发布时间:2019-02-19 15:54:44 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

哥本哈根3XN建筑设计事务所联合德国LATZ+PARTNER景观设计公司,在慕尼黑奥林匹克公园新多功能体育场的设计竞赛中获得优胜。项目基地上原来是奥林匹克自行车馆,新建的体育馆将可以容纳11500位观众,成为冰球冠军Munich Red Bulls和篮球冠军FC Bayern Munich的主场。体育馆边将新建三个室内冰球场,供当地学校、业余俱乐部和青年爱好者使用。椭圆形新体育馆立面的垂直结构和屋顶绿化,将使它成为奥林匹克公园众多标志性建筑中的一员。训练区部分被埋入地下,形成了绿色的山坡,创造出连贯的行走路线以及优美的景观地形。

▼效果图,体育馆外观,立面采用垂直结构,external view of the arena with verticle structure

Munich, February 14, 2019. Today, the Bavarian Capital City of Munich, FC Bayern Basketball, SAP and Red Bull jointly presented the winning design for the new multipurpose sports arena to be built on the site of the former Olympic cycling track stadium in Munich Olympic Park. The contract for building the arena was awarded to 3XN Architects of Copenhagen, Denmark, together with LATZ+PARTNER, a German landscape and urban planning firm. The sports arena, with match seating of up to 11,500, will be the future home of German ice hockey champions Munich Red Bulls and German basketball champions FC Bayern Munich. To improve the local sports infrastructure for schools, amateur clubs and young talents, three additional canopied ice rinks will be built next to the sports arena as training facilities and for recreational use. Therefore, a comprehensive agreement on guaranteed opening times for the ice rinks has been closed with the City of Munich. The building owner of the project is Red Bull Stadion München GmbH. The new sports arena is a separate oval structure that naturally and respectfully melds into the world-famous Olympic Park with its many iconic buildings. This impression is enhanced by the green roof and vertical facade structure. The facade is dominated by vertical lamellas, swinging upwards over the glass-paneled entrances which are thus beautifully accentuated. The training areas are partially underground and modelled to form a green hill, picking up the topography and enabling a coherent continuation of the pathways and landscape design of the Olympic Park.

▼鸟瞰效果图,绿色的屋顶和山坡与公园融为一体,bird view, the green roof and hills fitting into the park naturally

“这座新体育馆将是3XN建筑设计事务所的第四个体育馆项目。公园内的建筑充满灵感和历史性,而这个项目将成为他们的一部分,为此我们深感荣幸。在设计过程中,我们一直在思考公园原本的设计意图,最终决定创造一个灵动的多功能体育场,自然地融入到公园之中,为人们提供精彩而充满趣味的体验。”3XN建筑设计事务所设计主管Jan Ammundsen说道。

“We are delighted to design the new multipurpose sports arena at the Olympic Park in Munich, which will be the fourth arena project for 3XN Architects. It’s a great opportunity to become part of the inspiring, historic architecture of the park. During the design process, we continually thought about the park’s original design and asked ourselves how Günter Behnisch would have approached the task. It was important to us to create a flexible, multipurpose arena with a strong identity while respecting the history and vision of the original Olympic Park and fitting in quite naturally. We want to create the perfect backdrop for a fantastic fan experience”, says Jan Ammundsen, 3XN Architect’s Head of Design.

▼鸟瞰效果图,bird view

Red Bull的Christian Schluder评价道:“3XN的设计让建筑和谐地融入到奥林匹克公园之中,并且体现了自身的特色。它经济实用,有出色的能源效率和可持续性,为慕尼黑两支顶尖球队和他们的球迷提供了新家。同时,它也将成为城市的新地标,在未来为城市和俱乐部带来可观的收益。”

Christian Schluder, Red Bull GmbH: “The brilliant design by 3XN Architects integrates harmoniously with the unique ensemble of buildings in the Olympic Park, while at the same time adding its own original, understated architectural expression. This design unites economic viability, sustainability and energy efficiency. That is why 3XN Architects’ design was the best among many great entries. The new multipurpose sports arena will be a new, ultra-modern home for our two top teams, Munich Red Bulls Ice Hockey and FC Bayern Munich Basketball, and their fans. At the same time, the city and its Olympic Park are getting a new landmark. Munich and the two sports clubs will benefit for decades from this privately financed mega-project.”

▼效果图,优雅现代的外观,modern and elegant appearance of the arena

FC Bayern München主席Uli Hoeneß评价道:“设计尝试与传奇的奥林匹克公园形成对话。它将不止成为顶尖的现代体育场馆,满足俱乐部和观众的需求;其独特的外形,包括绿色的屋顶,还将成为慕尼黑城市一道新的风景。”

Uli Hoeneß, President, FC Bayern München eV: “I’m impressed by how the architects of the winning design managed to incorporate the visual character of the legendary Olympic Park. The new arena will be much more than a top-modern sports hall where fans, athletes and our basketball team will feel comfortable. I’m sure that this sports arena with its compelling design, including the green roof, will be an architectural eye-catcher and a great gain for the city of Munich.”

▼效果图,建筑将以独特的设计成为城市新地标,the arena will be a city landmark by its compelling design

慕尼黑市长Christine Strobl说道:“奥林匹克公园中已有的运动场馆已经是一个整体,新场馆的介入需要经过仔细的规划。3XN的设计满足了各方面的需求,并最终说服了评委。慕尼黑市则破例同意每个季度向市民开放8000小时的球场使用时间,为学校、俱乐部和大众提供了顶级冰上运动环境,强化了公园作为公众运动场所的地位。”

Christine Strobl, Mayor, City of Munich: “The sports venues at the heart of the Olympic Park form an extraordinary ensemble and hence demanded a sensitive planning approach to the new sports arena. The design presented by 3XN Architects of Copenhagen and their partnering German landscape planners convinced the jury of the architecture competition in every aspect. The new sports arena will integrate harmoniously with the existing park landscape, while its structured facade and roof greening will create elegant highlights. For the City of Munich, the special agreement to make the ice rinks available to its citizens for 8,000 hours each season presents a unique opportunity to create excellent skating conditions for schools, clubs and the general public. The sports arena will help strengthen the Olympic Park’s position as an outstanding venue for both professional and grassroots sports in Munich.”

▼效果图,建筑可供学校、俱乐部和公众使用,the arena could be used by schools, clubs and general public



The groundbreaking ceremony is planned for the coming winter, provided the construction permit and building preparations are obtained in time. Inauguration of the new sports arena is planned for late summer 2021. Utilizing the arena’s full organizational capacity, its two principal future occupants, FC Bayern Munich’s Basketball division and the Munich Red Bulls, can each play up to 40 matches per year. And there is additional capacity for up to 20 other matches and sports events as well as 20 sports-related events. The gross floor area of the new arena will be 673,000 square feet (62,500 square meters).

Gross floor area:62,500 sq. m. Audience capacity: up to 11,500 Programs: Three canopied ice rinks Underground parking garage at the sports arena with 220 spaces (an additional 4,000 parking spaces are available at ‘Parkharfe Olympiapark’) Approx. 1,000 business seats 11 VIP boxes with approx. 156 seats Fan shops Office and conference facilities


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