发布时间:2023-11-07 19:28:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The teaching, research and innovation center for cross-cutting technologies in the textile industry known as the Texoversum was developed and constructed as part of the new campus expansion plan of the Reutlingen University of Applied Sciences. It promises to become a powerful and highly expressive component of the built environment at the university.

▼项目概览,overall view © Brigida González


▼分析图,analysis diagram © allmannwappner

Textile construction is the theme of the design both in function, with a weaving of different disciplines and activities on the interior, and in form, with the representational woven exterior that makes the building so distinct. The first building of its kind with a façade of woven carbon and glass fiber tiles, the building stands as a symbol of the future potential of innovative fiber-based materials and textile techniques.

▼夜景外观,exterior views at night © Brigida González

▼独特编织立面,unique woven facade © Brigida González


▼分析图,analysis diagram © allmannwappner

Using a robotic winding process, the individual tiles are tailor-made for their intended purpose. Each tile is designed on the basis of five templates and arranged to follow the path of the sun, creating a unique, multi-layered appearance. All of the tiles are self-supporting and do not require a separate load-bearing frame. The staggered arrangement of the tiles provides unobstructed views of the surroundings. In addition to meeting the demands for sun and fall protection as well as other practical functions, the façade is also aesthetically and symbolically engaging.

▼立面日景,day views of exterior © Brigida González

▼立面细部,details of facade © Brigida González

▼双层表皮,double-skin © Brigida González

▼室内外视角,exterior and interior views of the double-skin © Brigida González

▼由室内看编织立面,viewing the woven facade from interior © Brigida González

▼由工作室看室外,viewing outside from interior © Brigida González


罗伊特林根|ReutlingenThe central elements of transparency and interconnectedness visible in the architectural design continue in the structural design. Inside, the Texoversum has an open, transparent, split-level layout. The stories are staggered at half-level intervals and woven together visually in the atrium, which connects the various sections with one another while also forming a spatial continuum that culminates in a spacious roof terrace. There is a distinctly industrial character to the interior design with finished as well as unfinished concrete features and technical ceilings with exposed ductwork. The open-plan layout provides a collaborative work environment for a variety of user groups as well as a stimulating platform for knowledge sharing.

▼通高中庭,atrium © Brigida González

▼阶梯座位区,stepped seating area © Brigida González

▼楼层以半层高的间隔交错排列,the stories are staggered at half-level intervals © Brigida González

▼开放式平面,open plan space © Brigida González

▼暴露的管线与天花板彰显工业特色,exposed pipes and ceilings highlight the industrial character © Brigida González

▼交错的楼层,staggered floors © Brigida González

▼机器人车间,robotic workshop © Brigida González


▼分析图,analysis diagram © allmannwappner

The use of color inside accentuates the flexible, neutral nature of the structure and connects the split levels spatially. A continuous color gradient shows the promise of color-printed textiles and references historic Gobelin tapestries. Whereas the woven façade with its intentional openings offers views of the surroundings from the inside, the cutouts give viewers outside an informal, postcard-shaped glimpse of the working world within the Texoversum.

▼醒目的色彩,striking color © Brigida González

▼以色彩标示出的垂直交通空间,vertical traffic space marked by color © Brigida González

▼色彩渐变,color gradient © Brigida González

▼总平面图,site plan © allmannwappner

▼首层平面图,ground floor plan © allmannwappner

▼首层平面图,ground floor plan © allmannwappner

▼二层平面图,first floor plan © allmannwappner

▼三层平面图,second floor plan © allmannwappner

▼四层平面图,third floor plan © allmannwappner

▼五层平面图,fourth floor plan © allmannwappner

▼六层平面图,fifth floor plan © allmannwappner

▼屋顶平面图,roof plan © allmannwappner

▼立面图,elevations © allmannwappner

▼立面细部,detailed drawings © allmannwappner

▼剖面图,section © allmannwappner

▼剖面细部图,detailed drawings © allmannwappner


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