发布时间:2022-08-30 04:28:07 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}



Auckland International Airport |

SurfaceDesign, Inc.




The Auckland International Airport has a dramatic geographical context, sited on an isthmus of the northern island of New Zealand. The seasons change in dramatic shifts— the east coast of New Zealand receives the first light of day in terms of global time. 70% of visitors to New Zealand arrive through the portal of the Auckland Airport, which has, over time, lost a unique national identity. The Auckland Airport landscape is a welcome to visitors, a recognition of the site’s location on the globe, and a celebration of how man has engaged with the uniquely dramatic New Zealand landscape.

▲场地平面图:奥克兰国际机场的景观设计体现了人与土地的接触,彰显了新西兰本土景观的丰富历史。Site Plan. The Auckland International Airport landscape is an expression of the engagement of humans and land, and celebrates the multiple histories of New Zealand’s vernacular landscape.






▲树篱为地景和植物创造了一个柔和的背景。Hedgerows and Landforms. Hedgerows create a diaphanous backdrop to the earthforms and plantings.

▲机场入口车道。巨大的石墩为机场入口提供了框架,将驾车者、骑行者和路上的行人引入一场戏剧性的景观体验。Airport Entrance Drive. Large stone mounds frame the entrance to the airport and pull drivers, cyclists and pedestrians through a dramatic landscape experience.

▲“叶片”之间:景观设计营造出电影般的场景,将游客自然地引向机场入口,乃至这个国家的土地。Between the blades. The landscape is both cinematic and dramatic, celebrating the entrance to the airport, and by extension, the country.

▲鸟瞰:奥克兰机场地区有着丰富的历史背景:这里是毛利人从玻里尼西亚乘坐独木舟首次登陆的地区,随后他们通过在石砌的坑洞中种植热带植物而逐渐改变了此处的景观。Aerial view. The Auckland Airport region is historically poignant- as it is the site where the Maori first arrived in waka canoes from Polynesia- transforming the landscape through the cultivation of tropical plants in stone-lined excavations.

▲石质“叶片”参照了喷气式发动机的运动特征,将不同交通工具(包括飞机、汽车和自行车)的到达与行进过程与自然景观融为一体,创造出一种电影般的、充满兴奋感的场景体验。The Blades. Stone ‘blades’ reference the motion of a jet engine, and emphasize the excitement of arrival, travel and cinematic choreography – of planes, cars , bicycles- through the airport landscape.

▲石砌“叶片”:新修建的连接步道提供了通往公园空地、雕塑公园以及其他设施的通道。Stone Blades. New pedestrian connections provide access to park spaces, a sculpture park, as well as other regional amenities.

▲石堆“叶片”界定出明显的地貌。Rip Rap Blades. Rip rap blades frame the distinct landforms

▲草坪和石堆:本地草种柔化了石堆的轮廓,创造出随风向和季节变化的景致。Grasses and Rip Rap. Native grasses soften the rip rap berms, creating a landscape that is animated by the wind and seasons.

▲形如雕塑的护堤和植被:树篱和本地草的交替种植,使景观既具有整齐的结构,又具有自然而随性的感觉。Sculptural berms and planting. The planting approach is both structured– with hedges and hedgerows framing spaces — and loose, with native grasses.

▲区域鸟瞰:机场景观与该区域的火山地貌相连接。Regional Aerial. The landscape connects to the broader regional volcanic landscape.

▲植被:整齐的树篱和灌木丛为松散的草丘提供了框架。Planting. Formal hedges and hedgerows frame the looser grass mounds.

▲文化特征:机场门户的景观将机场与大新西兰的生态、历史与文化联系在一起,旨在向旅客介绍国家的景观特征(甚至是从空中开始)。Cultural Identity. The gateway landscape connects the airport to the greater New Zealand ecology, history and culture, introducing travelers to the landscape of the country even from the sky above.

▲种植方法:种植方案强化了地貌肌理的走向,并突显了新西兰种植的传统植物。Planting approach. Planting reinforces the graphic moves of the landforms and celebrates traditional plants used in New Zealand.

▲灯光中的景观:灯光设计是本案的一个重要内容。新西兰充满变化和戏剧性的景观为照明方案提供了灵感:从胡卡瀑布到火山,这些景观所呈现的色彩被引入灯光的组合,并逐一投射在实质的“叶片”上,迎接着游客们的到来。A landscape in light. Leveraging the importance of light as part of the travel/airport experience in Auckland, the airport celebrates the New Zealand landscape in light. Dramatic colors are pulled from the New Zealand landscape, from Huka falls to the volcanoes in Auckland, and projected on the stone blades, welcoming travelers to the country as they arrive.


Auckland International Airport is strategically located on the eastern edge of an isthmus of the North Island of New Zealand, where the topography unfolds into the rugged coastline. This is the region where the Maori first arrived in waka canoes from Polynesia, transforming the landscape through the cultivation of tropical plants in stone-lined excavations that became a sacred typology. Centuries later, European immigrants further modified the landscape with the cultivation of orchards and timber trees. They, too, protected the crops from the harsh climate with layered plantings of strict hedgerows. Both the Maori and European settlers dramatically shaped the Auckland and broader New Zealand landscape.

The airport landscape is an expression of this engagement of people and land, and it celebrates the multiple histories of New Zealand’s vernacular landscapes. Stone mounds that reference Maori stonesfields rise from the ground; a datum of hedgerows overlays these mounds, creating a simplified groundplane from which the greater Auckland landscape—both urban and volcanic—can be read with a newfound clarity. The earthforms serve a dual purpose as they address on-site soils remediation and stormwater treatment, part of a larger ecological mission of the airport.

Smaller, stone ‘blades’ reference the motion of a jet engine, and emphasize the excitement of arrival, travel, and cinematic choreography—of planes, cars, bicycles—through the airport landscape. Native New Zealand grasses soften the blades and connect them to the regional landscape. International travelers to and from Auckland generally arrive in the dark. Leveraging the importance of light as part of the airport travel experience in Auckland, the airport celebrates the New Zealand landscape in light. A spectrum of colors are pulled from the dramatic New Zealand landscape, from Hukafalls to the volcanoes in Auckland, and projected on the stone blades—welcoming travelers to the landscape of the country as they arrive.


奥克兰国际机场景观设计 | 人与土地的接触
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