Mints Design完成了位于乌克兰基辅的一个商业项目,占地面积为533平方米。该项目结合了几个功能区域:如瑜伽,咖啡馆,商店,按摩室。所有这些区域围绕一个综合体中工作,形成一个单独的空间,在这里可以做瑜伽,吃饭,购物,还可以改善你的健康和放松。
Mints Design has completed a commercial project covering 533 square metres in Kiev, Ukraine. The project combines several functional areas: such as yoga, cafe, shop, massage room. All these areas work around a complex, forming a single space where you can do yoga, eat, shop, and improve your health and relaxation.
该项目的主要目标是创造一种特殊的空间氛围。Mints Design试图摆脱对房间的通常理解,消除它们之间的界限。形状、纹理、光线、气味——所有这些在综合体中创造了项目的氛围。
The main objective of the project was to create a special atmosphere in the space. Mints Design attempts to break away from the usual understanding of rooms and remove the boundaries between them. Shape, texture, light, smell -- all these create the atmosphere of the project in the complex.