发布时间:2018-09-13 21:33:11 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Interior reform of the pavilion and covering of the outer court through a very simple structure of steel and fink beams and a system of porches that embraces both volumes allowing a more unified and modern reading of the set. The original Municipal Sports Pavilion, located within the Vila-Seca Educational-Sports Campus, was built in 1986 and during all these years had only been done small improvement interventions. Because of the Mediterranean Games 2018 in Tarragona, the possibility of using the building as a space to host the Greco-Roman wrestling makes necessary an internal reform. The willingness to also use the outer space as a space for warming up, expands the reform to all the attached space, creating a covered path around the building. Both rinks after this event will serve primarily as hockey courts for both training (outdoor-indoor) and league games (indoor).

▼体育馆外观,exterior view


The proposed reform of the Municipal Sports Pavilion maintains the general volume of the original pavilion and incorporates only around it a set of porches with a very light steel structure and corrugated metal sheet that contrasts with the prefabricated and heavy structure of reinforced concrete of the original building.

▼扩建方案仅在其外部增设了走廊系统,the reform maintains the general volume of the original pavilion and incorporates only around it a set of porches

▼由钢结构和波纹金属板制成的轻盈走廊,the porches with a very light steel structure and corrugated metal sheet

▼玻璃墙面从视觉上将室内空间和室外的溜冰场连接起来,a set of glass closures also allows to visually communicate the indoor sports activity of the pavilion with the exterior and the adjacent covered rink


The new arcade therefore embraces the original building and forms a covered space that acts as a hinge between it and the new outdoor covered rink, also relating to its perimeter routes and views of the entire campus space. The opening of part of the base of the existing building with the replacement of the prefabricated concrete plates of the building by a set of glass closures also allows to visually communicate the indoor sports activity of the pavilion with the exterior and the adjacent covered rink, breaking the feeling of the original blind division.

▼新的走廊形成了一个带顶的区域,与新的户外溜冰场相连接,the new arcade therefore embraces the original building and forms a covered space that acts as a hinge between it and the new outdoor covered rink

▼从外部望向溜冰场,exterior view of the new rink



▼室内体育场,indoor stadium

At the constructive level, the materials and all the constructive resources used have been minimized to the maximum, working basically with four materials in the whole reform: steel, glass, polycarbonate and wood. The entire steel structure is a modular set of HEB140 profiles, both for pillars and beams. The covering of the outer rink maintains this modulation and the concept of minimal structure with a set of FINK beams that cover the light of 25 meters. The metal sheets that make up the porches by their fret and thickness allow covering the lights without the placement of auxiliary profiles simplifying to the maximum their implementation and visual impact. In the outer rink, the same fret is used for interior lining, but with micro perforated sheet to improve the acoustic insulation. Finally, the polycarbonate longitudinally closes the volume of the outer rink by filtering natural light and isolating it from solar radiation with vertical panels of 20mm and air cavity.

▼带有顶篷的户外溜冰场, the new outdoor covered rink

▼溜冰场的顶篷延用了极简的钢结构,并搭配以FINK横梁,能够覆盖跨度为25米的灯具装置,the covering of the outer rink maintains this modulation and the concept of minimal structure with a set of FINK beams that cover the light of 25 meters

▼场地平面图,site plan

▼轴测分析图,axon diagram



Interior Reform and Expansion of the Vila-Seca Municipal Sports Pavilion

Nombre Oficina de Arquitectura: NAM Arquitectura

Arquitectos autores de la obra: NAM Arq

Nacho Alvarez Martinez (Arquitecto)

Ubicación (calle, comuna, ciudad, país):

Av. del Alcalde Pere Molas 28, 43480 Vila-seca

Año término construcción: 2017

Superficie construida: 3994 m2

Equipo de Diseño: Jerome Rens (NAM Arq)

Aparejador: Alberto Viñas Ciurana

Constructor: Carbonell Figueras SA

Colaboración: 080 arquitectura

Cálculo Estructural:

WINDMILL Structural Consultants, SLP

José Ramón Solé Marzo (arquitecto)

Promotor: Ajuntament de Vila-Seca

Instal·laciones: STC ENGINYERIA

Enric Sanz Ariño (ingeniero técnico industrial)

Marcas / Productos

Roca / Acabdo y mobiliario Baños


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