发布时间:2022-02-19 13:21:17 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

黑尔码头所在的区域融合了Tottenham Hale繁忙的都市环境、政府指定的绿化带、Lee Valley的水库和河流,以及一个具有特殊科学价值的场地(SSSI)。黑尔码头住宅项目是为合资公司Waterside Places打造,完成后将提供505套不同户型和权属的住宅。目前项目的第一阶段(249套住宅)已经完工,它们分布在码头整体规划中最高的两栋建筑中。

Hale Wharf occupies a sliver of land where the urban intensity of Tottenham Hale meets designated green belt, the reservoirs and rivers of the Lee Valley and a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). A residential development for joint venture Waterside Places (Muse Developments and the Canal and River Trust), once complete it will provide 505 homes of a mix of size and tenure. Phase one of the development, 249 homes in the two tallest buildings within the Hale Wharf masterplan, has recently completed.

▼项目概览,Overall view

在场地的东南端,建筑的最高点(Navigation Point)位于21层,而在与Ferry Lane道路一侧相接时仅有8层的高度。建筑的砖砌外墙上规律地分布着安装有白色垂直铝屏的金属凹窗、凸出的金属阳台、倾斜的锌制屋顶以及三角形的砖砌端墙,呈现出一种重复的节奏。

在场地北面,14层高的公寓楼(Windlass Apartments)也被赋予了类似的外观。它是一栋结实稳固的滨水建筑,采用了颜色更浅一些的砖材和连续排布的锌制斜屋顶。这座建筑归Grainger公司所有,100%用于出租。

▼场地平面,Site plan


At the south-eastern tip of the site, the tallest (Navigation Point) rises to 21 storeys before stepping down to 8 as it meets Ferry Lane. Its multi-stock brick envelope is punctuated by a repeating rhythm of recessed metal windows with vertical white aluminium fins and projecting metal balconies, pitched zinc roofs and brick gable ends.

To the north, its 14-storey counterpart (Windlass Apartments) is similarly formed, conceived as a robust waterside building and finished in a slightly lighter selection of the same brick and a series of pitched zinc roofs. The building is now 100% BTR and owned by Grainger.

▼项目一期(已完工):码头整体规划中最高的两栋建筑,Phase one of the development, the two tallest buildings within the Hale Wharf masterplan

▼从步行桥望向建筑,View from the bridge

从Tottenham Hale延伸至岛上的步行桥在入口广场(Approach Square)处着陆,围绕着该广场,布置了一组小尺度的非住宅空间,容纳了零售店、咖啡馆喝居民设施。岛旁停泊着的三艘驳船被用作小型商业空间,在未来可能会根据使用需要扩大数量。

A cluster of small-scale non-residential uses (retail, a cafe and residents’ facilities) is grouped around Approach Square located where the bridge from Tottenham Hale lands on the island. Three existing barges moored alongside house small businesses, with the potential for additional moorings for similar uses in the future.

▼住宅和附近的驳船,The building and the barges moored alongside

▼首层商业空间,Business space facing the square

▼住宅楼公共区域,Apartment building public area


Projecting metal balconies provide private amenity space to both buildings and allow homes to profit from the long, spectacular views. The balconies are suspended by metal hangers, influenced by the robust detail of historical waterside buildings, and afford excellent views – across the parkland and wetlands to the east, north and south of the site, and to the lock and surrounding neighbourhoods to the west.

▼户外空间,可以望见凸出的金属阳台,Outdoor area, where the metal balconies can be seen


Materials are brick and metal, windows have slim, dark-coloured frames, chosen so that they almost disappear. Future proofing of homes is achieved through details like window guards so that windows can be securely left open allowing natural ventilation even while residents are not at home. Sprinklers are fitted as standard on all the development’s buildings even where this was not a requirement.

▼从河岸望向建筑,View from the riverside

▼立面近景,Facade partial view

总体规划和未来阶段 | The masterplan and future phases

Tottenham Hale是伦敦政府指定的住宅区域之一,其良好的交通连接催生了大规模的住宅开发计划,并将提供多达5000套新住宅。项目所在的狭长场地四面环水,其中西面是李河航道,东面是泄洪道。虽然它是住宅区的一部分,却因为与运河相关的工业历史且靠近丰富的生物多样性区域而拥有了不可替代的品质。

Tottenham Hale is one of London’s designated Housing Zones. Its excellent transport connections have led to ambitious plans for more residential development, delivering up to 5,000 new homes. This long narrow site surrounded by water – the River Lee navigation channel to the west and a flood relief channel to the east – is part of that zone but it also has a very particular quality that derives both from its canal-related industrial history and proximity to rich areas of biodiversity.

▼广场,The square


The project’s commitment to increasing and improving ecological habitats includes locating reed beds on the water and protecting the fragile riverbanks by placing all buildings at least 3.8 m from the water’s edge, creating a buffer to sensitive wildlife areas. An acoustic wall was built during construction to screen important nesting habitats.

▼从附近绿地望向建筑,View from the adjacent green area

Location: London N17

Uses: Housing, retail, commercial

Client: Waterside Places (Muse Developments, Canal and River Trust)

Status: Phase 1 completed

Size: 22,458 sqm GIA

Units: Phase 1: 249, Phase 2: 256

Expertise: Architecture, Interior Architecture

Collaborators: tructural Engineer: Ramboll, M&E: Swiftline, Cost: Core Five, Acoustic: AECOM, Landscape: Landscape Projects,

Project Manager: Stace, Interior Design (Block B PRS lobbies): Allies and Morrison, Main contractor: McLaren

Footbridge: Ramboll with Stephen James Architects


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