发布时间:2018-10-09 11:40:11 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

项目所在的千福巷是位于安定门西南侧一条安静的胡同。 我们第一次去场地的时候是三月份,半年没下过雨的胡同里异常干燥。 场地的北侧是北锣鼓巷小学,西侧是北京市第一中学,南侧和东侧是有着红砖外墙的锅炉房和住宅楼,周围环境杂乱无序。场地内的建筑建于90年代,原为办公用途,院子中央的一棵古槐树是场地的空间核心。如何在如此在干燥的老城环境中,通过外部的空间设计营造一个全新的青年社区体验,是设计之初面临的问题。

The project is located at Qianfuxiang, a quiet Hutong in Beijing historical area. When we visited the site for the first time, we noticed a disorderly surrounding environment: schools and dilapidated residences around with red and grey brick wall. There is also an old Chinese scholar tree right at the center of the venue, dominating the whole inner courtyard. The building was built in 1990s, originally for office use, and need to be converted to a new youth apartment that is able to host 100 rooms. Our proposition was to make an exterior space design in such a tough environment condition.

▼内院全景,overview of the yard


It was May when we went to the site for the second time, trees turned green, and the sunshine projected romantic swaying shadow on the ground through the green crown. Climbing to the roof terrace, we saw the charming typical Beijing Hutong fabric: green trees filled in the void space created by the continuous traditional grey roof courtyard. The balance between artificial and natural allowed us to realize that the key strategy of this regeneration project is not to simply make replacement from old to new, but to use a soft intervention in order to create the appropriate relationship between old and new.

▼沿锅炉房立面,facade alone the boiler room

▼主入口,main entrance

▼棚下空间,space under the pavilion


Interface between the site and the exterior Hutong space was the first issue we began to focus on.  Concerning the narrow space conditions in the old city, interface defines not only space and property boundary, but also a medium for the dialogue between the site and its surrounding area. So, we started our design by the redefinition of the space boundary, and tried to reestablish a continuous interface around the site and the building. We were attempt to build an overall atmosphere by the new intervention, as well as bringing residential functions in order to effectively make use of the courtyard space.

▼连续的界面从外部的院墙延伸到院子内部,形成一个闭合的曲线,a continuous 3-meter interface was created on the ground level, extending from the outer wall to the inner courtyard

▼树池,tree pool


We create a continuous 3-meter interface on the ground level, extending from the outer wall to the inner courtyard. The closed curve actually forms two courtyard: the outer yard is used as supporting commercial space for the apartment, while the inner yard serves public activities for the youth by its functional boundaries. Brunch-shaped steel panel is used to form the interface, and creating to magnified canopies at the apartment entrance and the outdoor bar. The interface is also embedded with leisure seats, outdoor gatherings and other public functions, at the same time, the semi-empty partition on the interface is also able to protect the privacy for the ground floor apartment units. We hope the space under the scholar tree could be a place of leisure and encounter for the apartment dwellers, and the continuous green brunched interfaces could also bring vitality even in the long tough winter.

▼休闲区域,leisure area


We were trying to explore the possibility of a lightweight intervention for the renewal project in the old city, hoping to make big changes through small actions. The old city regeneration cannot be done overnight, the design intervention must be slow, slight, and even temporary, especially in a high-dense place with complex population situation such as Beijing.

▼树下阅读区,reading area underneath the tree


In this tree courtyard project, the new intervened brunch-style interfaces and landscape paving wrap a communal space that contrast with the surrounding clutter. We define the core proposition by introducing the continuous interface and the functions implanted on it, in this sense, the surrounding environment, the original building, the new boundaries, and the new communal courtyard constitute the vitalization on the site. Urban regeneration is always an ongoing process, and the lightweight intervention could be an instantaneous and transitional stage, we also hope the temporary change could bring more possibilities and a diverse age groups at this moment, resulting in activating the self-regeneration of a larger scope in the old city.

▼天台,roof terrace


During this lightweight intervention, traditional landscape design experience almost fails, not only can’t we simply imitate the conventional design method to pursue a specious empty result, but to achieve the space improvement by introducing a series of specific functions on the exterior space. This proposition leads the design concept depart from real-life scene and the poetic experience, instead of drawing a given formal language subjectively.

▼院子鸟瞰,aerial view of the yard


Norberg Schulz believes that the place is the concept that people conceive through memory and emotion after the meaningful experience and connection from the building environment, which is the composition of a particular space, a particular building and the particular group of people. We are trying to find the spirit of place at this tree courtyard, with its natural and spatial environment. We hope to create a bright and vivid lifestyle for the youth apartment under the old Chinese scholar tree by redefining the interface as well as the relative public activities.

▼设计概念图,design concept

▼轴测拆解图,axon exploded

▼首层平面图,ground floor plan

▼北立面图,north elevation

▼东立面图,east elevation

▼植入界面,intervention diagram

项目信息 项目名称:北京泊寓北锣店外部空间设计 业主: 北京万科泊寓 建设地点:北京市东城区安定门内千福巷12号 设计单位:MAT Office超级建筑 主持建筑师:张淼,唐康硕 设计团队:王飞宇,刘友鹏,王怡茜,杨文浩 建筑面积:1230平方米 建筑材料:钢板,花岗岩,烧结砖,陶瓷颗粒 设计时间:2017.05-2017.09 建成时间:2018.05 摄影: 唐康硕 Project Info: Project: Tree Courtyard Youth Community Client: Beijing Port Apartment Location: No.12 Qianfuxiang, Dongcheng District, Beijing Architecture Design: MAT Office Architecture Design Team: Miao Zhang, Kangshuo Tang, Feiyu Wang, Youpeng Liu, Yiqian Wang, Wenhao Yang Built Area:1230 m2 Material:steel panel, granite, sintered bricks, ceramic pellets Completion: 2018.05 Photographer: Kangshuo Tang Copyright for images, drawings and texts: MAT Office


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