由于新老交接,其城市更新的发展对济宁而言将是城市永续发展的重要保证。儿童公园的前身是济宁动植物公园,目前由于配套设施不齐全,服务功能不完善,已不能满足当前济宁城市发展和市民休闲活动的需求。依据城市功能和更新发展新格局的要求,公园被重新定位为儿童专类性市级综合公园。公园升级改造的方向是搬迁动物公园的设施和功能,保留原有树木、山水的格局,在尊重现状条件的基础上重塑地貌、水域和植物群落;同时结合地形和环境重点引入“轻器械儿童乐园”的国际理念和潮流,为济宁市甚至鲁西南地区儿童、青少年打造呈规模的,且具备创意性、参与性、生态性等鲜明特色的游憩项目,由此济宁儿童公园将是一个融合儿童游憩特色的都市自然之芯。

LDG: Jining Children’s Park is located in the north of Taibai Lake New District, Jini City, west to Station South Road, east to Torch Road, north to Gonglian Road and south to Shisheng Road, with a total area of about 50 hectares. The construction area of Phase I is about 25 hectares. The urban renewal development of this area is an important guarantee for the sustainable development of Jining due to the transition between the old and new urban areas.

The park, formerly known as Jining Animal and Plant Park, is currently unable to meet the needs of current Jining urban development and public leisure activities due to incomplete supporting facilities and inadequate service functions. On the basis of the needs of urban function renewal and development of new patterns, the park is repositioned as a city-level comprehensive park for children.

The upgrade and transformation of the park is to relocate the facilities and functions of the animal park, retain the original pattern of trees and landscapes, and reshape the landscape, waters and plants based on respecting the current conditions. In addition, the park will combine the topography and environment to introduce the international concept and trend of “Children’s Playground with light equipment”, and create a series of recreation projects with the distinct characteristics of large-scale, creation, participatory, ecology, etc. for children and adolescents in Jining City and even southwestern Shandong province, thus creating the Jining Children’s Park to be a urban nature core integrating children recreation characteristics.


Classical Chinese garden is originated from “enclosure” and “garden”, of which “garden”, as an agricultural production unit, gradually moved away from the garden category. In recent years, due to the negative impact of urbanization, ecological concepts such as natural landscape have emerged in cities. “Garden”, as a representative of rural scenery, has been re-recognized by people; its natural original characteristics and its regularity of planting make it conform to the aesthetic pursuit of “straight lines and block surface” of modern landscape aesthetics. In Jining Animal and Plant Park, the existing gardens are worth recognizing and using.

从景观愿景上来说,济宁动植物公园地处城区新老结合的重要区位,应具备生态性、文化性、开放性、活跃性,更突出市民群众的参与性,是充满人文情怀和自然活力的梦想之所。其景观设计首先从苗圃的保留、利用入手,希望创造“圃”的城市生态文化场所,同时利用现状条件打造儿童游戏创智、科普教育、运动健身、城市庆典、户外休闲等多元的主题性活动,使之成为类似城市中央公园的区域级“绿芯”,来引领老城区和太白湖新区之间“缝隙”地带的区域更新和发展。公园设计首先进行区域整合,一条 2.6 公里的多功能环路贯穿基地,它既是林荫廊道,又是公园主动线。公园以“圃”为意容纳了 5 大主题空间 (乐圃、植圃、动圃、场圃、苇圃),在环路上慢行,穿越于公园的各个角落和场所,22 处各具公园特色的美景在公园的动线上一一呈现。

From the perspective of the landscape vision, located in an important area combining the old and new urban areas, Jining Animal and Plant Park should be ecological, cultural, open and active, and should also highlight the participation of the masses, so as to be a dream place full of humanistic feelings and natural vitality. Its landscape design will be started with the preservation and utilization of gardens, hoping to create a “garden-style” urban ecological and cultural place, and use the existing conditions to create a variety of themes such as game creation, science education, sports, urban celebration, outdoor recreation for children, thus making it a regional-level “green core” similar to the city’s central park to lead the area upgrade and development of the “gap” zone between the old urban area and Taibai Lake New District. The design of the park begins with area integration, with the construction of a 2.6 km multi-functional ring road running through the whole park, which is both a tree-lined corridor and a park line of motion. The park is designed with five theme spaces (Music Garden, Forest Garden, Sports Garden, Field Garden, Reed Garden) around the meaning of “garden”; when walking on the ring road and crossing all corners and places of the park, 22 beautiful sceneries with their own park characteristics will be presented on your eyes.

2019 十一国庆,一期施工地块盛世开园,开园当日游客突破 4 万人,创国内外同类型公园的游客记录。一期建设主题主要是乐圃与植圃地块,还有场圃的一小部分。

On the National Day of 2019, the Phase I of the park was grand opened, and the number of tourists exceeded 40,000 on that day, creating the highest record for tourists of the same type of parks at home and abroad.

The Phase I construction contains the Music Garden, Forest Garden, and part of the field garden.

Music Garden – located in the northwest corner of the park, is an important place for children to play games and accept science education.

Lego House is used for games and science popularization to cooperate with preschool education; Sandong Garden a greenhouse for winter vegetables and flowers, which draws on agricultural greenhouse and combines the needs of popular science, preschool education and leisure to innovate in landscape, experiential participation and popular science technology.

Another part of the Music Garden is imaginative and colorful intellectual world for children, which makes full use of the original animal’s captivity potholes and transforms them to allow children to play on the micro-slopes, playgrounds and pits.

▼乐圃——动物原有圈养坑洞改造 Music Garden – which makes full use of the original animal’s captivity potholes and transforms them

▼乐圃创智天地——台地园 Music Garden – Intellectual world – Terrace garden

▼乐圃——微坡场地 Music Garden – Micro-slope

▼乐圃——中心场地 Music Garden – Center site

▼乐圃——游戏场 Music Garden – Playground

▼游戏场——趣味坡 Playground – Interesting slope


Playground – Intellectual tower

▼游乐场——彩虹波点景观构架 Playground – Rainbow wave point landscape framework

▼乐圃——创意数字休闲廊架 Music Garden – Creative digital leisure gallery frame

▼乐圃——别有洞天 Music Garden – Holes

▼别有洞天——局部变更三维导图 Holes – Local change of 3d map

▼乐圃——剖面图 Music Garden – Profile

▼创智塔——构造立面图 Intellectual tower – Structural plan

▼创智塔——局部铺装图 local pavement plan


Forest Garden – located in the southwest of the park with the theme of forest adventure, creates a unique inter-forest activity space by utilizing the rectangular gaps in the jungle belt, convenient for activities such as music and dance performances, outdoor camping experience, and forest parent-child community. In addition, it creates the visual experience of multiple overlapping fields through regular linear road network and corridor bridge. In the southwest corner of the Forest Garden, there is an adventure theme project “The Path of the Brave” with the background of the simulation of “logs” for deforestation, which is suitable for forest adventures for children of all ages.向植圃的廊桥 A gallery bridge leading to Forest Garden

▼植圃——蚂蚁雕塑与园路空间穿插关系 Forest Garden – The relationship between ant sculpture and garden road space

▼植圃——植物迷宫 Forest Garden – Plants maze


The park will continue to open up a Sport Garden with the theme of sports, a Field Garden with the function of urban sitting room, and a Reed Garden with the theme of eco-leisure. Music Garden, Forest Garden, Sports Garden, Field Garden, Reed Garden and the ring road consist the structure of “one axis, one ring, and multi-garden”, allowing children to play in forests, waterfronts, cities, and visitors to enjoy unique natural scenery and cultural experiences.

▼场圃——城市记忆主题园 Sports Garden – Urban memory theme park

▼场圃——游戏塔 Sports Garden – Play tower

项目名称:济宁市儿童公园 (一期)客户:济宁城投控股集团有限公司,济宁城市管理局

完成年份:2019 年 10 月 1 日

项目面积:25 公顷







Program name: Jining children’s park (phase I)Client: Jining Chengjian Investment Co.,Ltd, Jining city administration bureau

Completed year: October 1, 2019

Project area: 25 hectares

Project location: Taibai Lake New District, Jining

Landscape design: LDG

Architectural design: yuanjing architectural design office

Main creative designers: Liu Lili, Dai Qiyu, He Shenhua

Design team: Dai Qiyu, Kong Lingjun, Kang Jinzhou, Li Wei, Wu Yaning, Chen Mingxin, Lv Wanbin, Li Kui, Tian Sanmei, Tang Jumin, Chen Shu

Partners: Tianjin municipal engineering design and research institute, Shanghai landscape green garden construction co., LTD

Photography: Kang Jinzhou


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