发布时间:2022-03-29 12:51:46 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Since the beginning of the 21st century, Chengdu, a city in Sichuan renowned for its relaxed atmosphere and youth culture, has witnessed a wave of commercial development together with growing purchasing power. At every corner of the CBD near Chunxi Road and Daci Temple, different kinds of consumer venues would spring up like bamboo shoots. Among these is the Atrium, a relatively small scale mixed-used complex opened in 2007. Despite its central location, its shopping mall has been outshined by the neighbouring Taikoo Li and Chengdu IFS. Like many other 10-year plus commercial properties in China, a total facelift would be an obvious solution.


△ project location diagram / 项目区位分析

In 2019, Lukstudio took up the challenge to transform the façade and the landscape design, creating an attractive public platform for social activities.


△ travertine landform of Multicolored Pool / 五彩池钙华地貌 ©wangsong, Economic Daily

The site comprises several entrances and streetfronts, so our first idea was to use a single design element uniting different parts into an identifiable whole. To complement the surrounding tall modern buildings, glamourous finishes and flashy screens, the team took inspiration from the scenic travertine formations, a signature landscape of the province, and re-interpreted it into stacking contours.


△ design development over a few months / 设计优化历时数月

Like many others urban scale projects, the design evolved through a few iterations based on feedback from clients and officials. 


△ general plan after renovation / 改造后总平面图

The section of West Kangshi Street


△ scope of facade update / 立面更新范围

△ West Kangshi Street plan / 西糠市街段平面图

The section of West Kangshi Street section is facing Taikoo Li, and its north square has the most traffic in the business district. The objective of the facelift is to draw in this existing flow of people and engage them with more up-to-date leisure and entertainment offers.


△ North Square before renovation / 改造前的北广场

△ before and after / 改造前后对比

△ when the plaza is not busy with pop-up vendors, the musical fountain and the water pond bring flow to the upgraded North Square / 在快闪店打烊的间隙,水池与音乐喷泉也能为北广场引来客流

The original ornamental lawns and flower beds were demolished and replaced with water features inspired by Multicolored Pool, musical fountains and terraced seating, encouraging pedestrians to rest or gather. 


△ the new canopy opens up the mall facade, giving commercial tenants flexibility to create their signature storefront / 新的外檐设计打开了商场立面的格局,商铺门头和橱窗的设计可以更为灵活和个性

△ the dynamic contours is a platform that encourages marketing experiment such as integrating popular mall mascots / 灵动的外形为商场的营销展示提供了一个绝佳的平台,例如让吉祥物端坐其上

△ the West Kangshi Street facade before reconstruction / 改造前的西糠市街段外立面

△ before and after / 改造前后对比

△ a night view of the upgraded West Kangshi Street facade / 更新后的西糠市街段夜景,灯火熠熠

The structure of aluminum layers replaces the original bulky stone panels. The new canopy not only provides shelter to sun and rain, but also strengthens the visual continuity and unity. At the entrance, an original wall is demolished exposing the columns within, opening to escalators that connect pedestrians between ground and second floors. The improved path of flow draws more energy to the previously uninhabited wasteland. 


△ turning a previous mechanical room into a terraced seating / 设备间被隐藏于层叠的花台长凳中

The idea of stacking contours also gives form to site-specific landscape design. Apart from integrating plants, a new corner terrace finished in pebble stone terrazzo incorporates ample public seating, and even manages to disguise the existing out-of-place equipment room and maintenance manholes.


The section of South Kangshi Street


△ scope of facade update / 立面更新范围

△ South Kangshi Street plan / 南糠市街段平面图

△ main entrance before renovation / 改造前的主入口

△ main entrance after renovation / 改造后的主入口

△ a vertical green feature creates a backdrop for events / 入口门廊及新增的扶梯

At the South Kangshi Street corner, a waterfall feature was originally proposed for the exposed columns at the east entrance. In the end, a vertical green feature with water feature is opted to create a backdrop for another event venue.


△ the original planter along South Kangshi Street before renovation / 改造前的南糠市街段花坛

△ before and after / 改造前后对比

△ the stacking contours a much more welcoming landscape / 阶梯、花台与长凳通过层叠结构整合在一起,变成更为温馨的城市景观

△ the layered streetfront is now open for more possibilites / 街道被赋予更多功能和层次美感

The planters dividing the pedestrian zone have been removed from the periphery, and the new terraced landscape opens the area to better flows and more possibilities. The design team studied solar and wind conditions while optimizing the canopy design, creating a more natural and comfortable environment for the pedestrians.


△ night view of South Kangshi Street / 南糠市街段夜景

△ the lit layered structure becomes an attractive urban feature / 隐藏在层叠结构中的灯带点亮了街道

The section of Dongdajie Street


△ scope of facade update / 立面更新范围

△ Dongdajie Street plan / 东大街段平面图

At the Dongdajie Street main entrance, the stacking contours are best expressed along the sky corridor connecting The Atrium Phase I and Phase II buildings.


△ Dongdajie Street before reconstruction / 改造前的东大街段

△ before and after / 改造前后对比

△ preliminary model study / 前期通过模型来推敲结构设计

△ panorama of the reconstructed Dongdajie Street / 改造后的东大街段全景

△ the layered structure brings an organic presence among tall buildings / 连廊外立面的层叠结构做了有机变化的设计

△ the layers connecting the bridge to the two buildings / 建筑外立面与连廊的衔接更紧密

△ the receding layers work harmoniously with the facade of HARMAY Chengdu store designed by AIM / 顶部外檐与AIM恺慕设计的HARMAY话梅成都店外立面相结合,层叠式设计展现出极强的包容性

The layered structure partly unites the originally isolated buildings, and partly integrates shop fronts of various styles. The vast and dynamic stacking form presents a prominent gateway to the busy road.


△ a new city landmark / 一处新的城市地标

△ integrating urban furniture / 水刷石花台具备了城市家具的功能

The original installation in this area has been completely demolished, providing widened pedestrian zone and more unobstructed flows. More planters and benches are installed for the public.


△ night view of Dongdajie Street / 东大街段夜景

At night, the organic stacking structure is lit with running lights, calling for attention while contributing to the vitality of the neighborhood. 


△ a revitalized shopping mall restores urban vibrancy / 购物广场重焕生机

In the renovation project of the Atrium, the challenge is to create an envelope and a platform that give an overall identity without overpowering its content. Lukstudio manufactured a landscape at the city center by abstracting natural forms of travertine. The stacking contour sheets are both versatile and friendly, serving at different levels as canopy, brise-soleil, wall covering to seating and planter. The resulting plaza is one that welcomes all ages and encourages different activities. The sight of shoppers gathering around pop-up venues, diners lounging at outdoor terraces, skateboarders testing out their moves, or pedestrians resting on benches, fulfils the purpose of the architecture and together sustain the urban vibrancy.  


△ West Kangshi Street elevation / 西糠市街段立面图

△ South Kangshi Street elevation / 南糠市街段立面图

△ Dongdajie Street elevation / 东大街段立面图

Project Information

Location | No.99, Dongdajie street, Jinjiang District, Chengdu

Scope | Facade, Landscape

Net Area | Facade 5000㎡, Landscape 6700㎡

Architect | LUKSTUDIO

Director | Christina Luk

Design Team | Dong Wu, Yiren Ding, Weifeng Yu, Vivi Du, Coca Gao, Munyee Ng, Yoko You, Melody Shen, Andrei Smolik, Mae Szeto, Othoniel Vizoso, Sarah Wang, Xiaojian Yan, Jimmy Zhu

Design Period | 2019.5 - 2019.10

Construction Period | 2020.02 - 2020.09

Key Materials | aluminum panel, pebble stone terrazzo, pre-cast concrete, whole body tiles, stone

General Contractor | Nantong Jin Dian Decoration Co,Ltd

Lighting | Shanghai Royal Lighting Engineering Co,Ltd

Photography | Arch-Exist Photography


项目地址 | 成都市锦江区东大街99号

设计内容 | 外立面、外部景观

设计面积 | 外立面5000平方米,景观6700平方米

建筑设计 | 芝作室

设计总监 | 陆颖芝

项目团队 | 吴冬、丁怡人、余炜锋、杜雪、高永、吴敏仪、尤幸、沈思韵、Andrei Smolik、司徒欣媚、Othoniel Vizoso、王爽、颜小剑、朱俊儒

设计时间 | 2019.5 -2019.10

施工时间 | 2020.02- 2020.09

主要材料 | 铝板、水刷石、混凝土预制板、通体砖、石材

施工团队 | 南通金典装饰工程有限公司

灯光顾问 | 上海御光照明工程有限公司

摄影 | 存在建筑-建筑摄影


成都晶融汇 | 芝作室 | 中国四川成都
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