Germany Gotha swimming pool
设计方:Veauthier Meyer Architekten
位置:德国 哥达
设计团队:Andreas Veauthier, Nils Meyer, Andreas Schon, Jojo Grieger, Tobias Reckert, Judith Knocke
摄影师:Klemens Ortmeyer
图林根州,哥达镇的社区游泳馆是一栋可以追溯到1909年的作为文物保护的登记在册建筑物,是那个时代的典型游泳浴。这栋由William Goette设计的新艺术派大楼在统一之前被当做市的游泳馆用,但是在卖给一个私人的投资者后就被关闭了。在2007年的时候,城市将这栋大楼又买了回来,并举办了一次遍及全欧洲的建筑比赛,比赛提出的问题就是怎样将这栋历史性的建筑体量融入一个新的无障碍运动、保健和休闲中心中。
The community swimming pool in the town of Gotha in Thuringia , a listed building dating from 1909, is typical of the municipal baths of its time. The art nouveau building (designed by William Goette) served as a municipal pool prior to unification, but was then closed following a sale to a private investor. Re-purchased by the city in 2007, a Europe-wide architectural competition posed the question of how to integrate this historic building within a new handicapped-accessible sports, health and leisure complex.
The urban concept involves the expansion of the historic baths complex on both flanks with two modern buildings. To the East lies an expansive new sauna landscape, while the competition-standard 25-metre pool and the training pool are located to the West. The striking cubic forms of the new low-level buildings are generated from the context: their restrained height prevents these building from overshadowing the neighboring older buildings in the now densely developed site. The lighting concept for the building is orientated around the original architect’s solution, translated, of course, into modern form: the new pool is illuminated by natural light flowing generously from the long sides and the front facade of the building.