发布时间:2023-11-25 14:18:38 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

NGV的2023建筑项目是一个巨大的充气球体,它可以真正实现全天通风换气。Nic Brunsdon与ENESS合作开发的“(This is)Air”,让不可见的变得可见,作品旨在引起人们对地球生命中一个重要特征的关注,该特征既是最普世化的又起着决定性的作用:呼吸空气。

A giant inflatable sphere – which literally breathes throughout the day – is the NGV’s 2023 Architecture Commission. Making the invisible visible, (This is) Air, developed by Nic Brunsdon in collaboration with ENESS, draws attention to one of the universal and defining features of life on Earth: breathing air.

▼鸟瞰装置,Bird view of the installation © Ben Hosking

▼由草坪望向装置,Viewing the installation from lawn © Ben Hosking


Utilising air as a building material, the commission morphs and changes throughout the day as it expands and then releases air in a natural rhythm. A poignant study of air and time, the fully inflated spherical structure stands over 14 metres tall, evoking a sense of uplifting optimism.

▼装置与城市景观,The installation with urban landscape © Ben Hosking

▼装置与绿色环境,The installation with green environment © Ben Hosking

▼装置与人尺度关系,The scale relationship between the installation and human © Ben Hosking


Throughout the day, the structure ‘exhales’, releasing gusts of air and forming an array of cloud-like configurations, before filling to capacity once more.

▼装置局部,Parts of the installation © Tim Carrafa


The structure invites audiences to consider humanity’s relationship to this essential and yet invisible element. By making air seen, heard and felt, the work highlights our connection to and dependency on air – a finite resource whose quality is becoming increasingly affected.

▼装置在光线下肌理,The textures under sunshine © Tim Carrafa


This year’s Architecture Commission forms part of the 2023 NGV Triennial exhibition, which brings contemporary art, design and architecture into dialogue, offering a visually arresting and thought-provoking view of the world today. Three key thematic pillars of Magic, Matter and Memory anchor the NGV Triennial, with Brunsdon’s architectural concept responding to the thematic pillar of Matter. This theme seeks to draw together nature, material and making, reminding audiences of the interconnected frameworks of biology, geology and physics while highlighting their relationship to and reliance on natural systems.

▼装置褶皱,The installation’s wrinkle © Tim Carrafa

整个夏季,“This is(Air)”都是NGV花园举办各种公共活动、表演等活动的场所。

Throughout the summer months, (This is) Air is the location for a myriad of public programs, performances and more in the NGV Garden.

▼褶皱在阳光下的肌理,The wrinkle textures under sunshine  © Tim Carrafa

“一年一度的NGV建筑项目为澳大利亚设计师和建筑师提供了一个平台,让他们实现抱有野心的全新临时性建筑作品,将他们的实践推向新的、出人意料的领域。自2016年成立以来,这些富有想象力的建筑为社区创造了一个聚集的场所,其中许多项目已经赢得了一些世界上最负盛名的设计和建筑奖项。该系列真正体现了NGV的承诺:致力于支持澳大利亚杰出设计和建筑从业者并向全球观众展示他们的成就。” ——NGV总监Tony Ellwood AM ‘The annual NGV Architecture Commission offers a platform for Australian designers and architects to realise an ambitious new work of ephemeral architecture that pushes their practice into new and surprising frontiers. Since its inception in 2016, these imaginative structures have created a place for the community to come together, and many of these commissions have gone on to win some of the world’s most prestigious design and architecture awards. This series truly exemplifies the NGV’s commitment to uplifting Australia’s outstanding design and architecture practitioners and showcasing their achievements to a global audience.’ —Tony Ellwood AM, Director, NGV

▼装置细部,Details of the installation © Ben Hosking

“毫不夸张地说,这一宏伟的公共艺术品将为NGV花园注入生命力和创造力,并将为各个年龄段的人们带来欢乐和灵感。Allan工党政府很荣幸能够与令人惊叹的NGV三年展一起支持这项工作,该三年展将在夏季吸引成千上万的游客前往画廊和墨尔本。这次展览将充满令人惊叹的艺术和设计,并且免费供所有人欣赏。” ——创意产业部长Hon. Colin Brooks ‘This magnificent public artwork will, quite literally, breathe life and creativity into the NGV Garden and will delight and inspire people of all ages. The Allan Labor Government is proud to support this work alongside the incredible NGV Triennial, which is set to attract thousands of visitors to the gallery and Melbourne over the summer. This exhibition will be packed with awe-inspiring art and design and will be free for everyone to enjoy.’ —The Hon. Colin Brooks, Minister for Creative Industries

▼通风节点细部,The detail of ventilation node  © Tim Carrafa

“这个项目的想法是建筑师在全球流行病期间构想出来的,当时我们呼吸的空气突然成为每个人脑海中最重要的问题。这种生命结构采用一个巨大的充气球体的形式,在我们眼前吸气和呼气,呈现出连接我们所有人的无所不在但隐形的元素。空气可以被理解为我们全球经济、社会和生态现实的一部分。然而,我们呼吸的空气质量取决于我们居住的地点和方式。空气是普遍存在的,但清新的空气却不是。” ——当代艺术、设计和建筑高级策展人Ewan McEoin ‘The idea for this project was conceived by the architect during the global pandemic, when the air we breathed was suddenly at the forefront of everyone’s mind. Taking the form of a giant inflatable sphere, this living structure inhales and exhales before our eyes, giving presence to that omnipresent yet invisible element that connects us all.Air can be understood as part of our global economic, social and ecological realities. And yet, the quality of air we breathe varies depending on where and how we live. Air is universal, yet clean air is not.’ —Ewan McEoin, Senior Curator, Contemporary Art, Design and Architecture

▼效果图,Renderings © Nic Brunsdon

Installation view of the 2023 NGV Architecture Commission: (This Is) Air designed by architect Nic Brunsdon in collaboration with ENESS. (This Is) Air is on display from 23 November 2023until June 2024 at NGV International, Melbourne. Photo: Ben Hosking/Nic Brunsdon


“(This is) Air”NGV建筑项目2023,澳大利亚 / Nic Brunsdon
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