受到16世纪“Wunderkammer”(珍奇屋)概念的影响,“Cabinets of Curiosities”项目集合了8张不同的室内空间视图,探讨了装配与形式、类型和空间,以及存在与表现之间的严格关系。每张视图都展示了一个不同的项目,通过微缩画、抽象体块、图纸、照片和绘画,强调出事物令人痴迷和具有侵入性的特质。
Inspired by the 16th century idea of Wunderkammer, Cabinets of Curiosities is a set of eight interior views, exploring the strict relationship between assemblage and form, typology and space, presence and representation. Each view depicts a different project, and is characterized by the obsessive and intrusive presence of objects: miniatures, abstract volumes, drawings, photographs, paintings.
These isolated objects transcend their material condition to become something else: the wholeness of any architectural proposal can only be determined by the combination of these fragments, which occasionally take the shape of plans, sections, interior and city perspectives. Their juxtaposition favors comparison; the end result is a symbolic inventory of all possible forms of representation.
The Gentle Giant, Suqian, China
Il Tappeto di Pietra,Vidigulfo, Italy
Hidden Treasures, Seoul, South Korea
Dissonant Unity, Prague,Czech Republic
Haptic Pavilion, Vyksa, Russian Federation
Urban Archipelago, Budapest, Hungary
L’Architettura è la Città, Bergamo,Italy
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