Little Water Droplets
The existing building, serving as a kindergarten, is a part of the facilities of unoccupied properties. The main structure and facade of the building has been completed, with the design task focusing on its exterior landscape and optimizing certain parts of the facade.
▼场地鸟瞰,Aerial view of the site©吴嗣铭
The original building is located on the southern side of the site, with a large outdoor activity area left on the northern side. Comparatively, the outdoor activity space on the southern side is quite limited. Therefore, maximizing the utilization of the entire outdoor area became a key focus of the design.
▼活动空间,Activity space©吴嗣铭
While the original facade primarily employed colors commonly associated with kindergartens, the choice and combination of its colors felt somewhat dull and lacked vibrancy, which was an aspect to consider in the facade redesign.
▼教学楼外立面细节,Details of the Exterior Facade of the Teaching Building©吴嗣铭
▼触感之棚,Tactile pavilion©吴嗣铭
The Adventures of the Water Droplets
To integrate the fragmented spaces, a circular pathway was needed, which was inspired by the cycle of water: the journey of a tiny water droplet through nature. This ring also connects the narrow area on the southern side, the inner courtyard of the building, and the activity area on the northern side into a unified whole.
▼活动场地局部鸟瞰图(知识海洋),Partial Aerial View of the Activity Area (Sea of Knowledge) ©吴嗣铭
The entire landscape system revolves around different states of water in the natural cycle: as clouds, rain or mist, ponds, and even the ocean; as well as formations in the ocean such as islands, sand dunes, sandbars, and even marine life.
▼小水滴的“探水”历险 The “Water Exploration” Adventures of Little Water Droplets ©竖梁社绿田工作室
Forms of Water Droplets
At the entrance, a cloud-like canopy provides a shaded space for drop-offs and pick-ups. A small play pool is situated on the southeast side, resembling a gathering of raindrops. In the north, the vast area becomes an ocean where droplets gather. On the northwest side, undulating micro-terrain creates small islands and oases at sea, fulfilling functions for sand play and climbing activities. The “ocean currents” flow into the building’s inner courtyard, breaking the boundaries of the structure.
▼外部景观功能分布,Functional Distribution of External Landscape © 竖梁社绿田工作室
We’ve also set up some marine life; the structures on the northwest side resemble floating jellyfish. Adjacent to the building’s inner courtyard, a submarine is designed with a portion of its cabin protruding, serving as a secret base for children and providing an emergency evacuation slide (which is to be implemented).
▼入口活动空间(触感之棚),Entrance Activity Space (Tactile Pavilion)©吴嗣铭
▼形感之丘,Gentle Slope for Shape Perception©吴嗣铭
Through the adventures of water droplets, we’ve given the site unique significance, created a series of corresponding activity spaces, and provided an immersive environment for children to explore freely. We hope to increase children’s interest and extend the duration of their outdoor activities through this.
▼西北侧的活动场地(形感之丘),Activity Area on the Northwest Side (Gentle Slope for Shape Perception) ©吴嗣铭
If the theme of water droplet adventures can plant the seed of exploring nature in their minds, it will be an additional achievement of this project.
▼夜景 Night view, ©吴嗣铭。
▼活动场地效果图(形感之丘),Rendering of Activity Area (Gentle Slope for Shape Perception)©竖梁社绿田工作室
▼活动场地效果图(乐感之廊),Rendering of Activity Area (Corridor for Musical Sensory)©竖梁社绿田工作室
▼活动场地效果图(动感泡泡),Rendering of Activity Area (Dynamic Bubbles)©竖梁社绿田工作室
项目位置 | Location 广东省佛山市乐从镇
业主单位 | Development Organization 佛山市乐从镇教育办公室
设计单位 | Design Firm 竖梁社绿田工作室
设计团队 | Design Team 主持建筑师 | Design Direction 邹嘉盟、宋刚、钟冠球、朱志远
设计团队 | Architectural Design 竖梁社绿田工作室:邹嘉盟、张新翼、梁玲玲、郑鸿锦、张扬帆
合作单位 | Cooperative Team 广州璞玥环境艺术有限公司:黄政、谢剑球、黄秀英 博斯特:陈贤斌、陈坚华、陈楚媚、赖淦涛 陶建强、叶宏劲、谭靓
建筑面积 | Scale of Construction 占地 7600 平方米,建筑面积 6900 平方米
设计时间 | Design Time 2023.02 完成时间 | Completion Year 2023.07 摄影 | photographer 吴嗣铭