发布时间:2020-08-03 03:43:11 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The Canal Street project takes a narrow, commercially-zoned, urban-infill lot, formerly occupied by a small, rundown 1950s-era house and transforms it into a new, forward-thinking 5,233-square-foot, commercial office building for two creative agencies, Turnstyle (a graphic design firm) and Stoke (a branding firm). The 30-foot-wide x 100-foot-deep lot is situated along a shoreline greenbelt across the street from the ship canal in the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle.

▼项目概览,overall of the project © Aaron Leitz


The building structure is comprised of large steel moment frames that rise out of a monolithic concrete base. The steel frames act as ribs for the exterior metal skin and are left exposed and expressed in the building interior. A cantilevered concrete awning shelters the front entry. The front and rear facades are primarily glass window walls.

▼项目正立面,front facade of the project © Aaron Leitz

▼项目背立面,back facade of the project © Aaron Leitz


The design cleverly navigates the land use code to maximize the overall building size by squeezing four floor levels onto a site that, technically, only allows two. This was achieved by taking advantage of a ten foot ground elevation change from the front of the building to the rear alley, allowing the architect to designate the first floor a “basement,” and put the two main floors above. On top of those is a code-allowed “mezzanine,” resulting in four floors total.

▼利用建筑前方与后巷的高差设置四个楼层,turn two floors into four floors by taking advantage of the site elevation difference © Heliotrope Architects


Each floor has its own unique experience with the site. The “basement” ground floor is the main entry and opens to the ship canal park across Canal Street. The next floor up connects to the alley where the building parking is, and has a shared conference room looking west to the canal through a first-of-its-kind frameless, fire-rated glass wall. The next floor has large wood-framed European window walls at the front with views to the ship canal, and the rear, bringing in natural light from both ends of the building. The mezzanine level connects to the two floors below through the atrium, and accesses a deck with views south over the canal.

▼位于“地下”首层的玄关,钢结构暴露在室内,hallway on the “basement” ground floor, with the steel structure exposed to the interior © Aaron Leitz

▼位于一层的会议室,人们可以通过一面无框防火玻璃幕墙看到西侧的运河景观,conference room on the first floor offers views of the canal to the west through a frameless fireproof glass wall © Aaron Leitz

▼二层两端均为配有大型欧式木质窗框的玻璃幕墙,large wood-framed European window walls at the front of the second floor © Aaron Leitz

▼“夹层”则由一个通高的大厅与下方两层连接,mezzanine level connects to the two floors below through the atrium © Aaron Leitz

▼在夹层的露台上,人们可以尽赏南侧运河的美景,from the mezzanine terrace, people can enjoy the views south over the canal © Aaron Leitz


The interior was designed to maximize visual and physical connections between the four floors by incorporating a skylight-topped atrium rising up through the center of the building, containing the communal stair, and flooding the building interior with enough natural light that artificial lighting can be turned off during daylight hours.

▼建筑中央包含楼梯与天窗的通高空间来加强四个楼层之间的视觉与物理联系,a skylight-topped atrium maximize visual and physical connections between the four floors © Aaron Leitz

▼通高空间上部的天窗与定制黑钢楼梯以及走廊,double height space with upper skylights and custom black steel stair and bridge © Aaron Leitz


Interior finishes are restrained—almost spartan—and comprised of white painted sheetrock walls, concrete floors, custom ash cabinetry, and a custom-fabricated blackened steel stair and bridge.

▼白色漆面石墙、混凝土地板、定制的梣木橱柜以及定制的黑钢走廊,white painted sheetrock walls, concrete floors, custom ash cabinetry, and a custom-fabricated blackened steel bridge © Aaron Leitz

▼门窗细部,detail of doors and the glass wall © Aaron Leitz

▼平面图,plans © Heliotrope Architects

▼剖面图,section© Heliotrope Architects

Building Square Footage:

Basement 1,110 sf

First Floor 1,380 sf

Second Floor 1,934 sf

Mezzanine 809 sf

Total 5,233 sf

Project team:

Heliotrope Architects (Architecture)

Swenson Say Faget (Structural Engineering)

Western Ventures (Contractor)

Photographer: Aaron Leitz

Heliotrope Architects


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