发布时间:2018-11-12 14:47:39 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Honggutan New District is a newborn city area of Nanchang on the west bank of the Ganjiang River. Like all the other China’s burgeoning urban new districts, it is focused on building efficiency among a one-time, large-scale construction wave.


▼鸟瞰图,aerial view

The cloud center is located in the geometric center of a newly built office industrial park. The surrounding hardware facilities are fully mature. On the south side is a block of business, on the west side is a youth apartment, and on the east side is a low-rise office. The north side is a landscape square.High-speed urban construction has only completed the functional level of demand. For such an emerging park far from the city center, it takes a long time to develop the community spirit and establish more complete public activities. So we also formed the original intention of our design: let the young people who are new to the park, in addition to work and life, can also “play” here.

▼北立面,north facade

▼建筑东北角,view from the northeast

▼架空的体量,the elevated volume

▼北侧坡道入口,entrance in the north facade


When we accepted this design commission, the entire basement of the park had been completed and the column network could not be adjusted. Its function requires a showroom and supporting business on the first floor, a conference room and open office on the second floor. On the basis of seemingly capacity, column nets, and boundaries that have been “qualified”, the owner’s expectation is to design a facade design with a “value” feel.

▼体块生成示意,massing diagram


We try to break the limitations of the original site column network to the maximum extent, based on the requirements of materialization level such as façade and vision, to stimulate the flow of people in the office community with a more active attitude, and to realize the new city community in the interaction with the environment. The cultivation of the atmosphere. So we built a climbing path for a pure outdoor surround building that is completely open to the area. The starting point of this path faces the green square on the first floor, and through a formal entrance you can climb to the second floor and then to the roof. On the other side of the roof, a ramp is designed to connect directly to the second-floor outdoor commercial line in the South. At the same time, a layer of overhead is set for the effective connection between the Southern District Commercial and the North Plaza, and a path to the basement is opened in the overhead layer.

▼北侧屋顶及室外坡道,the ramp on the north facade

▼二层坡道,corridor on the second floor

二层平台,outdoor terrace

▼二层平台与屋面坡道连接,a ramp is designed to connect directly to the second-floor outdoor commercial line in the South


The formation of this path not only entangled the building, but also connected the functional flow lines of the Southern District Commercial and the North Square, the underground garage and the roof garden.

▼坡道细部,detailed view


Jan Gale divides activities into three categories: essential activities, spontaneous activities, and social activities. The path is not only the channel of behavior, but also the connection between space, the collision container of necessary and non-essential activities in life. Inside and outside the building, and between the cities, the placement of the path will stimulate activities to enhance the vitality of the community, promote interpersonal communication, interaction, communication, and promote dialogue between people and the environment.

▼景观广场,the green square


The designer’s job is to design a path in such a building, but the stories that can occur on this path are edited by the user. Among the roof design, we only recommend two areas for greening and hardening. On the back side of the use, a badminton court was arranged. One side was directly planted with corn and vegetables. Although it could not be regarded as a landscape design from the perspective of completion, the community spirit reflected by him has already begun to emerge. This climbing trail is relatively independent of the internal streamlines of the building itself, but at the same time the people working indoors can walk out of the office and integrate the shared space of the roof to rest on a fully open platform overlooking the park. The building itself has been defined between very clear functions and externally attached random behavior, as the formation of this path will become more tacit and positive.

▼屋顶羽毛球场,badmintoncourt on the roof

▼屋顶开心农场,vegetable farm


The result of formal operations is the possibility of bringing functional interaction to the interior space. The relatively independent exhibition halls, book bars and conference rooms, because of the entrance to the basement, make the book bar a large step that can connect the exhibition hall and the conference room, so that the outdoor dynamic relationship is brought into the room.

▼从书吧望向展厅,exhibition hall seen from the book bar

▼阶梯书吧,the terraced book bar


A coherent path is not an end, an open platform is not unique, and the exaggeration of design operations is not a slogan of personal tags, or even a free imagination of a homogenous community.

▼北立面夜景,north facade at night

▼景观广场夜景,green square at night

▼夜间鸟瞰,aerial view at night


▼城市肌理,urban fabric


▼场所关系,spatial relationship

宏观流线,circulation overview

▼室内流线,internal circulation

▼剖透视图,sectional perspective

▼总平面图,site plan

▼1 层平面图,1F plan

▼2 层平面图,2F plan

▼屋顶平面图,roof plan

▼北立面图,north elevation

▼南立面图,south elevation


项目名称:南昌世茂水城云中心 项目地点:南昌红谷滩新区 主持建筑师:李硕 设计团队:李佳 余江帆 周雪峰 樊明明 涂单单 耿丹阳 朱志超 业 主:南昌世茂新发展置业有限公司 合作设计院:上海联创建筑设计有限公司 室内设计师:綦晓虹 幕墙设计:BG&E,澳大利亚倍更益幕墙科技(上海)有限公司 设计时间:2014.6 建造时间:2016.3-2017.10 占地面积:4380m2 建筑面积:2100m2 项目类型:公共办公建筑 摄 影 师:苏圣亮,田方方 Project Title: Nanchang Shimao Water City Cloud Office Center Location: Honggutan District, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China Principal Architect: Li Shuo Design Team: Jia Li, Jiangfan Yu, Xuefeng Zhou, Mingming Fan, Dandan Tu, Danyang Geng, Zhichao Zhu Client: Nanchang Shimao new development real estate Co. Ltd. Cooperative Design Team: Shanghai United Design Group Co. Ltd. Interior Designer: Xiaohong Qi Curtain Wall Design: Australia BG&E Curtain Technology Co. Ltd., Shanghai Design Period: 2014.06 Construction Period: 2016.03-2017.10 Land Use Area: 4380㎡ Floor Area: 2100㎡ Topology: Public Office Building Photographs: Shengliang Su, Fangfang Tian


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