Espace C2项目由Sid Lee Architecture设计,在2018年美国AHEAD奖活动空间类别中,力压其他三个入围项目,获得优胜。
Sid Lee Architecture is proud to announce that Espace C2 has been shortlisted, among four finalists, in the Event Spaces category at the AHEAD Americas Awards 2018.
▼项目外观,external view of the project
Espace C2 is the prototype conference centre crowning the Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth hotel in Montreal – the centrepiece of the hotel’s business campus and a Montreal landmark in the making. Elevated above the hotel’s rooftop, Espace C2 is an iconic structure that pays tribute to the city’s creativity and potential.
▼项目通透的外观令人印象深刻,impressive appearance of the project with iconic structure
在这个通透的空间中, McGill学院大道以及蒙特利尔美丽的天际线尽收眼底,人们可以一边享受美景,一边分享最前沿的思想。活动空间面积约为1200平米,最多可以容纳220人。设计体现了蒙特利尔开放的社会精神,这片实验性的会议场地将促进人们的交流合作,加强商业创造力。从娱乐活动,团队建设到高层聚会,高科技的空间设置使这里可以满足不同的使用需求,带给人们难以忘怀的出色体验。在这个富有视觉冲击力的空间中,使用者可以鼓起勇气迈出舒适区,进行更多大胆的尝试。
The space, which offers breathtaking views of McGill College Avenue and the Montreal skyline, is poised to become a hub for the sharing and advancement of knowledge and ideas. The venue has a total surface area of 13,000 square feet and accommodates up to 220 guests. Inspired by C2 Montreal’s ethos and methodologies, Espace C2 is designed as an experiential venue for conference hosting, enhancing business creativity, networking and collaboration. Whether the venue is booked for client entertainment, team building or a leadership retreat, it can be configured based on a tried-and-true experience catalogue. The high-tech event space and its many possible configurations never fail to impress guests. The modular and visually striking Espace C2 inspires event participants to be bold, take risks and leave their comfort zone.
▼开阔的内部空间,spacious interior space
▼大面积的玻璃提供全景景观,large area of glass provides panoramic views
▼多变的空间可以满足不同活动需求,flexible space could meet requirements of different events
▼夜景,蒙特利尔新地标,night view, a new landmark of Montreal