发布时间:2018-12-02 18:02:29 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

卑尔根美术、音乐和设计学院(KMD)的前身是卑尔根艺术与设计学院(KHiB)。 该项目将原先分散的教学楼集中在同一个屋檐下,使校园经历了一场历史性的融合。 这座建筑面积为14800平方米的新学院大楼如今已经成为卑尔根市第二大的文化建筑。

Replacing the former Bergen Academy of Art & Design (KHiB), the new Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design (KMD) has undergone a historic fusion, assembling the previously scattered faculty buildings under one roof.

This new 14,800m2 cross-disciplinary faculty is now the second largest cultural building in Bergen after the 1,500-seat Grieg Concert Hall.

▼项目概览,project overview ©Trond Isaksen, Statsbygg



The building is organized along two axes, one internal, dedicated to students and staff, and one external, open to the public. Under the KMD roof, these axes cross each other in the 1,300 m2 and 19,000 m3 project hall, one of the most prominent and dominant features of the building.

It is here, in the transition zone between the public and the private sphere of the school, that the building offers exciting opportunities for students, professors, and visitors to connect, discover, and learn from one another. It is a multi-use, semi-climatic space running through the entire construction.

▼建筑外观,exterior view ©Tomasz Majewski Photography

©Trond Isaksen, Statsbygg

▼户外空间,outdoor space ©Tomasz Majewski Photography

▼从落地玻璃窗望向图书室,library seen through the glazed opening ©Trond Isaksen, Statsbygg


The building’s entrance is connected to the large outdoor public plaza, Kunstallmenningen. The plaza, together with the large glass wall of the project hall, makes KMD an inviting and open building in dialogue with the city center of Bergen.

▼广场视角,view from the plaza ©Trond Isaksen, Statsbygg

▼立面细部,detailed view ©Trond Isaksen, Statsbygg

▼友好而开放的校园形象, an inviting and open campus ©Trond Isaksen, Statsbygg

极具可塑性的艺术表达空间 | An Ideal and Malleable Space for Artistic Expression


A prominent aspect of the KMD building is its robust and malleable characteristics. Both the project hall and the 410 rooms surrounding it, including auditoriums, offices, and workshops of various sizes, have been designed to both foster creativity and to withstand harsh treatment which is inevitable in an art school.

▼大厅,project hall ©Trond Isaksen, Statsbygg

▼二层开放空间,open space on the upper floor ©Tomasz Majewski Photography

▼办公空间,office ©Trond Isaksen, Statsbygg

▼休闲空间,seating area ©Trond Isaksen, Statsbygg


Another important feature of the building is its unifying mission, manifested through the project hall. Very much a public space, as well as an artistic space for students, the project hall will host events and exhibitions. Rising to 23-meter-high at its tallest point, it is equipped with an original Munck bridge crane running its entire length, echoing the now demolished Sverre Munck’s crane factory which used to occupy the site.

▼一台Munck桥式起重机横跨整个空间,the project hall is equipped with an original Munck bridge crane running its entire length ©Tomasz Majewski Photography

▼一个供学生们自由发挥的艺术空间,an artistic space for students to create ©Tomasz Majewski Photography

材料 | Materiality



The KMD building’s aesthetic does not compete with its purpose of welcoming collective artistic installations and individual expression. It is a clean-cut, environmentally friendly and durable building focused on materials that will withstand the rainy climate of the Norwegian west coast and a high degree of rough use, wear, and tear.

The material palette has a clear reference to the Norwegian coast, using well-established materials such as pine wood block flooring, birch veneer, raw aluminum, crude steel, and concrete. The interior palette is kept low key, providing studios, student work areas, and other spaces with a neutral and durable environment suitable for art and design work.

▼建筑整体呈现出简洁、环保且耐用的特征,a clean-cut, environmentally friendly and durable building ©Tomasz Majewski Photography

▼未经加工的铝材、粗钢以及混凝土材料能够抵挡住高强度的使用、磨损和消耗,the materials will withstand the rainy climate of the Norwegian west coast and a high degree of rough use, wear, and tear ©Trond Isaksen, Statsbygg

©Stephen Paolo Citrone

©Tomasz Majewski Photography

坚固的立面 | A Robust Façade


The pre-fabricated raw aluminum elements that clad the building’s exterior compose a puzzle of depth, breadth and length. 900 varied sized seawater-durable crude aluminum elements are protruding from the wall at varying distances, only paused by large cantilevered box-shaped windows punctuating the rhythm of the aluminum surface. The metal cassettes shift according to the weather conditions of the west coast and reinforces the metallic effect of the aluminum.

▼立面由耐海水腐蚀的粗铝材料组成,the roubust facade consists of pre-fabricated raw aluminum elements ©Tomasz Majewski Photography

▼悬臂式的箱型窗户点缀着起伏的铝制立面,large cantilevered box-shaped windows punctuating the rhythm of the aluminum surface ©Tomasz Majewski Photography

▼立面细部,detailed view ©Tomasz Majewski Photography

©Tomasz Majewski Photography

户外空间 | Outdoor spaces



Of the 11.45-acre Møllendal lot, a total of 9 acres are dedicated to outdoor areas, including green areas, open plazas, and parking. Large parts of the outdoor is accessible to the public, with the Kunstallmenningen plaza and the café terrace as natural meeting points.

Underneath the café terrace, a huge tank with a capacity of capturing up to 90 liters of water per second stocks excess water from the 4,100m2 roof. The water is further lead into a 500m³ infiltration pool situated at the plaza. The pools will avoid strain from rainfall and flood on the encircling environment.

▼室外花园,outdoor garden ©Tomasz Majewski Photography

▼金属表面在一天当中呈现出不同质感,the metal cassettes shift according to the weather conditions of the west coast and reinforces the metallic effect of the aluminum ©Trond Isaksen, Statsbygg

▼夜景,night view ©Tomasz Majewski Photography

©Trond Isaksen, Statsbygg

▼景观平面图,landscape plan

▼场地平面图,site plan

▼首层平面图,plan level 1

▼2层平面图,plan level 2

▼3层平面图,plan level 3

▼4层平面图,plan level 4


Timeline: 2005 – 2017 Status: Completed Location: Bergen, Norway Typology: University building Size:14 800m2 Client: Statsbygg


卑尔根美术、音乐和设计学院,挪威 / Snøhetta
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