发布时间:2019-09-11 11:31:45 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}



▼酒庄位于新疆,winery in Xinjiang

Firstly, the main entrance of the winery on the north side has been extended and has been designed to be the central axis of the area.The centre is comprised of greenbelts of ground cover which are 8 metres wide and there are three groups of continental fountains above ground level. There are paved belts measuring 3 metres and 5 metres and ground cover belts measuring 1.3 metres and 2 metres together with 12 metre forest belts located on each side respectively. Here, we have attempted to subtly express a continental style representing the cultural atmosphere and diversity of the winery whilst detailed decoration has been created to characterise the regional features of the winery.

▼中轴景观,the central axis landscape

▼宽8m的中央道路,8m-wide central road

▼中轴两侧的葡萄种植区,planting pools on both side of the central axis

▼直径5m的白料石干垒成高50cm的圆形种植池,circular planting pools with a diameter of 5 metres have been built to a height of 50cm using square white stones

▼近400个圆形种植池,approximately 400 circular planting pools



Secondly, in the grape growing areas which are located on each side of the central axis and where four grape vines constitute one group, circular planting pools with a diameter of 5 metres have been built to a height of 50cm using square white stones. 60mm wire drawing stainless steel has been installed around the top of each pool.17 pebble paths which are 60cm wide have been created and are arranged longitudinally so as to conveniently access every point of the grape growing area.

▼卵石小径与斜线路相贯通,the pebble paths run across the other paths run

▼1m宽呈45度的斜线路,these paths obliquely at an angle of 45 degrees to the other paths and connect with each other

▼卵石小径,pebble path

▼设置了17条纵向排列,可方便到达每一处葡萄种植点的60cm宽的卵石小径,17 pebble paths which are 60cm wide have been created and are arranged longitudinally



A further 7 paths one metre in width have also been created and these paths run obliquely at an angle of 45 degrees to the other paths and connect with each other. There are also three paved areas of approximately 35 square metres located at each side of the central axis and around 930 steel l-columns equally located throughout the entire growing area. The crisscrossing straight lines and approximately 400 circular planting pools all come together to create a very unique spacial atmosphere.

▼建造过程图,construction process

▼中轴景观细化过程图,the central axis design process

▼卵石小径细化过程图,pebble path design process

▼葡萄种植池细化过程图,circular planting pools construction process

项目名称:单调中的超越——新疆瑞丰葡萄酒庄景观设计 用地面积:2.75ha 项目所在地:新疆和硕 委托单位:新疆和硕建设局+瑞丰葡萄酒庄 设计单位:R-land北京源树景观规划设计事务所 方案+扩初:章俊华 施工设计:章俊华 白祖华 胡海波 张筱婷 范雷 于沣 汤进 钱诚 电气、水专业:杨春明 徐飞飞 施工单位:巴州大自然园林绿化工程有限责任公司 设计时间:2012年3月——2012年5月 竣工时间:2013年7月 英文校对:琳赛·洛特(Lindsay Rutter)


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