发布时间:2018-12-26 14:32:09 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


▼1号驿站外观,external view of the 1# station

▼2号驿站外观,external view of the 2# station

The East-bund “River Viewing Service Station” is a series of service stations located in the public space of the eastern bank of the Huangpu River in Shanghai. The 22 stations are distributed in the entire east coast between Yangpu Bridge and Xupu Bridge. There’s a service station every kilometer, which is aimed to provide citizens with rest spaces and public toilets. The project originated from the first River Viewing Service Station completed in September 2017 at Lujiazui northern riverside and the renovation and design of the second River Viewing Service Station completed in December 2017 in Qiantan Leisure Park. In 2018, the River Viewing Service Station will be a standard supporting facility for the East Coast in Pudong New District. As the emergency projects, the first two River Viewing Service Stations only took one and a half months in design and completion respectively. The total design and construction period of the last 20 River Viewing Service Stations is only two months. It is almost impossible to complete the project with conventional design and construction procedures. So we have designed a standard unified building shape and summarized several different landing types based on different site conditions and topographical features, which differ in the relationship between the basic structure form and the site elevation. The construction adopts the steel and wood hybrid system mainly composed of laminated wood to achieve super-fast construction with controlled quality. We make the best of the self-coordination ability of contemporary construction enterprises in construction organization, structural optimization and detail processing. Through high integration and reasonable division of design and construction, we achieved the maximum space quality and comprehensive effect during the short period.

▼22个驿站沿江分布示意图,location of the 22 stations along the river

▼分析图,驿站对不同场地类型的回应,design responding to different site conditions


▼18号前滩休闲公园驿站鸟瞰,bird view of the station 18#

The project of riverside connection is aimed at returning the river to the people, reflecting Shanghai’s open attitude and human care. The walking path, running path and riding path are interconnected. Such path system can connect the open space of the riverside and form a space guide along the river as well as a space guide perpendicular to the river through a series of spatial veins extending into the city. The linear “moving” space increases the possibility of event occurrence and public interaction, while the 22 point-like River Viewing Service Stations complement the  rest space of “staying”. As an indispensable urban infrastructure in the connection project, the River Viewing Service Station has got rid of the traditional image of infrastructure: secluded, cold and serious. Through the multi-dimensional integration with the landscape and the terrain, it has formed a daily, autonomous and dynamic public space, which will increase the space experience of Huangpu River bund.

▼1~4号驿站鸟瞰,建筑位于不同的场地中 bird view of the station 1#~4#,  located in sites with different condition

▼6~11号驿站鸟瞰,以丰富的城市景观为背景(从上到下,从左到右) bird view of station 6#~13# , merging into the complex city view (from top to bottom, left to right)

▼驿站鸟瞰,根据地形不同,周边设置不同景观 (从上到下:16号,17号,19号,20号) bird view of the stations, landscape around the building is designed due to site topography (from top to bottom: 16#, 17#, 19#, 20#)

▼12号~15,21~22号驿站鸟瞰(从上到下,从左到右) bird view of station 12#~15#, 21#~22# (from top to bottom, left to right)


This series of tiny stations in the most public riverside space in the heart of Shanghai gives us the opportunity to explore the relationship between architecture and landscape, as well as the relationship among microscopic sites and macro public spaces & urban landmarks. We hope that this station can intensify the sites’ features while serving the citizens in an easily approachable atmosphere so that the architecture can become a scenery amplifier. The name of “River Viewing Service Station” has highlighted the double appeals of the service station.

▼驿站外观,与场地环境相和谐(从上到下:3号,11号,12号,16号) external view of the stations being harmony with the environment (from top to bottom: 3#, 11#, 12#, 16#)


Each station consists of two parts: a relatively closed public toilet and an open and transparent public lounge with information guides and publishing, bookshelves and other service facilities. As for the distribution principle, we take the openness of the lounge and the maximization of the river sight line in the station as the first priority. Secondly the sight line of small Lujiazui central area is considered on a macro scale. Between these two parts there is a covered corridor goes across the building, connecting the riding path on the back of the river and the running and walking path on the side of the river. There are vending machines, lockers, hot and cold drinking water, shared umbrellas and other convenience facilities in the corridor. On the river side, including the side of the lounge, there is a deep and wide platform space under the armpit. A long bench is equipped near the wall, which invisibly enlarges the public open space.

▼驿站由封闭的公共卫生间和开放的公共休息室组成(从上到下:15号,18号,22号) the stations are composed of closed public toilet and open public lounge (from top to bottom: 15#, 18#, 22#)

▼驿站外侧为市民提供观光休憩空间(前2张:5号,后2张:7号) rest and sight-seeing space for people outside the stations (top 2 photos: 5#, others: 7#)


The square planar contour of the station is in sharp contrast to the relatively complicated half-spiral straight line curved surface single-direction purline roofing structure made of copper imitated Al-Mg-Mn Alloy Sheeting. Viewed from the riverside, the station resembles a large pavilion with far-extending eaves and a lithe crimped roof, which is slightly elevated from the site. The umbrella-shaped radial purlines under the counter-slope eaves in the north have become a visual focus. The purlines converge to form a natural triangular skylight, one half in the lounge and the other half above the vestibule, illuminating the dark roof recesses and strengthening the space depths. Viewed from the back of the river, the station roof is divided into two halves respectively in the east and west, which have different heights but both tilt inward. Especially, the roof at the corner of western-section stair case in the center has been depressed almost to the lowest point of visual horizon. This specially depressed dimension has strengthened the entering sense of the side back to the river, guiding visitors from the central vestibule to the river scene.

▼半螺旋直纹曲面单向檩条木结构屋面,half-spiral straight line curved surface single-direction purline roofing structure

▼穿越建筑的有顶通廊,corridor across the building

▼三角形天窗,triangle-shaped skylight

▼休息厅室内(上:9号,下:18号) interior of the public lounge (top: 9#, bottom: 18#)

▼卫生间室内,interior of the toilet


We hope that the River Viewing Service Stations will form a physical guidance for the public and encourage the free use of space. People can walk through the low and intimate corridor to the river bank with the guidance of the triangular skylight. The roof will gradually rise with your body movement, the river view at the end of the vestibule will also raise in your field of vision, breaking through the high and spacious eaves in the north. Standing on the open and clear river-viewing platform and viewing through the trunks at the bottom, you can see the glistening river surface is stretching horizontally, constituting a flowing scene with figures walking or running along the riverside. The benches on both sides of the vestibule will attract people to sit idly and appreciate the river scene leisurely. At this moment, you can only see the glistening river surface and feel a special tranquility when the city at the other side of the river is concealed by the trees. Of course, when you descend from the veranda, you will access the running path and waterborne platform, where you can enjoy a panoramic view of the magnificent city skylines across both sides of Huangpu River.

▼夜景(从上到下:6号,13号,19号,20号) night view (from top to bottom: 6#, 13#, 19#, 20#)

▼一层平面图,first floor plan

▼屋顶平面图,roof plan

▼剖透视图,perspective sections

▼墙身详图,wall details

项目名称:东岸望江驿 建筑师:周蔚+ 张斌/ 致正建筑工作室 主持建筑师:张斌、周蔚 项目建筑师:李姿娜、叶凯 设计团队:刘晓宇、张吉昊、杨竞、梁晓逊、王展 合作设计:上海思卡福建筑工程有限公司 建设地点:黄浦江贯通工程东岸滨江公共空间内

建设单位: 上海东岸投资(集团)有限公司(1-4#,6-17#,19-22#) 上海陆家嘴(集团)有限公司(5#,18#) 施工单位:上海思卡福建筑工程有限公司(1-22#),上海舜杰建设(集团)有限公司(5#、18#)

设计时间: 5# (北滨江)望江驿2017.08.11 – 2017.08.29 18#(前滩休闲公园)望江驿2017.10.23 – 2017.11.15 1-4#,6-17#,19-22# 望江驿2018.05.09 – 2018.08.07

建造时间: 5# (北滨江)望江驿2017.08.25 – 2017.09.25 18#(前滩休闲公园)望江驿2017.11.20 – 2017.12.22 1-4#,6-17#,19-22# 望江驿2018.05.25 – 2018.08.15

占地面积:235m2(5#)、418m2(18#)、268m2(1-4#,6-17#,19-22#) 建筑面积:130m2(5#)、146m2(18#)、151m2(1-4#,6-17#,19-22#) 结构形式:钢木混合结构(1-17#,19-22#)、木结构(18#) 建筑层数:地上1层 主要用途:休息室、公共卫生间 主要用材:花旗松胶合木、型钢、花旗松挂板、铝镁锰板、铝型材、平板玻璃、防腐木地板、瓷砖 工程造价:约4400万元人民币 摄影师:CreatAR Images,吴清山

Project Name: River View Service Stations, East-bund, Pudong, Shanghai Architects: ZHOU Wei +ZHANG Bin / Atelier Z+ Partner in Charge: ZHANG Bin, ZHOU Wei Project Architect: LI Zina,YE Kai Project Team: LIUXiaoyu, ZHANG Jihao, YANG Jing, LIANG Xiaoxun, WANG Zhan Design Cooperation: Shanghai SKF ConstructionCo., Ltd. Location: In the Public Space of East-bundRiverside, Pudong, Shanghai

Client: Shanghai East Bund Investment (Group) Co., Ltd. (1-4#,6-17#,19-22#) Shanghai Lujiazui (Group) Co., Ltd. (5#,18#) General Contractor: Shanghai SKF ConstructionCo., Ltd. (1-22#), Shanghai ShunjievConstruction (Group) Co.,Ltd. (5#,18#)

Design Period: 5#  2017.08.11 – 2017.08.29 18#  2017.10.23 – 2017.11.15 1-4#,6-17#,19-22#  2018.05.09 – 2018.08.07

Construction Period: 5#  2017.08.25 – 2017.09.25 18#  2017.11.20 – 2017.12.22 1-4#,6-17#,19-22#  2018.05.25 – 2018.08.15

Building Area: 235m2(5#), 418m2(18#), 268m2(1-4#,6-17#,19-22#) Gross Floor Area: 130m2(5#), 146m2(18#), 151m2(1-4#,6-17#,19-22#) Structure: Hybrid Wood-steel Structure (1-17#,19-22#), Wood Structure (18#) ; 1 Story Principal Use: Rest Room, Public Toilet Primary Materials: Douglas Fir Glulam, Steel Profile, Douglas Fir Siding, Al-Mg-Mn Alloy Sheeting, Pre-coated Aluminum Profile, Slab Glass, Timber Pavement, Ceramic Tile Cost: About 44,000,000Yuan RMB Photography: CreatAR Images, WU Qingshan


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