发布时间:2018-08-14 07:09:49 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The building for Save The Children Foundation is a strategic point in the San Diego neighbourhood for the social work that this NGO carries out in the Vallecas area. The project involves the refurbishment and extension of the current building so as to address the needs of a child care centre. The proposal is based on adding a new body that is suspended over the existing structure. This extends the building and configures a new façade, as well as a new communications and service core. The following operations are projected:


翻新主体建筑 | Refurbishment of the architectural support

对于建造于1950年代的建筑主体,该项目进行了如下干预: (a)翻新并加固既有结构。(b)对后方立面进行部分拆除,以便置入新的通信设备和管道核心筒,在符合现行规定的基础上满足主要房间的技术和功能需要。 (c)对顶层空间进行扩建,通过在两个露台之间设置双层高的空间来促进空气对流。(d) 翻新立面,修建新的屋檐和顶篷系统,并设置由顶层悬吊下来的花槽。这将解决隔热和太阳辐射的问题,同时为朝向广场的立面赋予全新的图像外观。(e)重新布局功能空间,使空间类型得到优化,以符合面向儿童的建筑所需要遵循的严格规范,同时实现最大的空间灵活度,以满足未来潜在的使用需要。

▼朝向广场的立面呈现出全新的图像外观,the new image of the STC Foundation in the square

A series of architectural actuations serve to update the body of this 1950s building: (a) refurbishment and consolidation of the existing structure. (b) Partial demolition of the rear of the building to integrate a new communications and service core, in compliance with current regulations guaranteeing the technical and functional performance of the main rooms. (c) Extension of the top floor, which uses up the allowed building surface with a two-level space, arranged between two terraces to favour cross-ventilation. (d) Refurbishment of the façade using a system of eaves, canopies and flower pots suspended from the top floor. This solves the problem of the (non-existent) heat insulation and the regulation of the solar radiation, while at the same time configuring the new image of the STC Foundation in the square. (e) Functional organisation to optimise the typology so that it complies with the demanding regulatory requirements for buildings to be used by children while at the same time maintaining the maximum programmatic flexibility for other potential future uses.

▼广场视角,view from the square

▼由顶篷和屋檐构成的新立面系统,a new façade system formed by canopies and eaves


▼等候区域,waiting area

▼从等候区望向工作人员办公室,staff office seen from the waiting area

激发情感 | Stimulating affection


▼便携式家具和可移动墙板有助于使用者与空间建立联系,integration of mechanisms that favour a collaborative arrangement of spaces help to strengthen the bond between the users and the spaces

The building is equipped with certain elements to allow interaction and appropriation of the spaces by the users as well as an emotional attachment to the new headquarters. The study of some modern child care methodologies highlights the relevance of practices that encourage self-confidence, responsibility and affection for others, such as the care of pets or plants. Some of these approaches are transferred to the architectural support with a series of spatial, material, chromatic, furniture and design actuations, such as (a) Integration of mechanisms that favour a collaborative arrangement of spaces, including moving panels (in the classrooms) or portable furniture (the system of wheeled shelves in the library). They all help to structure the space in different ways and strengthen the bond between the users and the spaces. (b) Incorporation of elements that encourage care, such as plants (in the pots) and some ‘architectural pets’ (integrated within the various spaces) that will be cared for collectively. (c) Stimulation of perception by using certain materials. For instance, some of the finishes of the waiting room reflect the outside, the paving of the square flows into the hall up to the waiting room and introduces it into the building and the enclosure connects directly with the game area, breaking the barrier between the inside and the outside.

▼与露台相连的开放式学习空间,an open study area connected with the rerrace

▼露台视角,terrace views

▼带有巨大天窗的阁楼,loft with huge skylights

▼放映室,projection room

▼俯瞰露台,an overlook to the terrace


(d) Incorporation of the kids’ wishes. During the bidding process, children of different ages wrote a ‘wish list’ to show how they imagined the new space. Some of their requests, such as ‘installing a chocolate fountain on each floor’ were difficult to implement in the project. Others, however, such as ‘being able to see the stars from the rooms’ have been converted into different architectural elements, such as the skylight on the roof of the screening room. In short, this set of actuations is an attempt to turn the building into a ‘pet’, to make gaming easier and to stimulate a relationship of affection towards the centre.


▼灵活的空间布局,a flexible prototype

能源策略 | Energy strategy


A series of basic active and passive bioclimate measures have been presented to complement the comprehensive air conditioning strategy: (a) Design of a new insulated enclosure and cross ventilation whenever possible. (b) Façade system formed by canopies and eaves that reduce energy consumption for cooling in summer and heating in winter. (c) Incorporation of plants on the façade to help regulate temperature and moisture during the summer months. (d) Cold/hot conditioning system by means of underfloor heating. Thanks to all these elements, the building has the best possible energy certification, reduces its maintenance costs, while the comfort of the children, visitors and workers is ensured.

▼新的立面系统能够减少冬季制热和夏季制冷的能源消耗,façade system formed by canopies and eaves that reduce energy consumption for cooling in summer and heating in winter

实施与更新 | Phases and updates


In order to shorten the schedule and lower the required budget, the project has been presented as the essential refurbishment of a ‘basic’ hardware to allow the Foundation to start its work in the neighbourhood. Nevertheless, a number of building actuation protocols may also be incorporated so it is possible at a later date to include new elements in the ‘hardware’, adjust the performance and update the main structure as the needs of the NGO evolve. These elements include: (a) Closing of the main terrace with a greenhouse, which will be part of the active air conditioning system. (b) Possibility of incorporating solar photovoltaic energy on the roof, thanks to the optimal geometry and inclination for solar collection. (c) Implementation of new air conditioning elements. (d) Integration of new convertible furniture, etc.



These operations extract the full potential of the building by means of a programme that is both exciting and functional, as decided by the three juries (the experts, the personnel and the children) that participated in the voting.

▼悬吊在立面上的花槽,the hanging flower pots

▼傍晚和夜间景象,evening view and night view

▼设计概念图,design concept

▼剖面透视图,sectional perspective

▼扩建部分示意,new structure

▼首层平面图,ground floor plan

▼二层平面图,first floor plan

▼三层平面图,second floor plan

▼四层平面图,third floor plan

▼五层平面图,fourth floor plan

▼阁楼层平面图,attic floor plan

▼屋顶平面图,roof floor plan





Architects: elii – Uriel Fogué, Eva Gil, Carlos Palacios

Team leader: elii – Ana López

Team – Competition:

elii – Eduardo Castillo, María Rodríguez, Irene de Santos, Ana Castaño

Team – Execution project:

Eduardo Castillo, María Rodríguez, Irene de Santos, Carlos Moles, Paula Rodríguez, Lucía Fernández

Surveyors: Dirtec – Javier González y Javier Mach

Developer: Fundación Save The Children

Structures: Mecanismo

Mechanics: Úrculo Ingenieros

Construction: Diadec

Project manager: Cushman & Wakefield – Iván Martín

(Miguel de Guzmán + Rocío Romero)

Models: Ana López, Lucía Fernández, Eduardo Castillo, Laura Barros, Telmo Sagartzazu

Superficie: 483,48m2

Date: 2016-2018

Location: Vallecas, Madrid


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