发布时间:2019-10-22 09:41:19 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

建筑事务所Snøhetta与阿德莱德当地的建筑事务所JPE Design Studio和Jam Factory合作,完成了他们在澳大利亚的第一个项目:南澳大学的Pridham大楼。该大楼位于阿德莱德,作为学生中心,它致力于提供最先进的体育设施。可以说,这个充满活力的大楼是南澳大学City West校区的新社交中心,学生们不仅可以在此度过一段美好的校园时光,也可以在这里进行一系列的庆典活动。

Together with local partner, JPE Design Studio and Jam Factory, Snøhetta has completed its first project in Australia: the new Pridham Hall in Adelaide. As a state-of-the-art sporting facility and student center, Pridham Hall is the new social heart of University of South Australia’s City West campus, and serves as a vibrant space where university life, milestones and academic achievements are celebrated.

▼Pridham大楼外观及其主入口,exterior view of the Pridham Hall and its main entrance © Mark Syke

南澳大学(University of South Australia)建于1991年,由南澳大利亚技术学院(South Australian Institute of Technology)和南澳大利亚高级教育学院(South Australian College of Advanced Education)合并而成。Pridham大楼作为南澳大学和城市的新地标,不仅丰富了校内学生的生活和学习体验,更为周边的社区提供了便利。这座建于阿德莱德西端的新建建筑凸显了公共空间的重要性,构建并增强了学生、知识爱好者和更广泛的阿德莱德社区之间的联系。Pridham大楼作为南澳大学City West校区内的一个全新的综合性体育空间,不仅关注着学生们的身体健康,为其提供锻炼空间,同时也为毕业典礼、各种活动和学生之间的交流沟通提供了一个校内场所。

Wednesday, October 16, 2019 — University of South Australia was founded in its current form in 1991 with the merger of the South Australian Institute of Technology and the South Australian College of Advanced Education. By transforming the on-campus student experience and enabling access for the surrounding community, Pridham Hall has become a civic landmark for both the university and the city. This new addition to Adelaide’s west end highlights the importance of public spaces that engage and inspire connectivity between students, learning and the wider Adelaide community. Pridham Hall delivers a new comprehensive sporting hub to the university’s City West campus to encourage students’ well-being and physical health, while simultaneously providing an on-campus venue for graduations, events and student interaction.

▼Pridham大楼主入口,西北角被抬起,不仅突出了主入口,更强调了Pridham大楼与城市之间的联系,the main entrance of the Pridham Hall, the north-western corner of the building is lifted, highlighting the main entry and Pridham Hall’s connections with the urban realm © Mark Syke


The main features of the building are the Hall, a pool, sports facilities and function spaces, as well as integrated green spaces, fulfilling the university’s ambition to create a welcoming destination for students and visitors alike. By allowing public access to both interior and exterior spaces, the building aims to create a sense of public ownership and engagement.

▼Pridham大楼外立面局部,木制墙面与斜向的栅格相互衬托,partial exterior view of the Pridham Hall, the wooden cladding highlights the diagonal gratings © Mark Syke

▼Pridham大楼外立面局部,partial exterior view of the Pridham Hall © Mark Syke


The interaction between the landscape and the building offers passersby a snapshot of the life inside Pridham Hall and creates a welcoming façade to the campus which enhances activity occurring both inside and outside the building. At the north-eastern and western sides of the building, the roof extends down to street level to create two terraced green recreation spaces which function as large external public amphitheaters. These flanked “green wings” are designed to produce an exceptional display of textures and colors, showcasing the plant species from Southern Australia with emphasis on those from the Adelaide region. Creating a dedicated social space, the western amphitheater is integrated with the adjacent buildings with opportunities for outdoor cinema and events. The north-western corner of the building is lifted, highlighting the main entry and Pridham Hall’s connections with the urban realm.

▼大楼外观,屋顶在Pridham大楼的东北侧和西侧一直向下延伸至街道平面,从而创造出两个斜坡式绿色空间,exterior view, at the north-eastern and western sides of the building, the roof extends down to street level to create two terraced green recreation spaces © Mark Syke

▼斜坡式绿色空间和大型户外露天剧场,the terraced green recreation spaces and the large external public amphitheaters © Mark Syke


▼Pridham大楼的入口门厅,the entrance hall of the Pridham Hall © Mark Syke

The heart of the building is the Hall, located on the ground floor. Differing from traditional academic main halls, this multifunctional space houses both sport activities, events and ceremonies. Designed with distinct red elements in the draping and patterns on the timber walls, the aesthetics of the Hall contrasts the surrounding lobby area, creating an energetic and vibrant space. The 1,600 sqm Hall includes a climbing wall and a student lounge mezzanine at the second level. In addition, the building can also be transformed from a sports hub to a capacious event space with the ability to host everything from banquets to UniSA’s annual graduation ceremonies for up to 2,000 people.

▼大厅空间,采用红色的地板和带有红色点缀的木墙饰面,并设有攀岩墙,the Hall including a climbing wall, with the red flooring and the red elements in the draping and patterns on the timber walls © Mark Syke

▼被作为礼堂空间的大厅,the Hall as the ceremony space © Mark Syke

南澳大学体育中心(UniSA Sport)位于地下一层,其中设有一个体育馆兼舞蹈室和一个配有25米长的泳道的游泳馆。游泳馆双层通高,上部是由玻璃打造而成的建筑外墙和大堂围墙。这些玻璃墙体围合出一个虚空间,不仅实现了地下一层与首层空间在竖直方向上的联系,更最大限度地将阳光引入室内,创造出一个明亮的空间。

UniSA Sport is situated at the basement level and offers a gymnasium, dance studio and a unique 25-meter swimming pool. Vertical connection between these spaces and the ground floor is created by the use of glazed voids between the street and the lobby where views and daylight are able to penetrate with maximum effect.

▼地下一层的游泳馆,双层通高,上部是由玻璃打造而成的建筑外墙和大堂围墙,the swimming pool at the basement level, with glazed voids between the street and the lobby © Mark Syke

▼地下一层的游泳馆,玻璃外墙将日光引入室内,the swimming pool at the basement level, the glazed facades introduce the sunlight into the building © Mark Syke



In alignment with UniSA’s target of 15 % reduction in campus-wide carbon emissions by 2021, the project embeds several energy-reducing strategies into the design that are both high and low-tech. The design of Pridham Hall enables natural light to penetrate deep into the building, from the basement level through to level 1, reducing the need for artificial lighting and heating by using efficient passive design features. The ground floor lobby space’s permeable glazed facades opens up and allows for natural ventilation, creating an indoor-outdoor space and flexible use. The northern and western lobbies are considered a single internal plaza space, with strong visual and physical connection to the outside, allowing full enjoyment of the warm Adelaide climate.

Designed to integrate with the neighboring university facilities, Pridham Hall contributes to a lively atmosphere with the ability to facilitate recreation and connectivity between the university, business and student communities. The hub extends campus life and culture beyond daytime, creating a place that influences the changing nature of the campus and the west end of Adelaide.

▼Pridham大楼夜景,night view of the Pridham Hall © Mark Syke

南澳大学的Pridham大楼入围了2019年WLA奖(2019 WLA Awards)的“最佳小型建成项目(Built Small)”奖,同时在2019年SA景观建筑奖(SA Landscape Architecture Awards in 2019)中被授予“卓越建筑奖(Award of Excellence)”。

UniSA Pridham Hall was shortlisted for the 2019 WLA Awards in the “Built Small” category and was awarded the “Award of Excellence” in the SA Landscape Architecture Awards in 2019.


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