发布时间:2022-07-29 15:47:18 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


This store for the major eyewear brand JINS is located on a busy suburban thoroughfare. As online shopping becomes more common, physical stores must go beyond serving as places to handle or try on goods; they must also offer in-person experiences. Because this store is located close to a residential neighborhood with many young families, our concept was to create a park-like space where children and parents as well as others in the community can stop by to spend time even if they’re not buying glasses.

▼项目外观概览,overall of the project

▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view of the project


店前的社区广场,public plaza in front of the store

这家店位于距离东京约100公里的群马县前桥市,距市中心约15分钟车程。店铺周边是绿树成荫的居民区,人们能够这里看到当地标志性的赤城山(Mt. Akagi)。在此背景下,建筑如同一个梯形盒子飘浮在空中,硫化铜材质的立面与红褐色的山峰相互呼应。建筑的外墙向住宅区一侧倾斜,旨在保证周边邻居的隐私,而面向主要街道的一侧则采用了大面积的平板玻璃窗,向路人展示出店内丰富的活动场景。随着太阳在天空中移动,立面外观也会随之发生变化,在夜晚,倾斜的铜条边缘反射出流星一般的光晕。

Located about fifteen minutes by car outside central Maebashi, a city in Gunma Prefecture about 100 km from Tokyo, the shop sits in a leafy residential neighborhood with a view of iconic Mt. Akagi. The building floats like a trapezoidal box against this backdrop, its sulfurized copper façade echoing the reddish-brown color of the mountain. The exterior walls slope down toward the residential district to maintain privacy for neighbors, while the side facing the tree-lined main street showcases activity inside the store with large plate-glass windows. The façade’s appearance changes as the sun moves across the sky, and at night the edges of its slanted copper strips glitter with reflected light like shooting stars.

▼面向主要街道的一侧采用了大面积的可开启平板玻璃窗,the side facing the tree-lined main street showcases activity inside the store with large plate-glass windows


at night the edges glitter with reflected light like shooting stars


Visitors approach the building via a richly landscaped garden. Inside, a fan-shaped staircase and smooth white ceiling lead the eye up toward blue sky. From seats built into the staircase, visitors can look over the store, garden, and street. At the top of the stairs is a terrace with plenty of room for children to run around as well as benches to sit or lay on. When the weather is good, the sliding glass doors facing the garden can be opened, unifying the interior and exterior and drawing breezes up the staircase atrium to the terrace.

▼室内空间概览,overall of interior

▼店内售卖面包与咖啡,the shop sells bread and coffee that attractthe surrounding residents

▼商品展示区,display area of the glasses

▼嵌入了座位区的扇形楼梯,the scalloped staircase inserted with seating areas

▼楼梯通向二层露台,at the top of the stairs is a terrace with plenty of room

▼可打开的滑动玻璃门将室内外露台融为一体,sliding glass doors that can be opened integrate the indoor and outdoor terraces

落成后的JINS PARK将成为当地的社区广场,在这里,人们不仅能够买到心仪的眼镜,还可以享受美味的面包与咖啡,甚至可以举办集市和讲座。无论是室内还是室外,都设置有灵活的休闲空间,为人们提供着各种各样的体验和活动,吸引着人们汇聚于此,为这里注入勃勃生机。随着景观植被的生长与成熟,铜制的立面将更加充分地融入周围环境,建筑师希望这家商店能够真正成为社区日常生活的一部分。

JINS Park is designed to serve as a community plaza where bread and coffee as well as glasses are sold and neighbors can hold markets and lectures. Both inside and outside, there are relaxed spaces with no set function where a wide range of experiences and events take place, attracting a lively stream of community members. As the landscaping matures and the copper façade blends more fully into its surroundings, we hope the store will become part of everyday life in the neighborhood.

夜景,night views



Architect information

Company name : Yuko Nagayama and Associates

Address : 6F, 11-22, Yostuyasanei-cho, Shinju-ku, Tokyo, Japan

URL :Credit information

Architecture : Yuko Nagayama and Associates

Photography : Daici Ano, Tomoyuki Kusunose

Project outline

Location : Maebashi city, Japan

Completion : April, 2021

Design period : October, 2018 – December, 2019

Principal use : Shop (Eyewear shop, Bakery & café)Structure : Steel

Site area : 1,720.64 m2

Building area : 442.45 m2

Total floor area : 499.33 m2 (385.87 m2 / 1F, 113.46 m2 / 2F)Client: JINS Inc.Architect: Yuko Nagayama and Associates (Yuko Nagayama, Yoko Komori)Structural engineer: Kanebako Structural Engineers (Yoshiharu Kanebako, Shunsuke Okayama, Kai Kageyama)MEP engineer: PilotisLandscape designer: Solso (Taichi Saito, Yuta Itagaki, Nanako Fujino)Lighting designer: Izumi OkayasuLighting planner: Daiko (Kanako Uga, Rina Hozumi)Graphic designer: Takaiyama (Hideyuki Yamano, Saki Kanemoto)Bakery and cafe, art direction: Astushi KikuchiSupervision: Yuko Nagayama and Associates (Yuko Nagayama, Yoko Komori, Rikako Ikegami)Contractor: Fuyuki Kogyo Corp. (Takushi Yokota)Planting works: Maebashi Engei (Keitaro Nakamura)Sign and furniture contractor: Space Co., Ltd. (Ka Yo)Sign-board builder: Sanyo (Goshi Kishi)


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