发布时间:2021-06-02 11:10:29 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Yibin implements the strategy of “revitalizing the country through science and education”, and builds a scientific research center in the national Sanjiang new area. Yibin science and Technology Museum (with a building area of 28000 m2) is located at the foot of Longtou mountain and the Bank of Baishayan in the southwest corner of the city. It is not only the gateway of the new area, but also a window to the world.

▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view of the project © 马元

▼四翼上扬消除楼层感并形成跨层展线 ,Four wings lift to eliminate the sense of floor and form a cross-floor line © 马元


Four sides adduction: In order to increase the open space of the city, the buildings are built in four directions, which form the entrance square surrounded by the south, the bus drop off area in the west, the freight yard in the north and the sunken square in the East.

▼新区门户,New Portal for the community © 马元

▼曲面坡顶透气藏设备,slope top with ventilation and hiding equipments © 马元


Curved slope top: There are many roof equipment, combined with the height change of the machine room, the fifth facade uses perforated aluminum plate to form a gentle curved slope top.

▼航拍顶视图,aerial top view ©马元


Four wings up: In order to blend with the landscape and eliminate the sense of floor, the four wings are overhanging and rising, symbolizing the rapid development of science and technology, echoing the undulating mountains, and forming an indoor cross floor moving line: climb up the steps along the side court, go to the end terrace, and enter the second floor exhibition hall, where you can have a good view and rest.

▼形体生成,concept diagram ©同济大学建筑设计研究院

▼分析图,analyze diagrams ©同济大学建筑设计研究院


Overhanging and hanging down: In the south side of the court, the overhanging is more than 10 meters, which is suspended under the steel frame of the roof through the double steel columns with the outer middle distance of 720. The double steel columns are also used as the vertical keel of the vertical exposed and horizontal concealed glass curtain wall, so as to realize the suspended and transparent facade.

▼外挑下挂获得更多地面空间,Overhanging and hanging down form gain more ground space for public use © 马元

▼科技之窗,Window of Science and Technology © 马元


▼天际线分析,Skyline analysis ©同济大学建筑设计研究院

Down and up: In order to control the volume and cost of the building, some functions are semi buried underground. Therefore, the main entrance floor is 1.5 meters higher than the South Science and technology Avenue, which is just connected by a gentle slope of 5%.

▼压低抬高彰显气势,Down and up volume highlights the imposing gesture of the building © 马元

▼天际线呼应山势,the skyline echoes the contour of mountain © 马元


Outdoor evacuation: In order to ensure the overall continuity of the exhibition hall, a number of evacuation stairs are arranged close to the North external wall. The appearance follows the width and narrow rhythm of the south facade glass curtain, and the narrow glass is creatively cancelled to make it an outdoor evacuation staircase.

▼展厅外设室外疏散梯,Outdoor evacuation © 马元

▼室外疏散楼梯的半透空立面,the semi-permeable facade of the outdoor evacuation stairs © 马元


Blue green black and white: The upper part of the building facade is white aluminum plate, and the base is black stone. The black-and-white contrast not only conforms to the characteristics of the science and Technology Museum, but also blends with the surrounding blue-green environment.

▼立面细部,detail of the facade © 马元

▼规划总平面图,site plan ©同济大学建筑设计研究院

▼一层平面图,1F plan ©同济大学建筑设计研究院

▼二层平面图,2F plan ©同济大学建筑设计研究院

▼屋顶平面图,roof plan ©同济大学建筑设计研究院


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