The new, semi-transparent, white Sainsbury Wellcome Centre for the UCL campus was designed by Ian Ritchie Architects
在清洁的,轻轻的半透明的铸造玻璃表面没有什么提示,以开创性的研究正在进行的内部。上面的楼层被保护在波浪状的正面后,投射在人行道上,形成了一个令人愉快的公共立柱。由德国制造商Linit/GlasFabrik Lamberts专业生产,结构玻璃立面使整个建筑从内部发光时,在夜间照明。
Covered in translucent cast glass, the building will be the new home for the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit (GCNU)
The building's top floors project out over the pavement, creating a pleasant public colonade on ground level
Windows are strategically placed on the façade, so that users can easily open or close them as needed, allowing fresh air to circulate naturally
The centre will house an inspiring, cutting edge hub for experimental neuroscience research
The structure was designed to offer privacy from overlooking issues frequently associated with such a central London location. A green terrace on the top level allows users to enjoy the cityscape.
keywords:British architecture, Education architecture, London architecture