发布时间:2024-05-27 07:43:57 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Since 1000 years, the Steen (listed 1936) forms an essential cornerstone and symbol of the city of Antwerp. The building has continuously evolved adopting new forms, uses and narratives. The most recent phase contributes strongly to the public character of the building and its location along the river, inviting everyone in, tourists and citizens alike.

▼城市景观,Urban landscape ©Kim Zwarts


Prominent at the waterfront, the iconic Steen is the main remnant of historic Antwerp after the river Scheldt was straightened in 1890. The building, which used to be part of a complex city fabric with streets and squares, then gained its distinct character as a freestanding castle. The less valuable 1950s annex has been replaced by a new extension, emphasising its role in the public promenade along the river. The new brickwork reflects the colour scheme of the historical stone walls. Closed and robust on quay level, it forms part of the protection of the city against rising water levels.

▼建筑特写,Close-up of the building ©Kim Zwarts


The Steen now houses the city’s main tourist services, while remaining equally inviting to its own citizens. The new public tower offers a view over the river and the city. Conscious incisions define scale and form of the different building parts and offer unexpected spaces and views in its public interior.

▼新旧元素结合,Combination of the new and old elements ©Kim Zwarts


Monuments form primal structures in the city, they define its collective memory. Making changes to monuments requires sensitivity, people feel emotionally affected. The Steen we see today is the result of centuries of building and rebuilding. The different building periods cannot be sharply distinguished. This ambivalence has fuelled the design strategy, preferring to work with continuity over contrast. The new extension has strengthened the old monument; together, they have become one building, reconciling different layers of time.

▼肃穆的室内空间,Solemn interior ©Kim Zwarts


The client, the city of Antwerp, set out to use the building as a central tourist infrastructure, combining a tourist office, a visitor centre about Antwerp’s history and future, and a cruise terminal. The design accommodates these wishes, but simultaneously acknowledges their inevitable temporary character. The design strategy anticipates future change and prepares the Steen for future adaptive re-use. The restoration, renovation, extension and transformation are part of a much longer process. The design is not an end point, but the next addition to the building, a new phase of construction that will also know a sequel.

▼木材的温和感,Warm wooden materials ©Kim Zwarts

在保护地标文化、历史和建筑价值的同时,设计还定义了不同的舒适区域,以降低能源消耗。它将长期的维护和保养与未来可能的变化结合在一起。这需要一个智能的循环系统组织方式,巧妙地整合技术,并使用耐用且经久耐用的材料。新的外墙采用砖砌结构,其颜色与古老的天然石墙色调保持一致。最终的颜色渐变效果,是与艺术家Pieter Vermeersch合作,经过仔细挑选砖材和大规模实测而确定的。室内空间由一系列优雅的大厅组成,传统元素如壁炉(用于机械通风)、门楣和凸窗,营造出一种既温馨又宏伟的氛围。室内材料朴实耐用,主要包括砖墙、天然石材和木地板。多条楼梯和电梯连接新旧楼层,增强了建筑的整体感,同时满足了多种功能并带来探索和迷失的乐趣。

▼材质搭配,Collocation of materials ©Kim Zwarts

Preserving the cultural, historic and architectural value of the landmark has been combined with defining different comfort zones to reduce energy consumption. The design combines long-term conservation and maintenance with possible future change. This requires an intelligent organisation of the circulation system, a clever integration of technology, and using durable materials that age well. The new facades are made of brickwork in colours that follow the palette of the old natural stone walls. Together with artist Pieter Vermeersch, the final colour gradient was determined through a careful selection of bricks and extensive full-scale testing. The interiors unfold as a sequence of elegant halls, where traditional elements like fireplaces (used for mechanical ventilation), mullions and bay windows create an intimate yet grand ambiance. The interior materials are modest and long-lasting, featuring brickwork, natural stone and wooden floors. Multiple stairs and elevators connect the floors throughout old and new, enhancing the sense of continuity, while allowing for plural usage, discoveries and the quality of getting lost.

▼模型,Models ©noAarchitecten

▼总平面图,Masterplan ©noAarchitecten

▼场地平面图,Site plan ©noAarchitecten

▼-2层平面图,-2 Floor plan ©noAarchitecten

▼-1层平面图,-1 Floor plan ©noAarchitecten

▼首层平面图,Ground floor plan ©noAarchitecten

▼屋顶平面图,Roof plan ©noAarchitecten

▼一层平面图,First floor plan ©noAarchitecten

▼二层平面图,Second floor plan ©noAarchitecten

▼西立面图,West elevation ©noAarchitecten

▼北立面图,North elevation ©noAarchitecten

▼剖面图,Section ©noAarchitecten

▼材质拼贴,Materials collocation ©noAarchitecten

▼A01房间展开图,Expansion of room A01 ©noAarchitecten

▼A02房间展开图,Expansion of room A02 ©noAarchitecten

▼砖材色彩系统,Brick gradient system ©noAarchitecten

Name of work in English:Het Steen, Antwerp

Name of work in original language:Het Steen, Antwerpen


Prize year:2024

Location:Antwerp, Belgium

Year completed:2021 (Year began 2019)


Authors:Fonteyne An (1971 Belgium); van den Berg Jitse (1971 The Netherlands); Viérin Philippe (1969 Belgium)


Project architect: Didier De Roeck, Peter Verstraete Architect: Pieter Verreycken, Damiano Finetti, Elke Schoonen Structural engineering: UTIL struktuurstudies Building technology: Hp engineers Building physics: Daidalos Peutz Art: Pieter Vermeersch

Program:Mixed use – Cultural & Social

Labels:Aggregation, Facilities, Culture Centre, Exhibition, Heritage

Total area:1508 m2

Usable floor area:3700 m2

Client:City of Antwerp

Client Type:public

Map:LatLng: (51.2217498, 4.3967751)


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