发布时间:2022-08-28 06:41:29 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

出品人:向玲 Producer: Xiang Ling



Could you please introduce the history of earth architecture and its characteristics in different regions?

What is the current condition of earth construction in China?


Earth is one of the oldest and most widespread traditional construction materials. In China, the application of earth could be traced back to the Neolithic Age eight thousand years ago. Like wood, earth played a significant role in China’s traditional building technology and architectural heritage. Along with the population migration and integration of different nationalities, earth construction had gradually spread from the Yellow River basin to the south of the Yangtze River. Under the influence of different natural conditions, economic technologies and social culture, numerous earth construction methods and application forms were developed, creating various types of earth residences all over China. According to the 2010~2011 general survey of rural residence carried out by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, traditional earth construction technology was used in rural house construction over all the provinces and at least 60 million people were living in different kinds of earth houses. They were mainly found in the relatively poor countryside districts in the loess plateau, southwest China, east China, Tibet plateau, Xinjiang, etc.

中国传统生土建筑及其分布,distribution of traditional earth construction in China



What is the biggest difference between modern rammed earth and traditional rammed earth?

Compared to the mainstream modern materials like concrete, wood and steel, what are the advantage and potential of rammed earth?




Rammed earth could be made from local materials and applied accordingly. It is easy to construct and cost-efficient. Its high thermal storage capacity could keep the interior space warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The moisture absorption ability of rammed earth is 30 times better than common industrial construction materials, which could adjust the humidity in the space, especially in the damp and hot southern districts and dry and cold northern districts. From the aspect of sustainable development in current days, rammed earth is recyclable and could be reused after the house is demolished. It could even be applied back in the farmlands as manure. The construction process of rammed earth is energy efficient and would generate zero pollution. According to calculation, the embodied carbon of rammed earth is only 3% of clay bricks and 9% of concrete. However, compared to the regular wall materials like sintered bricks and concrete, the strength and durability of rammed earth are still inferior.

The biggest difference between modern rammed earth and traditional rammed earth is that by adjusting the proportion of earth, sand and stone in the material, and using modern equipment based on mechanical ramming, modern rammed earth could get over the disadvantages mentioned above while remaining the ecological advantages of traditional rammed earth. The shortcomings of traditional rammed earth in strength, waterproof and air shrinkage are usually caused by the wrong composition of the material. The basic principle of modern rammed earth is to add a certain proportion of sand and stone to the earth according to its composition, adjusting the different sized particles into a continuous gradation. Under the condition of 8%~12% water content, high-intensity tamping is applied to the earth by air or electric rammer to make the aggregate tightly combined together. Without additives, modern rammed earth could completely meet the strength requirements for load-bearing walls in low-rise buildings and enclosures in frame structure buildings. Meanwhile, as the clay, sand and stone are tightly combined, as long as there’s no concentrative water flow, a rammed earth wall could effectively resist wind and rain without any surface protection.

▼土料粒径构成,composition and grading of earth

▼现代夯土施工基本流程,construction process of upgraded rammed earth


After hundred years of development, the construction system of common industrial materials such as concrete and steel has already become very mature. They are widely adaptive and cost-efficient, providing significant support to the rapid development of the cities and countries in China in recent decades. The buildings in our cities and villages are becoming the same, and one of the core reasons on the technical level is the monotonous construction system. Although in the foreseeable future, new natural materials such as modern rammed earth cannot replace the common industrial materials, their application potential is still considerable because of their ecological properties of low carbon, energy efficiency and sustainability. In addition, they can help us to enrich our construction technology and provide us with more choices when faced with the same problem. We should follow the core idea of traditional construction to find the most adaptive design and construction method according to different conditions and requirements, seeking sustainable development with regional characteristics.

▼现代夯土建造在村庄中的应用,application of modern rammed earth construction in the village



How do you participate into an architectural design project? How to decide which kind of earth material and building technology should be used in the project? Please introduce the way you work.


▼部分穆钧参与设计的使用夯土的项目,selected projects with the use of rammed earth



In modern rammed earth projects, how do you improve the earthquake resistance of the building?


We cannot expect to rely on one material to solve all problems. Architecture is a system composed of various materials complementing each other. If we want to improve the earthquake resistance of the building, except for the architectural design, we have to develop a combined solution including material, structure and construction. For modern rammed earth architecture, firstly, its layout, space form and fenestration should fit the material and construction characteristics of the earth. Then we have to select a suitable structural system and optimize it accordingly, refining the related construction system. Frame structure and wall structure are the two structure systems that are usually used in modern rammed earth architecture. In frame structure buildings, rammed earth walls only act as enclosures and the seismic design mainly focuses on the inner construction of the wall itself and the joints between the wall and the frame structure as well as other components. Rammed earth load-bearing wall structure is usually used for low-rise houses in the countryside. The existing construction method of columns with ring beams on the upper and lower sides is also fit for rammed earth buildings.

夯土结构抗震实验,seismic experiment of rammed earth construction


In countries like France, Austria and Germany, the study of modern rammed earth was started relatively early. However, the risk of earthquakes in these districts is relatively low so earthquake resistance is not a big challenge. In contrast, rammed earth construction in China is mainly distributed on the seismic belts in the west and southeast so earthquake resistance is always one of our research focuses. After 20 years of study and practice, we have created a series of effective design methods and techniques, putting our anti-seismic technology in modern rammed earth architecture at the forefront of the world.

▼与国外生土建筑专家交流,communication with earth architecture experts from abroad

万涧书屋其实是一个改造项目,与上述新建的夯土建筑有所不同。原来是个土坯房,作为村大队的造纸作坊。1981年作坊停办后废弃至今。改造前,作为承重构件的土坯墙已不堪重负,坡屋面木结构年久失修已无法再利用。这个项目有我们蒋蔚老师牵头负责。利用屋面结构替换更新的契机,我们采取了相应的策略:加固并优化原有房屋结构体系,并充分结合新结构体系设计,优化室内空间布局,提升室内空间品质与功能使用弹性,满足多种活动形式的空间利用需求。其中,置入室内空间的混凝土框架是关键。这一方桌形态的框架体置入,可以说一举多得:1. 接替已局部外闪的原夯土外墙的承重角色,承载整个屋面系统;2. 混凝土框架与夯土外墙之间通过修缮后的次屋面檩条和墙顶木圈梁拉结形成一体,从而使混凝土框架发挥类似核心筒的作用,有效抵御地震作用力,确保房屋的整体结构安全;3.“方桌”上部的一半桌面作为平台,与同样依托方桌承载的双坡主屋面共同营造出一个充满阳光、竹影、山景的二层静怡空间;4. 混凝土框架梁、L型柱、兼做楼梯之用的书架以及土坯外墙,共同成为重新定义室内空间、满足多功能弹性使用需要的空间界定要素。

▼万涧书屋外观,external view of Wanjian Library

设计概念与改造更新后的屋面,design concept and renovated roof

In fact, Wanjian Library is a renovation project. It was originally an adobe house that functioned as a papermaking workshop in the village. The building had been abandoned since 1981. The adobe walls could no longer bear any heavy weight and the wooden structure of the roof was in its disrepair.

Taking the opportunity of replacing the roof structure, Mr. Jiang Wei as the leading architect enhanced the original structure and optimized the layout accordingly, improving the quality and flexibility of the interior space to accommodate various kinds of activities. The installation of the concrete frame was the key point. It replaced the role of the original rammed earth wall to bear the roof structure.

The concrete frame and the rammed earth wall were combined by the restored purlins and the wooden ring beam on the top of the wall, so that the frame would act as a core tube, effectively resisting earthquakes and ensuring the safety of the whole structure. A small attic was created by the upper half of the “table”, creating a tranquil space filled with sunlight, bamboo shadows and mountain views under the sloped roof which was also supported by the “table”.

The concrete frame, L-shaped column, staircase with bookshelves and rammed earth walls redefine the interior space together, meeting the needs of flexible use.

▼作为空间核心的钢筋混凝土“桌子”具有多重角色,the reinforced concrete “table”, as the core of the space, plays multiple roles

▼“桌子”与原有土坯墙共同承担着屋面荷载,the “table” shares the roof load with the original adobe walls


During these years of rural practice, we kept exploring architecture design and construction methods that would fit the current development of rural districts, using simple, plain and easy techniques to solve complicated problems, create a rich space experience as well as meet the functional requirements.

▼“桌子”同时界定出多个弹性功能空间及其相应的空间体验,the“table” defines multiple flexible functional spaces and their corresponding spatial experiences



In the Heritage Museum of Xia Dynasty in Erlitou, rammed earth walls and enclosures made of other materials alternate in the space. In order to keep the appearance pure and simple, how did you design the joints between different materials?


▼博物馆外观,external view of the museun

▼土与铜,earth and copper

▼庭院与材料结合细部,courtyard and details of the combination between different materials

The combination of different materials and components is one of the key elements to reflecting the quality of construction. The Heritage Museum of Xia Dynasty in Erlitou was constructed in reinforced concrete frame structure and the rammed earth walls were merely for enclosing. Therefore, the design of the rammed earth wall focused on the construction level, including the inner construction of the wall itself and the joints between the wall and the beams, columns, doors, windows, pipes and other materials. Besides meeting the basic seismic requirement, the construction design had to make use of the characteristics of the ramming technique in cooperation with the construction organization design. For example, covers made of steel panels were applied to small span openings, which could also be used as the formwork of the rammed earth walls between the windows. The walls were built after the window covers were fixed, which not only improved the construction efficiency, but also ensured the precise combination between the covers and the openings.

室内空间,夯土墙与富有几何感的屋顶,interior space, rammed earth walls and the geometric roof

▼施工过程,框架完工后建造夯土墙,construction process, build the rammed earth wall after the completion of the frame structure




How did the huge constructions of the high rammed earth walls in Zhiyou Henan project be realized? In the night, there are rich projections on the walls. What did you think of lighting when designing the rammed earth walls?




▼项目远景,大面积夯土墙,distanced view of the project with large areas of rammed earth walls

▼15米的高耸墙体,15-meter hight walls

The rammed earth wall functions as the main façade of the project, which is 326-meter long and 15-meter high. When the client reached out to us, the construction drawings of the building adjacent to the wall had already been completed and the foundation construction had started. Therefore, the rammed earth wall could not get any side support from the adjacent buildings so it had to use an independent structure. For such an extremely long and high wall, how to ensure the earthquake resistance within the limited thickness was the biggest challenge we were facing. After repeated research and calculation, Prof. Zhou Tiegang decided to build a reinforced concrete foundation wall as the main body to resist earthquakes. The formwork was installed along one side of the foundation for the construction of the rammed earth wall. The wall was combined with the foundation through invisible joints as if hanging on it. As the coefficient of shrinkage of rammed earth is much higher than that of concrete, by using the technology of “hanging” the rammed earth wall to the foundation, the shrinkage could be equally distributed to the whole wall, solving the shrinkage problem brought by the extreme length and avoiding serious cracks that would threaten the safety of the construction. Finally, the natural cracks on the wall surface properly reflected the concept of “simplicity and roughness” described by the client and Director Wang Chaoge, who was the planner of the project.

夯土墙近景,closer view of the rammed earth wall

▼墙面近景,沧桑的质感,closer view to the wall surface with a rough feeling


A Korean light show design company was commissioned to design the lighting effects by the client.

We didn’t do anything special on the rammed earth walls to cope with the lighting system.

In contrast, the lighting company adjusted their design according to the color of the earth after they saw the sample of the wall.

Viewed from different distances, the texture of the rammed earth wall interacts with the illumination, creating rich layers of visual experience.

▼灯光秀,light show



On the rammed earth wall in the Chinese Pavilion of Beijing International Horticultural Exhibition, you designed irregular light holes, providing transparency to the thick wall. How did this effect be realized and why did you design it like this?


▼马岔村民活动中心外观,夯土墙上设有开洞,external view of the Macha Villagers’ Activity Center, rammed walls with openings

透明材料与夯土结合给室内外空间带来丰富的昼夜体验变化,combination of transparent material and rammed earth creating various experiences in the day and night

This was a temporary exhibition project curated by Mr. Zhang Lie from Tsinghua University. The concept was “the growth of all things on the earth” and we were commissioned to design and construct the rammed earth exhibition wall for the project. After visiting our project of Macha Village Activity Center and seeing the effects created by the acrylic rods embedded in the rammed earth wall, Mr. Zhang came up with an interesting idea of putting seeds at the end of the rods which could be seen when illuminated, indicating seeds growing out of the earth. We had to carefully decide the position and density distribution of the acrylic rods according to the construction. Ramming is a very interesting technique. As long as it meets the basic requirements of the technique, we could combine rammed earth with various materials and components, generating diverse visual effects.

▼园艺博览会中国馆序厅内部概览,overall view of the interior space of the Chinese Pavilion of Beijing International Horticultural Exhibition

▼夯土墙面上埋设亚克力棒形成光点,acrylic rods embedded in the rammed earth walls creating spots of light



Your studio has developed earth materials with different textures and particle sizes, as well as earth-made products. What is your perspective on the innovative use of earth?




河南幻城中的夯土接待台和马赛克饰面,rammed earth reception table and mosaic cladding in the Henan Huancheng project

The composition of the earth, construction of the structure, moisture, rammer and formwork, intensity of ramming, drying process, etc., are combined factors in ramming technique and change in any one of the factors would influence the texture, color, form and strength of the rammed earth, creating significant differences in the completed wall. As the discipline of earth construction and related technical system is being developed, these once random and uncontrollable elements gradually became reliable tools for design, ending with countless possibilities for us to explore in the fields of material performance, architecture design or even art craft design. It has become our daily work to constantly test the strength, color, texture and form of the material by making different-sized products, from small scale blocks and wall parts to real buildings. It also became a required course for new graduate students to join our team. Using the earth as the medium, they could polish their mind through handwork, understanding the essence of material performance and its meaning to design.

▼土上工作室开发的夯土产品,rammed earth products developed by Onearth studio

各种各样的夯土摆件与装饰品,various rammed earth decorations


In contrast to normal cognition, as the overall strength of the material would go down with the size of the product, the requirement for strength per unit area of artwork is always higher than buildings using the same material. This is the core challenge we have to deal with when designing earth products. Based on our experience of architectural design and construction, we looked into the traditional wisdom worldwide to optimize the properties of the material. We have also introduced new tools into the study, such as 3D printer, and made numerous experiments on millimeter level. A series of techniques have been developed based on the material composition, material process, external force intensity, moisture control and formwork shape. The experience gained from making human-scale rammed earth products would in turn facilitate the technical progress in architecture-scale projects. I believe that through our creative work, earth as a material will constantly provide beautiful choices for every aspect of our life.

▼3D打印的生土器物,earth objects created by 3D printing

▼参数化设计的生墙面,earth wall surface created through parametric design



You have been dedicated to promote earth construction in rural districts and fostered local craftsmen to participate into the construction process. Why did you make such efforts and what is your purpose? In some of your projects, the villagers painted the rammed earth wall white after its completion. How did you balance the aesthetic requirements between the designers and the users? How to make people understand the beauty of earth itself?



I was bewildered by the villagers’ aesthetics when I was young. As I have completed more and more rural projects, I gradually realized that it is not merely an aesthetic problem. It is a problem driven by values. In recent decades, following the tide of working in the cities, villagers started to judge things based on whether it is advanced or not. They thought that everything in the city was better or more beautiful than that in the village.

Therefore, except for basic research, I mainly focus on two aspects of my practice. On the one hand, I keep launching demonstration housing projects in the districts with the tradition of rammed earth construction and fostering craftsmen among the villagers. The trained villagers could teach other villagers to build more rammed earth houses after the project. On the other hand, as the need for modern rammed earth technique was growing in the urban and rural construction market, we would intentionally introduce the villager craftsmen to the construction teams of commercial projects and let them handle the key points, providing a chance for them to improve their lives. Their minds were completely changed after they had experienced various rammed earth projects, from guest houses, community centers and hotels, to national projects like the Heritage Museum of Xia Dynasty in Erlitou and the Chinese Pavilion of Beijing International Horticultural Exhibition. It was a sense of pride that naturally arose. Especially in recent years, more and more high-end guest houses and hotel projects were transformed from traditional rural residences and used traditional building techniques. Although they are very expensive, it is difficult to find an empty room during the tourist season. Thus the villagers will no longer regard their tradition as a symbol of underdevelopment.

▼在各地开展的现代夯土农宅示范与推广建设,promotion and construction of modern rammed house farmhouse in different districts




▼村民参与土房子的施工过程,villagers participated in the construction process of the rammed earth house



What practice and research projects are Onearth Studio and the Research and Develop Center of Contemporary Earth Architecture doing currently? What new issues have you found in earth construction? What is your plan for the future?






首部生土建筑技术规程初稿,draft of the first technical standard of earth architecture

We have drafted the first technical standard of earth architecture in China in collaboration with the team of Prof. Wang Shu of China Academy of Art, the team of Prof. Bai Wenfeng of Kunming University of Technology, and more than ten domestic universities and research institutes. It is a benchmark progress that has realized the zero to one stage. After constantly improving, it will set standards for research, practice and sustainable development in earth construction. Although we have made great progress in earth construction techniques, we still haven’t figured out the scientific principal behind the ecological features of earth. We haven’t done any quantified study on its thermal storage and moisture absorption properties so that earth material cannot be added into the existing calculation formulas for energy efficiency, significantly restricting it from integrating into the modern design system. As university scholars, it is our responsibility and obligation to take in-depth research into these aspects.



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