发布时间:2021-11-15 12:22:02 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}



▼项目鸟瞰,Aerial view © Balloide-Photo Bayonne

The Place de la République occupies a remarkable central position in the heart of the city, bordered by heterogeneous buildings and facing south towards the Pyrenees Mountain range.

Combining the stallholders’ hall, the producers’ floor and the rehabilitated office building in a single figure, the new complex offers a homogeneous perception, endowed with a strong and significant identity that combines all the elements of the programme in a powerful figure.

▼体块布局,Plan – Mass © F BROUILLET


Taking up the layout of the old market, the new hall adopts a simple and slightly square plan. It is clad with a unitary envelope, both on the façade and on the roof, made up of a white metal mesh with various perforations that provide light while contributing to solar protection.

▼市场大厅外观,Exterior view of the market hall © JF TREMEGE


Bringing together 50 shops on two levels of more than 2,000 m2 each, the new stallholders’ hall becomes a real regional gastronomic showcase. What’s more, its collective tasting areas, open to all, make it a new place of exchange and conviviality. Designed as a space free of any pillars in order to facilitate the flow of traffic and encourage exchanges between retailers and visitors, it is punctuated by generously dimensioned walkways that converge around the central double-height atrium.

▼大厅内部,Market hall interior view © JF TREMEGE

▼走廊,Walkway © JF TREMEGE

▼零售空间,Retail space © JF TREMEGE


On the first floor, the mezzanine of the hall is naturally extended by a wooden terrace forming a high place in the heart of the project, under which the producers’ stalls are placed. A large canopy extends the white structure to partially cover it and house outdoor tasting and dining areas. This new space of 3200㎡ constitutes a real public square and provides a link between the different parts of the program.

▼公共露台,The public terrace © F BROUILLET

▼从露台望向办公楼,View to the office tower from the terrace © F BROUILLET

▼露台俯瞰,Aerial view © F BROUILLET


Like a “magic lantern”, the hall lets in natural light during the day and diffuses its interior lighting over the city at night. Reinforcing the transparency, the hall seems to float above a unitary glazed base linking in the same continuity its lower level, the producers’ floor and the hall of the tower. This base opens onto the city and contributes to the porosity of the whole.

▼公共露台夜景,Terrace night view © F BROUILLET


Keeping its civic vocation, the restructured tower houses the premises of the Municipal Police and various City services. It is the purpose of an ambitious architectural treatment aimed at giving it an attractive contemporary image through the differentiated but complementary treatment of its two parts. The eastern part is covered with the same white metal cladding as that of the hall, but in a horizontal grid; the part on the terrace side is covered with pleated vertical panels in dark brown. Their new silhouettes, raised by 8m and 4m respectively, are slender and soar into the sky.

▼办公楼外观,Office tower exterior view © F BROUILLET

▼露台一侧的立面则覆盖着深棕色垂直褶皱板 © F BROUILLET The part on the terrace side is covered with pleated vertical panels in dark brown

▼户外大台阶和办公楼,The grand staircase and the office tower © F BROUILLET



Inside, the central circulation core has been modified to create free office space offering great flexibility of use. The top floor features meeting rooms with a panoramic view of the city and the Pyrenees.

The whole project thus forms a harmonious whole, uniting the hall, the tile and the offices in an attractive, balanced and homogeneous composition. The glazed base and the terrace provide a link between the different parts of the program, with the claddings of the envelopes responding to each other at both ends of the complex, in both vertical and horizontal parts. The composition thus finds its meaning and unity, asserting itself as a quality urban place.

▼从露台望向办公楼,View from the terrace © F BROUILLET

▼城市视野,View to the city © F BROUILLET

▼夜景,Night view © F BROUILLET

▼功能示意,Functions © AMELLER DUBOIS


▼二层平面图,Plan R+1 © AMELLER DUBOIS

▼七层平面图,Plan R+6 © AMELLER DUBOIS

▼纵剖面图,Longitudinal section © AMELLER DUBOIS

KEY POINTS Contractor : City of Pau | Surface: 16 400 sqm | Cost: 24 M€ | Completion 2021 | HQE Certification ARCHITECTS / DESIGN TEAM Architect : Ameller Dubois (Grégoire Seidel, Lotfi Amara, Telemaco Galante, Emilie Marx, Vincent Hubert) Engineering : Gruet Lightening concept : 8’18’ François Migeon



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