发布时间:2021-04-09 00:45:20 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

TED安卡拉学院拥有70年的悠久历史,每年为国家培养6000多名优秀人才。尽管场地内的开放空间较为紧张,但其所处的得天独厚的地理位置使学院与城市紧密相连。1998年,Uygur Architects事务所以杰出的规划设计策略从TED安卡拉学院全国竞赛中脱颖而出,并成为最终的赢家。

Ted Ankara College, giving education to 6000 students per year for 70 years, used to have a strong relation with the city thanks to its location, though with a lack of open spaces. In 1998 a national competition was held and the first prize winner project stood out with its prominent strategy for this large scale organization.

▼园区远眺,viewing the campus from distance © Cemal Emden

▼俯瞰校园,aerial view of the college © Cemal Emden


The project aims to increase the amount of open spaces while intensifying the social life-education relation. As a significant design principle, contemporary education is adopted by composing various indoor and outdoor common spaces. The main theme is interpretation and projection of city simulation in a campus plan. City life is considered as the main educational framework by providing numerous common places where education comes into the practice.

▼建筑概览,overall of the architecture © Cemal Emden

▼简洁有力的建筑形式,Simple and powerful architectural form © Cemal Emden

▼砖材、玻璃与混凝土的结合,Combination of brick, glass and concrete © Cemal Emden

▼建筑外立面细部,details of the appearance © Cemal Emden


The classrooms are defined as “ateliers” instead of being compartmented rooms, while the surrounding environment is called “city” .Thus the whole compound is called campus. The campus, with its streets, squares and social facilities, builds and composes the simulation of a city. The literal education is performed in these common spaces and an interactive educational place is constructed hereby. The chaotic city life, the intertangled functions and the fluidity and dynamism of human movement create a coaction resulted in the city culture.

▼校园北侧入口广场,Campus north entrance square © Cemal Emden

▼震撼的尺度与雕塑感,impressive scale and sculptural feeling © Cemal Emden


During the whole design process, the aim is to generate spatial fluidity and dynamism to simulate urban relations’ framework and culture. There are opportunities provided for and among building units to shape their own internal relations and culture. The building groups act as neighbourhoods of the city while the open spaces are the squares. The open and enclosed spaces are the gathering and meeting zones that help learning from each other with the understanding of contemporary


▼建筑构造延伸成广场上的城市家具,The structure extends into the urban furniture of the square © Cemal Emden

▼多种多样的室外公共活动空间,A variety of outdoor public activity space © Cemal Emden

▼庭院使建筑单元之间形成独特的内部联系,The courtyard creates a unique internal connection between the building units © Cemal Emden

▼过道,path © Cemal Emden


The pedestrian level of the campus consists of inner streets that leads to the vertical and horizontal walking routes. The inner streets are equipped with the food, sports, office, laboratory, education, conference and performing units. In the primary school section between 1st and 5th grade classrooms, these streets appear to be atriums.

▼内街概览,overall of the inner streets © Cemal Emden

▼步行系统围绕内街组织起来, inner streets that leads to the vertical and horizontal walking routes © Cemal Emden

▼由二层看内街,viewing the inner street from upper floor © Cemal Emden


As an education-supporting element of the campus, all the materials used in the construction are used raw, therefore exhibited in a simple format. The conception that claims the feelings always come first in architecture, keeps the imagination alive. The light and time relation creates a dynamism that keeps the penetrating light’s mysterious diffusion inside with its effect on surfaces as a play of reflection and shadows. Since light regulates even the processes of life, it has a profound effect on our state of mind.

▼与内街相连的食堂,The canteen adjoining the inner street © Cemal Emden

▼与内街相连的游泳馆,The swimming pool connected to the inner street © Cemal Emden

▼打破了传统的教室模式,It breaks the traditional classroom model © Cemal Emden

▼开放且富有艺术活力的教学空间,Open and full of artistic vitality of the teaching space © Cemal Emden

▼墙壁上的光影游戏, game of light and shadow on the wall © Cemal Emden


All the bricks, woods, pipes, cables are left naked and kept on the front as elements of the education. This nakedness provides an opportunity for the users to perceive the distinction between different spaces. The predominantly used raw concrete plays a significant role with its dignified compatibility with other materials, while it is also shapeable, durable, well-ageing and stands against time with its robustness.

▼建筑主体采用了原始的混凝土材质,The predominantly used raw concrete plays a significant role © Cemal Emden

▼混凝土天花板与天窗细部,Concrete ceiling and skylight details © Cemal Emden

▼平面图,plan © Uygur Architects

Project size:140000 m2 Completion date:2005 Building levels:3 Architect:Uygur Architects Photo credit:Cemal Emden


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